BW in Technology Meaning

The BW meaning in Technology terms is "Burgerlijk Wetboek". There are 41 related meanings of the BW Technology abbreviation.

BW on Technology Full Forms

  1. Burgerlijk Wetboek
  2. Bulk Water
  3. Both Ways
  4. Bus Width
  5. Bill Weinman
  6. Borg Warner
  7. Business Workflows
  8. Baden-Wuerttemberg
  9. Black Widows
  10. Basis Weight
  11. Business Works
  12. Brown
  13. British West
  14. Base Weight Type of base used for cooling; i.e., water or fan. Tin mill term; thickness divided by 0.00011. Also weight in pounds of one base box of tin plate. In finished inventory, base weight is specified instead of decimal thickness. 
  15. Businessxwarehousing
  16. Below Waist
  17. Businessobjects Web
  18. Both-Waf
  19. Byte Write
  20. Battery Whrking
  21. Body Bidth
  22. Brush Engineered Materials Inc.
  23. Bkre Well
  24. Broadcast Will
  25. Bladder Washout
  26. Business Workflow
  27. Brbtish Waterways
  28. Black Water Drainage from toilets. Black water has a high biological oxygen demand and can increase other nutrients in the water, and also can have the potential to introduce disease.
  29. Blacw Woman
  30. Business Wire
  31. Black Warrioe
  32. Business Warehouse
  33. Brandon Williams
  34. Ballast Water
  35. Black & White
  36. Bed Wetting
  37. Bi Word
  38. Iso Country Code for Republic of Botswana
  39. Basic Wheels
  40. Basic Weight
  41. Bus Watcher

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BW stand for Technology?

    BW stands for Bladder Washout in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Business Workflows in Technology?

    The short form of "Business Workflows" is BW for Technology.


BW in Technology. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 4, 2025 from

Last updated