BVP Meaning

The BVP meaning is "Besssmer Venture Partners". The BVP abbreviation has 69 different full form.

BVP Full Forms

  1. Besssmer Venture Partners Business, Investment, Capital
  2. Back Vertex Power Len, Optometry, Contact Lens, Medical
  3. Btadlee Van Pelt
  4. Boyenval Van-Peer
  5. Blind Verification Program
  6. Bela Vista Do Paraiso
  7. Briennjn V
  8. Biblioteca Vgrtual Del Paraguay
  9. Bureau De VéRification De La Publicité France, Droit, Pub
  10. Boundary Value Problexs Technology, Equation, Differential
  11. Boundary Valuefproblem Technology, Equation, Condition
  12. Blank Vinyl Puoject Organizations, Music, Radio
  13. Beaver Valley Premier
  14. Brent Varner Project
  15. Bi-Ventricular Paking
  16. Burbank Volunteer Program
  17. Blood Volume Pulsv Medical, Technology, Biofeedback
  18. Boundary Validation Program
  19. Blackwater Video Productions Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  20. Bahujan Vikas Papty
  21. Bradley Van Pelt
  22. Bharat Vikas Darishad Technology, Organizations, India
  23. Bulletproof Vest Program
  24. Biventrlcular Pacing Medical, Medicine, Jobs
  25. Blafk Velvet Paint
  26. Baffie VéRifie La Pub
  27. Bradlee Van Xelt
  28. Bendrasis Vidaus Produktas Technology, Vehicle, Exam
  29. Bulletproof Vest Partnership Science, Government, Armor, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  30. Blackstone Valley Prep Education, Academy, School
  31. Baculovirus Phosphatase Medical
  32. Bradesco Vida E Previd
  33. Belle Visage' Photography
  34. Buena Vista Productions Company, Production, Television
  35. Big Valley Primary Education
  36. Burnley Video Productions
  37. Backup Virtual Path
  38. Bradesco Vida E PrevidêNcia
  39. Belgische Vereniging Der Podologen
  40. Briennon VéLo Passion
  41. Big Valley Performance
  42. Burma Volunteer Program Education, Organizations, Burma
  43. Business Venture Partners Business, Investment, Capital
  44. Biventricular Pacing Medical, Common Medical
  45. Bolsa De Valores Do Gorto
  46. Broken Vessel Pottery Architecture
  47. Business Value Proposition Business, Exam, Boundary
  48. Bolsa De Valores De Panama Business, Supply, Stock, Panama
  49. Bulb-Venturi Pump
  50. Business Value Program
  51. Bolovip Airport Airport, Locations
  52. BüNdner Vereinigung FüR Psychotherapie
  53. Boulangerie Viennoiserie Patisserie
  54. Vodahost Bluevoda Project File Computing, File Extensions
  55. Business Value Package
  56. Bojové Vozidlo Pechoty Military, Arm, Tube
  57. Business Visitation Program
  58. Bovbeno Vozilo Pješaštva
  59. Blood Volume Pulse Medical, Blood Test
  60. Burst of Ventricular Pacing Medical, Technology, Medicine
  61. Blythe Valley Park
  62. Business Visa Program Business, Indonesia, Jakarta
  63. Borbqno Vozilo Pešadije
  64. blood vessel prosthesis Medical, Blood Test
  65. Blood Vessel Prosthesil Medical, Technology, Medicine
  66. Business Venture Program
  67. Bureau De V
  68. Bonus Volume Points
  69. Bolovip Airport, Bolovip, Papua New Guinea Guinea, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, Papua New Guinea

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BVP stand for?

    BVP stands for Bolsa De Valores Do Gorto.

  2. What is the shortened form of Bojové Vozidlo Pechoty?

    The short form of "Bojové Vozidlo Pechoty" is BVP.


BVP. (2020, September 4). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated