C in Media Meaning

The C meaning in Media terms is "Circa; approximately the year of ....". There are 2 related meanings of the C Media abbreviation.

C on Media Full Forms

  1. Circa; approximately the year of ....
  2. Cylinder A device that converts fluid power into linear force and motion.  On a magnetic disk or in an assembly of disks, the set of all tracks that can be accessed by all the magnetic heads of a comb in a given position, without repositioning the access mechanism. A unit of storage on a count-key-data (CKD) device with a fixed number of tracks. or In an assembly of magnetic disks, the set of all tracks that can be accessed by all the magnetic heads of a comb in a given position. The tracks of a disk storage device that can be accessed without repositioning the access mechanism.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does C stand for Media?

    C stands for Circa; approximately the year of .... in Media terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Circa; approximately the year of .... in Media?

    The short form of "Circa; approximately the year of ...." is C for Media.


C in Media. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/c-meaning-in-media/

Last updated