BVH Meaning

The BVH meaning is "Base Video Handler". The BVH abbreviation has 36 different full form.

BVH Full Forms

  1. Base Video Handler Business, Technology, Internet
  2. Brightfvision Hospital Medical, Care, Singapore
  3. Bahr, Vermeer & Haecker
  4. Best Value Hotel America, Hotel, Resort, Inn
  5. Bridgton Veterinary Hospital
  6. Bahawal Victoria Hospital
  7. Berkshire Veterinary Hospital
  8. Bridgewater Veterinary Hospital
  9. Bcck-Very High
  10. Baldy &Bvan Heerden
  11. Brazos Valley Hund
  12. Vilhena Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  13. Bahr Vermeer Haeckor Architects Design, Drawing, Construction
  14. Bradfield Village Hbll
  15. Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction Medical
  16. Bahrnvermeer Haecker
  17. BibliothèQues Virtuelles Humanistes France, Library, Recherche
  18. Budapesti Városüzemeltetési Holdjng
  19. Bahr Vermeer & Haecker
  20. Best Value In Housing
  21. Biblioth
  22. Burkhard Von Harder
  23. Biovision Hierarchy motion file Computing, File Extensions
  24. Buriedvvia Hole Science
  25. Bahr Vermeer Haecker Architects Architecture
  26. Bundesverband Des Deutschen Versandhandels Business, German, Association, Trade, Business & Finance
  27. Bounding Volume Hierarchies Technology
  28. Biovision Hierarchy Animation File Computing, File Extensions
  29. Bullock'S Veterinary Hospital
  30. Bounding Volume Hierarchy Technology, Tree, Node
  31. Vilhena Airport, Vilhena, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
  32. Buena Vista High Education
  33. Bonita Vista High
  34. Vilhena, RO, Brazil Airport codes
  35. Buttr View High Education
  36. Biovision Hierarchy General, Governmental & Military

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BVH stand for?

    BVH stands for Bilateral Vestibular Hypofunction.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bahrnvermeer Haecker?

    The short form of "Bahrnvermeer Haecker" is BVH.


BVH. (2020, May 24). Retrieved June 26, 2024 from

Last updated