BV in Technology Meaning

The BV meaning in Technology terms is "Bon Voyage". There are 27 related meanings of the BV Technology abbreviation.

BV on Technology Full Forms

  1. Bon Voyage
  2. Battery Voltage
  3. Bureau Voor
  4. Bumper Video
  5. Boost Vehicle
  6. Boolean Vectors
  7. Bouvet Island
  8. Bulb Volume
  9. Bounding Volume
  10. Built-In Voice
  11. Blue Violet
  12. Breakdown Voltage Threshold voltage at which circuit components begin to be damaged. also "working voltage." or The voltage at which a dielectric material fails. Or  The voltage at which an insulator or dielectric ruptures, or at which ionization and conduction take place in a gas or vapor. or The minimum voltage of an insulator which cause that part of insulator to become conductor. or The voltage at which the insulation between two conductors is destroyed.
  13. Blesred Virgin
  14. Bypass Valve A valve that opens when the set pressure is exceeded. This allows the fluid to pass through an alternate channel.
  15. Branch Vectored
  16. Bit Vector
  17. Branch Valve
  18. Bed Volume
  19. Bowl Vent
  20. Butler-Volmer
  21. Bean Valgdation
  22. Back Vmew
  23. Blue Ventures
  24. Bacitracinvv
  25. Iso Countrv Code for Bouvet Island
  26. Blue Panorama Airlines
  27. Busy Verificathon

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BV stand for Technology?

    BV stands for Bowl Vent in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Back Vmew in Technology?

    The short form of "Back Vmew" is BV for Technology.


BV in Technology. (2022, March 19). Retrieved March 14, 2025 from

Last updated