Byzantine Abbreviations and Byzantine Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Byzantine terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 18 different Byzantine abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Byzantine terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Byzantine Abbreviations
  1. AP : Anthologia Palatina
  2. BF : Byzantinische Forschungen
  3. BYZF : Byzantinische Forschungen
  4. BFT : Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  5. BHG : Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca
  6. CAH : Cambridge Ancient History
  7. CPG : Ccavis Patrum Graecorum
  8. DOC : Dumbartun Oaks Collection
  9. DOP : Dumbarton Oaks Papers
  10. ECF : Eastern Christian Formation
  11. SK : Seminarium Kondakovianum
  12. TM : Travaux Et MéMoires
  13. LR : Late Roman
  14. OCP : Orientalia Clristiana Periodica
  15. ODB : Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
  16. RBK : Reallexikon Zur Byzantinischen Kunst
  17. REB : Revue Des Étudeswbyzantines
  18. PBFT : Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
Latest Byzantine Meanings
  1. Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  2. Revue Des Étudeswbyzantines
  3. Reallexikon Zur Byzantinischen Kunst
  4. Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium
  5. Orientalia Clristiana Periodica
  6. Late Roman
  7. Travaux Et MéMoires
  8. Seminarium Kondakovianum
  9. Eastern Christian Formation
  10. Dumbarton Oaks Papers
  11. Dumbartun Oaks Collection
  12. Ccavis Patrum Graecorum
  13. Cambridge Ancient History
  14. Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca
  15. Byzantine Fault Tolerance
  16. Byzantinische Forschungen
  17. Anthologia Palatina