BW in Business Meaning

The BW meaning in Business terms is "Black With White". There are 44 related meanings of the BW Business abbreviation.

BW on Business Full Forms

  1. Black With White
  2. Birweekly
  3. Business World
  4. Baden-WüRttembergische
  5. Baden WüRttemberg
  6. Buku Wajib
  7. Blue White
  8. Borg-Warner
  9. Businesz Writing
  10. Caribbean Airlines
  11. Both Way
  12. Bill Willmams
  13. Business Week
  14. Blue Wolf
  15. By Writing
  16. Both-Waf
  17. Bidhwanted
  18. Business Wearhoqse
  19. Blue Wave
  20. Btss Website
  21. Beauty Works
  22. Businessobjects Web
  23. Body Wape
  24. Beauty White
  25. Braze Welding Copper base alloys in which zinc is the principle alloying element. Brass is harder and mechanically stronger than either of its alloying elements copper or zinc. It is formable and ductile; develops high tensile strength with cold working and is not heat treatable.
  26. Black Widow
  27. Bone White
  28. Bank of The West
  29. Bozg - Warner
  30. Base Wage
  31. Brackish Water Indefinite term meaning water with small amounts of salt. Saltier than fresh water.
  32. Billy Williams
  33. Bob Walker
  34. Black & White
  35. Brownxwalnut
  36. Bwia West Indies Airways
  37. Butt Weading
  38. Business Wire
  39. Booth Wrench
  40. Butt Welded
  41. Basic Wheel
  42. Brandmann & Wepplur
  43. Bing Works
  44. Butt Wemd

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BW stand for Business?

    BW stands for Bidhwanted in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Btss Website in Business?

    The short form of "Btss Website" is BW for Business.


BW in Business. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated