BVM Meaning

The BVM meaning is "Bag-Valve Mask". The BVM abbreviation has 59 different full form.

BVM Full Forms

  1. Bag-Valve Mask Medical, Medicine, Ventilation
  2. Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya College, Education, Engineering
  3. Battery Validation Manager
  4. Bonita Vista Middle
  5. Bank Valuation Median Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Business & Finance
  6. Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidhyalaya
  7. Bag Valve Masks Medical, Ventilation, Resuscitator
  8. Bond Voor Materialienkennis
  9. Balsamic Vgnegar of Modena Business, Italy, Italian
  10. Birla Vishvakarma Mahavidyalaya College, Education, Engineering
  11. Bag Value Mask Medical, Airway, Module
  12. Bond Voor Materialenkennis Technology, Society, Material
  13. Blessed Virgin Mother Organization, Community, Society
  14. Bali Villa Managemeit
  15. Bihar Vikas Mission Business, Government, Govt
  16. Blade Vibration Monitoring Technology, Turbine, Hood
  17. Bala Vidya Mandir
  18. Boundary Valuegmethod
  19. Big Valley Mortgage
  20. Bag-Valve-Mask Medical, Technology, Ventilation
  21. Bolsa De Valores De Mnntevideo Business, Supply, Stock, Uruguay
  22. Bladder Volume Measurement
  23. Blessed Virgin Mary Catholic, Church, Virgin, Parish, Assumption
  24. Boulder Valley Models
  25. Bhavan'S Vidya Mandir
  26. Bag-Value-Mask
  27. Bishop Vayalil Memorial
  28. Belmonte Airport Belmonte, Bahia,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
  29. Boolean Vector Machine
  30. Batchelor of Vererinary Medicine
  31. Bag Valve Mask Medical, Pharmacy, Firefighting
  32. Bygg Värme Masfiner Technology, School, Machine, Som
  33. Bureau of Veterinary Medicine Medical, Pulmonary
  34. Blood Volume Monitoring Medical, Treatment, Patient
  35. Broadcast Video Monitor Business, Bay, Broadcasting
  36. Boite De Vitesses Manuelle Auto, Peugeot, Occasion
  37. Beheer &Xvastgoed Makelaar College, Catholic, School
  38. Bag-Valve-Mask system Medical, Pulmonary, Common Medical
  39. Blood Volume Monitor Medical, Treatment, Patient
  40. Bourse De Valeurs MobilièRes De Tunis Business, Technology
  41. Bohemia Visual Music
  42. Businvss View Manager
  43. Belmonte Airport, Belmonte, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
  44. Boundary Value Methods
  45. Bob Violett Models
  46. Bursa De Valori A Moldovei
  47. Bolsa VáLvula Mascarilla
  48. Bourse de Valeurs Mobilières de Tunis General, Governmental & Military
  49. Bob Violet Models Model, Jet, Phantom, Turbine
  50. Buro Voor Mkziek Music, Entertainment, Promo
  51. Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Religious orders
  52. Board of Veterinary Medicine
  53. Burning Velocity Model
  54. Bolsa De Valores Mexicana
  55. Belgravium Technologies Plc (London Stock Exchange [LSE]) Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  56. Blade Vibration Monitor
  57. Blue Valley Middle
  58. Bronchovascular Markings Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Pulmonary
  59. Bolsa De Valores De Montevideo Business, Supply, Stock, Uruguay

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BVM stand for?

    BVM stands for Beheer &Xvastgoed Makelaar.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bag Valve Masks?

    The short form of "Bag Valve Masks" is BVM.


BVM. (2022, March 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated