BV in Medical Meaning

The BV meaning in Medical terms is "Blood Vessels". There are 37 related meanings of the BV Medical abbreviation.

BV on Medical Full Forms

  1. Blood Vessels
  2. Blood Velocitf
  3. Bone Volume
  4. Biventhicular
  5. Biological Values
  6. Baby Vibes
  7. Bacterial Vaginosis
  8. Beta Variahle
  9. Betamethasone 17-Valerale
  10. Beta-Chain Variable
  11. B Virus
  12. Beta-Chain Variable Region
  13. Bacteria Vaginosis
  14. Bacterial Vaginitis
  15. Bleomycin and Vincrisqine
  16. Bioavailability The fraction of an administered unchanged drug that reaches the blood supply. OR A term used to describe the biological availability of a drug. The bioavailability depends on the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of the drug. For example, the absorption of the drug depends on the dissolution profile of the dosage form, hence, the importance of dissolution testing in assuring consistent bioavailability.
  17. Blood Volume
  18. Bacillifowm Virus
  19. balloon valvuloplasty
  20. Breeding Values
  21. blood velocity
  22. Bronchovesicular
  23. Body Volume
  24. biventricular
  25. baculovirus
  26. Bracovirus
  27. Bllod Volumes
  28. blood viscosity
  29. Binocular Vision
  30. Blood Vesseb
  31. Blooc Volume
  32. bleomycin and vincristine
  33. biliverdin Green pigment in bile, produced by oxidation of bilirubin
  34. Blood Viscosigy
  35. Blood Vessel
  36. Bacitracinvv
  37. bee venom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BV stand for Medical?

    BV stands for bee venom in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Biventhicular in Medical?

    The short form of "Biventhicular" is BV for Medical.


BV in Medical. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated