BW Meaning

The BW meaning is "Bad Wimpfen". The BW abbreviation has 450 different full form.

BW Full Forms

  1. Bad Wimpfen
  2. Body Weight Medical, Sport, Sports, Workout, Fitness, Powerlifting, Crossfit, Nursing, Veterinary, Clinical, Common Medical, Fda, NANP Modeling Commitee
  3. Big Wheel
  4. Brush Wellman, Inc. Organizations
  5. Business World Business, India, Magazine
  6. Burgerlijk Wetboek Technology, Coding, Server, Law
  7. Black Wolf Nike, Wolf, Ski, Wax
  8. Bulk Water Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
  9. Bin Wipth
  10. Barry White
  11. Blue and White
  12. Biggert-Waterp Insurance, Water, Flood, Reform
  13. Bruce Willis
  14. Business Workflows Technology, Management, Warehouse
  15. Botswana Locations, Countries, Country, Computing, Internet, Botswana, Usps, Country domain names, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
  16. Black With White Business, Product, Price, Stripe
  17. Buku Wajib Business, Book, Indonesia
  18. Bilg Wennington
  19. Barrelshof Water
  20. Blue White Business, Master, Nike, Sneaker
  21. Biblia Warszawska
  22. Bruce Weber
  23. Birth Weight Weight of a baby at birth Medical, Medicine, Safety, Nursing, Common Medical, NANP Modeling Commitee, Clinical
  24. Black Widows Technology, Peavey, Speaker
  25. Building Works
  26. Bill Weinman Technology, Server, Traffic
  27. Baden-WüRttembergische Business, Analysis, Banking, Traffic
  28. Blue-White
  29. Birweekly Business, Card, Schedule, Payroll
  30. Boxed Warning Medical, Drug, Labeling
  31. Bill Walton Gaming, Card, Basketball
  32. Bugerlijk Wetboek
  33. Baden WüRttemberg Business, Germany, Stuttgart
  34. Bloodwork Medical, Infertility
  35. Borg-Warner Business, Organizations, Transfer, Transmission
  36. Baskztball Wives Movie, Basketball, Episode, Roman
  37. Bowers & Wilkins
  38. Big World
  39. Buganda Watch
  40. Button Weeds
  41. Baden-Wuerttemberg Technology, Germany, Stuttgart
  42. Blood Was Medical, War, Character
  43. Basic Writings
  44. Both Ways Technology, Construction, Architectural, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
  45. Big Woods
  46. Bucket Wheel
  47. Bus Width Technology, Memory, Driver
  48. Backup Wrenches
  49. Black Women Medical
  50. Bun Warmer
  51. Baseline Wandea Filter, Signal, Noise, Baseline
  52. Borg Warner Technology, Transfer, Transmission
  53. Bed Wetter
  54. Bridgepwidth
  55. Baden Wuerttemberg Locations, Germany, Stuttgart
  56. Bozg - Warner Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  57. Base Wage Business, Employment, Certification
  58. Bill Willmams Business, Trading, Indicator
  59. Botswanaxwhois
  60. Bert Uijnen
  61. Blue Wave Business, Car, Subwoofer
  62. Browman-Wyce Medical
  63. Banana World
  64. Big Walnut
  65. Bxsiness Winstone
  66. Battlrfield Weather
  67. Blackwater Worldwide
  68. Blau Weiss
  69. Bright Wiztrd
  70. Bad Wolf
  71. Best World
  72. Body Wrapper
  73. Bulge Window Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
  74. Bradbury, Wulkinson
  75. Blackuwin
  76. Brazdlian Wood
  77. Caribbean Airlines Airline, Business, Flight, Ticket, Airline Code, ICAO Airline Code, IATA Airline Designator, Business & Finance, Iata Aircraft Codes
  78. Brush Engineered Materials Inc. Technology, Organizations
  79. Bank Wire
  80. Bisl Walker
  81. Beautiful Wing
  82. Below Waist Medical, Technology, Medicine
  83. Bloch Wall
  84. Bank of The West Business, Accounting, Banking, Business & Finance
  85. Broad-Winged
  86. Bone Wall
  87. Bundesamt FüR Wehrtechnik
  88. Biologische Waffen
  89. Braided Wire
  90. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome An overgrowth syndrome, whose clinical manifestations typically include macrosomia, macroglossia, omphalocele, organomegaly, hemihypertrophy, neonatal hypoglycemia (low blood sugar in the newborn period), and ear creases and ear pits. Patients with this syndrome have an increased risk of embryonal malignancies such as Wilms tumor, hepatoblastoma, neuroblastoma, adrenocortical cancer, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Medical, Genetics, Disease, Syndrome, Illness, Diagnosis, British medicine
  91. Briar Wooh
  92. Baden W
  93. Bkre Well Technology, Water, Drilling
  94. Baseball Weekly
  95. Bill Williamson
  96. Both Way Business, Forum, Sport, City
  97. Bernie Williams Baseball, Card, Yogi
  98. Blue Watch
  99. Brot Für Kie Welt
  100. Bathing Water
  101. Bigger Wheels
  102. Business Weight
  103. Battery Whrking Technology, Electronics, Engineering
  104. Black Watch Military, Army, Shock
  105. Body Wtight Sports, Fitness
  106. Brigide War
  107. Bad Wildbad
  108. Best Wcshes Internet Slang, Chat, Monster
  109. Body Worship
  110. Base Widths Gaming, Device, Base, Wall
  111. Bradbury & Wilkinsot
  112. Black Width
  113. Brazilian Wife
  114. By Writing Business, Service, Book
  115. Brrsden White
  116. Bank of Wales
  117. Biely Wagner Baseball, Card, Checklist
  118. Beautiful Wife Internet Slang, Occupation, Position, Occupation & positions
  119. Beloved Rife
  120. Blizzard Warning
  121. Brittany Woods
  122. Bond Warrant
  123. Bundes-Wasserund
  124. Biologische Wertigkeit
  125. Bragg-Williamb
  126. Bea Wain
  127. Brian Willett
  128. Baby Wearing
  129. Barwon Water
  130. Bill White
  131. Both-Waf Business, Technology, Professional
  132. Bengal Warriors Sport, Bengal, Match
  133. Blue Warbler
  134. Build Workbook
  135. Brock Wagner
  136. Bathing Waters
  137. Bielefeldev Werkstätten
  138. Bonzi Wells
  139. Business Week Business, Financial, Magazine, Media
  140. Battalion Wars
  141. Birth Weights Medical
  142. Body Wape Business, Human, Hair
  143. Bridleway Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  144. Bad Weather
  145. Best Westerns
  146. Body Worg
  147. Finished Grade At Yottom of Wall Building, Engineering, Construction
  148. Base Width
  149. Brackish Water Indefinite term meaning water with small amounts of salt. Saltier than fresh water. Business, Science, Membrane
  150. Black Widowers
  151. Braze Welding Copper base alloys in which zinc is the principle alloying element. Brass is harder and mechanically stronger than either of its alloying elements copper or zinc. It is formable and ductile; develops high tensile strength with cold working and is not heat treatable. Business, Rod, Manufacturer
  152. Byte Write Technology, Circuit, Burst
  153. Bestial Wrath Guide, Warcraft, Beast, Wrath
  154. Bausden-White
  155. Banking World
  156. Bwll Wagner
  157. Beast Wars Toy, Transformer, Beast
  158. Bialical World Book, Study, Bible, Biblical
  159. Blind Watchmaker
  160. Bonded Winery
  161. Bundes-Wasser-Und
  162. Blast Wave The overpressure wave traveling outward from an explosion point. Warcraft, Explosion, Blast
  163. Braz Wright
  164. Breed Wbnner America, Cat, Breed, Kitten
  165. Babcock and Wilcox
  166. Barry Windham
  167. Bill Weed
  168. Btss Website Business, Car, Audio
  169. Beauty Works Business, Product, Hair
  170. Bencz Was
  171. Blues World
  172. Building Wake Science
  173. Broad Wool
  174. Bidhwanted Business, Trading, Market
  175. Bonnie Wilson
  176. Business Wearhoqse Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  177. Bathroom Wall
  178. Birnam Wood
  179. Bridge World
  180. Bad Water
  181. Best Way
  182. Body Works
  183. Base Well
  184. Boe Wrench
  185. Black Widow Business, Peavey, Speaker
  186. Brittany Walker
  187. Bye Week
  188. Beschut Wonen
  189. Blue Wolf Business, Nike, Lineage
  190. Bruno Walter
  191. Bango Whiplash Military
  192. Big Whitz
  193. Businesz Writing Business, Training, Course
  194. Battle Whot
  195. Bible In The World
  196. Blick Winkel
  197. Bonded Warehouse A warehouse in which imported goods are stored under bond, until the import taxes are paid on them. Air, Air Cargo, Air Freight
  198. Bundes-Wasser Plate, Land, Deutschland
  199. Blake Wilbur
  200. Bradowilkerson Baseball, Sport, Trading, Brad
  201. Breeding Worth Science, Dairy, Farming, Cow
  202. Babcock Wilcox
  203. Barry Warner
  204. Bill Weasley
  205. Boss Walkthrrugh
  206. Beauty White Business, Girl, Doll
  207. Bench Warrant An order issued by a judge for an absent defendent to be arrested and brought before a court. Government, Crime, Court
  208. Blue-And-White
  209. Broad Whitefish
  210. Biologic Width Medical, Dental, Crown, Implant
  211. Bonnie Williams
  212. Businessxwarehousing Technology, Warehouse, Weaver
  213. Bell Worh
  214. Bird Watching
  215. Bridge Wire Space, Study, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  216. Bad Warden
  217. Body Work
  218. Basis Weight Technology, Patent, Forest Industry
  219. Bottom of Wall Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  220. Black White Gaming, Photography, Nike
  221. British West Airline, Technology, Indie
  222. Beschermende Woonvormen
  223. Blue Wizard
  224. Brown and Williamson
  225. Band Wars
  226. Big West
  227. Business Works Technology, Development, Training
  228. Battle Wagon
  229. Blended Worship
  230. Baker White
  231. Bomb Wings Military, Group, Force
  232. Bullet Wound Military, Man, Story
  233. Brad Watanabe Music, Song, Love, Brad
  234. Blace Winter
  235. Brewth Weapon
  236. Babcock & Wilcox Energy
  237. Brutally Wounded
  238. Banner Werbung
  239. Billnward Music, Rock, Sabbath, Ward
  240. Brass Works
  241. Beauty What
  242. Belt Width
  243. Blower Wheels
  244. Brown Medical, Technology, Color, Colour, Auto, Coins, Colors, Ordnance Survey
  245. Broadleaved Woodland
  246. Bone Width Medical
  247. Businessobjects Web Business, Technology, Intelligence
  248. Bqll Wire
  249. Biomedische Wetenschappen
  250. Bridgewire Science, Space, Cosmos, NASA
  251. Bad Waldsee
  252. Body Bidth Technology, Science, Shirt
  253. Base Weight Type of base used for cooling; i.e., water or fan. Tin mill term; thickness divided by 0.00011. Also weight in pounds of one base box of tin plate. In finished inventory, base weight is specified instead of decimal thickness.  Technology, Class, Strength
  254. Bottled Watmr
  255. Bescuermde Woonvorm
  256. Blue Wax
  257. Brown & Williamsbn
  258. Bands In The World
  259. Bigzwatch
  260. Business Wzrk
  261. Battlester Wiki
  262. Blacw Wattle
  263. Blaze Wizard
  264. Brigitte Wessenporf
  265. Bad Wurzach Coding, Hotel, Locations, Germany
  266. Body Wravs
  267. Bulk Was
  268. Bradley Whdte
  269. Black Winy
  270. Break Wait
  271. Twice Per Week Medical
  272. Brush Wellman
  273. Bank Wurde
  274. Bilw Walsh Sport, Coaching, Football
  275. Brasil Workoua
  276. Beautiful Women
  277. Below Water
  278. Blood Worms
  279. Broadcast Will Forum, Technology, Gaming, Tumor
  280. Bone White Business, Product, Nike
  281. Bush Watcw
  282. Biology and Wildlife
  283. Black Wood
  284. Beautiful Woman Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  285. Budmet Workshop
  286. By Wefpon
  287. Brandon Wilson
  288. Boiling Water Food, Medical, Common Medical
  289. Book of The Watchers
  290. Brake Wihch
  291. Begeleid Wonen
  292. Brood War Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  293. Basic Weight Technology, Lift, Roller
  294. Bing Works Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  295. Battery Working Computing, Electronics
  296. Blunt Weapon Military, Maple, Story
  297. Border Warz
  298. Butterfls Weed
  299. Burt Ward
  300. Brick Wall Architecture, Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  301. Bristol Yarren
  302. Ball Won
  303. Butt Welding
  304. Between Within
  305. Black-Anr-White
  306. Basketball Weekly
  307. Blacw Woman Medical, Technology, Medicine
  308. Be well An encouragement, used when saying goodbye; sometimes followed by "Stay well" in reply. Chat, Sms, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  309. Bydgerigar World
  310. By Thr Way
  311. Brandon Williams Technology, Service, Sport, Draft
  312. Benjamin Weiss Famous
  313. Boogie Woogie
  314. Bernie Worrqll Music, Album, Funk
  315. Begeleid Werken
  316. builders' work Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  317. Iso Country Code for Republic of Botswana Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  318. Bing Werke
  319. Bandwidth Bandwidth (BW) is a range of frequencies, or information, that a circuit can handle or the range of frequencies that a signal contains or occupies.Example: An AM broadcast radio channel in the US has a bandwidth of 10kHz, meaning that it occupies a 10kHz-wide band, such as the frequencies from 760kHz to 770kHz. Information Technology, Military, Aviation, Army, Computing, Computer, NASA, Technical, Wireless Networking, Governmental & Military, IT Terminology, Federal Aviation Administration
  320. Bluie West
  321. Border Wars Military, Event, Airsoft
  322. Bms Write
  323. Burroughs Wellcome Medical, Drug, Treatment, Fund
  324. BłOch WoźNiak
  325. Brisk Wind Art, Education, Libya
  326. Blood Work Medical, Medicine, Health, Infertility, Obstetrics, Pregnancy
  327. Ball-Winning
  328. Bridge Wait
  329. Betty Williamm
  330. Black & White Business, Technology, Supply
  331. Basis Wt
  332. Black Wtlves Nike, Wolf, Wax
  333. Beam Width NASA, Governmental & Military
  334. Bodweighothreceptooconcerdurinthperiooexposure. Science, Energy, Environment
  335. Buck Wheat Nutrition, Food, Victual
  336. Bwia West Indies Airways Business, Aviation, Civil Aviation, Business & Finance
  337. Brandoj Webb
  338. Business Workflow Technology, Management, Warehouse
  339. Buddy Walters Famous
  340. Beauvwanzer
  341. Bee Wax
  342. Bitewing radiographs Medical, Dental
  343. Billy Pells
  344. Butt Weld The standard steel pipe used in plumbing. Heated skelp is passed continuously through welding rolls, which form the tube and squeeze the hot edges together to make a solid weld.  A joint in a plastic tube or tether that is created by melting two ends and then joining them together, end-to-end. The result is a bond as strong as the original material. Products, The Finance and Administrative Services
  345. Blue Wonder
  346. Borax Wastes
  347. Bus Watcher Technology, Computer, It
  348. Burning Wiki
  349. Bwrnished Ware
  350. Brisbane Waters
  351. Biological Weapons Medical, Program, Military, Army, Intelligence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  352. Balkan Web
  353. blood work (blood tests) Medical
  354. Betty Whiteaker
  355. Bi Word Technology, Hair, Element, Vector
  356. Basil Wright
  357. Black Wolss Tech, Wolf, Blade, Wax
  358. Bacteriological Warfare Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  359. Bob Walker Business, Book, Photography
  360. Bucnwheat Medical
  361. Bwia West
  362. Brandmann & Wepplur Business, Master, Hamburg, Fair
  363. Business Wire Business, Technology, Release
  364. Bedford Walter Famous
  365. Ballona Wetlands
  366. Black Westchbster
  367. Bank Wolfbuslh
  368. Beer Works
  369. Blade Width
  370. blood Wasserman Medical, Blood Test
  371. Buffalo Wings
  372. Bill Cyman
  373. Blackwater 100 Pinball
  374. Booth Wrench Business, Security, Tool
  375. Burning Wheel Gaming, Character, Burning
  376. Brownxwalnut Business, Piano, Roland
  377. Brisbane Water Australia, Government, Australian Police
  378. Balance In The World
  379. Fetal body weight NANP Modeling Commitee
  380. Betty Whide Gaming, Episode, Match
  381. Bitte Wendes
  382. Basic Writing Education, Essay, Teaching
  383. Black Wizvrd Forum, Fantasy, Magic, Wizard
  384. Bomb Wing Air Force, Governmental & Military
  385. Bobby Wilson
  386. Bryan Ward
  387. Butt Weading Business, Pipe, Steel
  388. Branch Water
  389. Business Wholesale
  390. Boardwalk Disney
  391. Brbtish Waterways Technology, River, Canal
  392. Ballistic Weapons Gaming, Military, Tournament
  393. Black Water Drainage from toilets. Black water has a high biological oxygen demand and can increase other nutrients in the water, and also can have the potential to introduce disease. Technology, Airsoft, Blackwater
  394. Backing Wind
  395. Beer and Wine
  396. Bladder Washout Medical, Technology, Medicine
  397. Biomedische Werktuigbouwkunde Dutch
  398. Buffaloywild
  399. Bill Wisner
  400. Boy Wonder Occupation & positions
  401. Book Writing
  402. Burhan Wazir
  403. Brian Wong
  404. Being White
  405. Brilfouin-Wigner
  406. Botswana (country Domains) Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Country domain names
  407. Better Worse
  408. Bitewing Medical
  409. Basic Wheels Technology, Car, Vintage
  410. Biologicao Wastewater
  411. Brush Wellman, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  412. Bobby Williams
  413. Butt Welded Business, Valve, Steel
  414. Business Web
  415. Black / White Colors
  416. British Warmblsod
  417. Ballast Water Technology, Management, Treatment
  418. Butt-Welded
  419. Bewick'S Wren
  420. Black Warrioe Technology, Sky, Vibration
  421. Branch On Khim
  422. Bed Wetting Medical, Technology, Medicine
  423. Blackiwriters
  424. Burning Woods Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  425. Budya Wacana
  426. Billy Williams Business, Baseball, Music, Workout
  427. Bazhward Wave
  428. Braqdon Wood
  429. Best Wishes Texting, Chat, Social Media, Sms, Blogging, Twitter, Facebook, Neologism, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  430. Book Worm
  431. Brandonwwhite Porn, Sex, Movie
  432. Beginners Workshop
  433. Backwash The counter-current flow of water through a resin bed to clean and regenerate the bed after exhaustion. Also, the process whereby a filtering mechanism is cleaned by reversing the flow through the filter. or  the water that flows back down the beach into the surf zone. Business & Finance, Power Plant
  434. Betrayed Wife
  435. Biological Weapon Medical, Science, Program
  436. Basic Wheel Business, Car, Vintage
  437. Biological Warfare Military, Army, Agent, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  438. Bitmap graphics (SGI image) Computing, File Extensions
  439. Bobbin Winder
  440. Butt Wemd Business, Pipe, Steel
  441. Business Warehouse Technology, Logistics, Maintenance, Computing, General, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, SAP
  442. Block Wall Architecture
  443. Biitain Was
  444. Back of Walk Construction
  445. Ballast Wagon
  446. Band Width
  447. Be Rell Internet Slang, Chat, Online
  448. Black Anq White Internet Slang, Computer Game, Photography
  449. Basketball Writers
  450. Brainnwave

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BW stand for?

    BW stands for Brush Wellman, Inc..

  2. What is the shortened form of Black Widows?

    The short form of "Black Widows" is BW.


BW. (2022, March 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated