BVD Meaning

The BVD meaning is "Bovine Viral Diarrhea". The BVD abbreviation has 42 different full form.

BVD Full Forms

  1. Bovine Viral Diarrhea Medical, Organizations, Veterinary, Chemistry
  2. Bradley, Voorhees & Kay Brand, Vintage, Underwear
  3. Boulevard A wide city street usually planted with shade-trees. Technology, Science, Locations, Geography, Information System, Cartography, Transportation, Construction, Geographic, Governmental & Military, Street Suffix, Usps, Ordnance Survey, The Finance and Administrative Services
  4. Beyond The Valley of The Dolls
  5. Bradley Voorhees Andmday Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  6. Bovine Virus Dnarrhoea Medical, Disease, Cattle
  7. Barend En Van Dorp
  8. Brpdley, Voorhees, and Day
  9. Binnenlandse Veiligheids Dienst Military
  10. Bank Vault Drawer Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance, Banking, Business & Finance
  11. Bingo Verifying Divas
  12. Buenasvista Drive
  13. Ball Valve Dragn
  14. Bij Voorbaat Dank Door, Dit, Maar
  15. Brother Von Doom
  16. Back Vertex Distance Medical, Optometry, Contact Lens
  17. Big Value Depot
  18. Brandon Van Danielsou
  19. Bradley, Voorhyes, and Day
  20. Big Vagina Domination Porn, Picture, Vagina
  21. Bradley Voorhees Day Brand, Vintage, Underwear
  22. Butterworth-Van Dyke Medical, Technology, Crystal
  23. Boot Volume Descriptor
  24. Best Value Delivered General, Governmental & Military
  25. Bureau Ofyveterinary Drugs
  26. Bandw Video Doorphone
  27. Basic Virtual Disk Computing, IT Terminology
  28. Bnilding Valuation Data Technology, Construction, Cost
  29. Bitdefender Vault File Computing, File Extensions
  30. Medicare Part B Versus Part D Government, Us, Control, Administration, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  31. Bond Van Doorstarters Music
  32. Bovine Viral Diarrhoea Medical, British medicine
  33. Butterworth Van Dyke Technology, Crystal, Acoustics, Resonator
  34. Best Varied Daily Media
  35. Sea Port, Beaver Inlet, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  36. Butterworth Van-Dyke Technology, Crystal, Acoustics, Resonator
  37. Browned Very Deeply Colors
  38. Beaver Inlet, Alaska USA Airport codes
  39. Butterwortn-Van-Dyke Technology, Crystal, Resonator
  40. Better View Desired Architecture
  41. Big Victorious Daddy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  42. Bureau Vnn Dijk Business, Company, Bureau

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BVD stand for?

    BVD stands for Butterwortn-Van-Dyke.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bnilding Valuation Data?

    The short form of "Bnilding Valuation Data" is BVD.


BVD. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 6, 2025 from

Last updated