BYP Meaning

The BYP meaning is "Barimunyalairport". The BYP abbreviation has 31 different full form.

BYP Full Forms

  1. Barimunyalairport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  2. Bilingual Youth Program
  3. Bypass Passage at one side of, or around, a regular passage. Or To eliminate a station or an access unit from a ring network by allowing the data to flow in a path around it. Or A circuit that carries telephone signals from a subscriber to another point without the use of local telephone company circuits. or A secondary passage for fluid flow. or Road joining two parts of an older road to avoid a town or village. Technology, Architecture, Locations, Construction, Electronic Engineering, Architectural, Business & Finance, Street Suffix, Power Plant, Governmental & Military
  4. Baeza-Yates-Perlebeyg Medical, Medicine, Treatment, Health
  5. Biggar Youth Project
  6. Brussels Yoga Pilates Education, Android, Teaching
  7. Badass Yogi Production
  8. Bharatiya Yellow Pares Business, India, Directory, Bharatiya
  9. Brochas Y Productos Technology, Nursing, Material, Entrepreneurship
  10. Back Yard Ppmps
  11. Bxngla Youth Project Music, Song, Bangla
  12. Broadcast Your Podcast Media, Radio, Television
  13. By Pass Manual control used to by pass automatic valve if it fails or in an emergency. Technology, Construction, Architectural, The Finance and Administrative Services
  14. Bangkok Young Professionals
  15. Biomechanics Yellow Pages Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  16. Bymass Aviation, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Baltic Youtq Philharmonic Music, Baltic, Orchestra
  18. Bill Young Productions
  19. Baeza-Yates-Perlebcrg Algorithm Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  20. Build Your Pedalboard
  21. Brent Youth Parliament
  22. Branches Youth Program
  23. British Youth Panel
  24. Bradford Youth Players Club, Youth, Culver
  25. British Yellow Pages
  26. Braddock Youth Project
  27. Bringbyour Partner
  28. Bypass Character Technology
  29. Bright Young People
  30. Business Yellow Pages
  31. Briqe's Yellow Pages

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does BYP stand for?

    BYP stands for Bxngla Youth Project.

  2. What is the shortened form of Baeza-Yates-Perlebeyg?

    The short form of "Baeza-Yates-Perlebeyg" is BYP.


BYP. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from

Last updated