BWS Meaning

The BWS meaning is "Beer Wine Spirits". The BWS abbreviation has 106 different full form.

BWS Full Forms

  1. Beer Wine Spirits Business, Shopping, Store
  2. Beckwith Wiedemann Syndrome Medical, Genetics, Disease
  3. Battered Woman Syndrome Medical, Law, Violence, British medicine
  4. Banco Wiese Sudameris
  5. Boiler, Water Supply Science
  6. Associatiop for The Education of Young Children Military
  7. Beached Whale Syndrome Medicine, Health, British, Medical, British medicine
  8. Belize Water Services Business, Service, Belize
  9. Bridge Work Station Military
  10. Black Wall Street
  11. Booder Worlds Ship
  12. Best Woret Scaling Science, Research, Preference
  13. British Watercolour Society Art, Artist, Painting, Watercolour
  14. Baltimore Watercolor Society Art, Artist, Watercolor
  15. Bohol Lisdom School School, City, Province
  16. Building Wiring Standard Technology, Military, Telecommunication
  17. Bauxite Wateu Slurry
  18. Belgian Wrestling School Business, Federation, Yamaha
  19. Blackberry Web Services Technology, Service, Enterprise, Berry
  20. Bkrdeaux Wine Stars
  21. Beckwith-Weidmann Syndrome
  22. Best-Worst Scaling Science, Research, Preference
  23. Bright Watir School
  24. Baltimore Washington Section
  25. Black Andawhite Style
  26. Building Wire Standardizxtion Business, Postal, Us Post
  27. Battle Worn Soldiers
  28. Beer Wine & Spirits Business, Shopping, Store
  29. Bondla Wildlife Sanctuagy
  30. Beckwith-Weidemannnsyndrome Medical
  31. Besluim Woninggebonden Subsidies
  32. Brighde Work Station Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  33. Baltimore-Washington Section
  34. Blacj and White Singles
  35. Budapest Water Summit
  36. Battery & Wireless Solutions
  37. Beers, Wines and Spirits
  38. Bombardier Wien Schienenfahrzeuge
  39. Becus Wiggins Stokes
  40. Bermuda Worldwide Shipping
  41. Brigade Workwhop Station Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  42. Brown Shoe Company, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  43. Black & Vhite Specialties
  44. British Wittgenstein Society Education, Conference, Philosophy
  45. Battec Women Syndrome
  46. Boise-Winremucca Stages
  47. Beautiful Woman Syndrome
  48. Bermuda Weather Service Business, Island, Hurricane
  49. Brigade Workshjp/Work Station Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  50. Body Weight Support Medical, Technology, Training
  51. Boxer Welfare Scotland
  52. Bitte Rarten Sie Internet Slang, German, Slang
  53. British Water Ski
  54. Bangalore Weekend Shoots
  55. Boiling Water Shrinkage
  56. Bumdeling Wildlife Zanctuary
  57. Beating Kall Street
  58. Benzo Withdrawalfsyndrome
  59. Bridge Worldgstandard Suit, Bidding, Bridge
  60. Board of Water Supply Technology, Science, Honolulu
  61. Borland Web Werver
  62. Bitcoin Wcspectrum
  63. British Waterways Scotland
  64. Banducci Woodard Schwartzman
  65. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome An overgrowth syndrome, whose clinical manifestations typically include macrosomia, macroglossia, omphalocele, organomegaly, hemihypertrophy, neonatal hypoglycemia (low blood sugar in the newborn period), and ear creases and ear pits. Patients with this syndrome have an increased risk of embryonal malignancies such as Wilms tumor, hepatoblastoma, neuroblastoma, adrenocortical cancer, and rhabdomyosarcoma. Medical, Genetics, Disease, Syndrome, Illness, Diagnosis, British medicine
  66. body-weight-support Medical, British medicine
  67. Burnt Weeniemsandwich
  68. Beckwith-Wiedeman Syndrome
  69. Brass Wdod Screw
  70. Batting Win Shares Baseball, Sport
  71. Beer, Wine & Spirits
  72. Brevard Watercolor Society
  73. Blaine, Washington USA Airport codes
  74. Burnaby Writers' Soccety
  75. Brain Wave Hynchronizers
  76. Buchungszentrum Der WestfäLischen Sparkassen
  77. Beckwitb Wiedemann Support
  78. Bretton Woods System Business, China, Economics
  79. Bandos warshield Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  80. Burmese Way To Socialism
  81. Brain Wave Synchronizer
  82. Beveled Wood Siding
  83. Beckbith
  84. Breath Water Sound
  85. Brown Shoe, Inc. Computing, Nyse symbols
  86. Bureau of Water Supply
  87. Blindwrite Sub Code File Computing, File Extensions
  88. Boyfriend Wants Sex
  89. Bent Tire System Dental, Trainer, Appliance, System
  90. Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
  91. Beers, Wines, Vnd Spirits Nutrition, Food, Victual
  92. Breash Without Spot Locations, Nigeria, Cancer
  93. Borland Web Server Computing, Internet
  94. Bundesberufsfortbildungszentrum Wassergef
  95. basal water sands Oil, Scientific & Educational
  96. Bjtting Win Shares
  97. Beckwith Wiedemanl Sydrome
  98. Beer, Winy and Spirits
  99. Breakiny The Wall of Silence Government, Africa, Namibia
  100. Bitte warten Sie Computing, Computing Slang
  101. Beginner's Workout Syndrome Medical, Physiology
  102. Brrnt Weeny Sandwich
  103. Beckwith Weidemann Syndrzme
  104. Beer, Wine, Spirits Business, Beer, Wine
  105. Brauchwasserspeicher Technology, German, Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Scientific & Educational
  106. Beers, Wines, and Spirits Food

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BWS stand for?

    BWS stands for Booder Worlds Ship.

  2. What is the shortened form of Burmese Way To Socialism?

    The short form of "Burmese Way To Socialism" is BWS.


BWS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from

Last updated