C in Science Meaning

The C meaning in Science terms is "Center". There are 11 related meanings of the C Science abbreviation.

C on Science Full Forms

  1. Center A pointed hand tool made of hardened steel and shaped somewhat like a pencil. Or An enduring functional organization, with a supporting staff, designed to perform a joint function within a joint force commander's headquarters. Or To align characters around a point located in the middle of a line, page, or other defined area; in effect, to place text an equal distance from each margin or border.
  2. Celsius A manufacturing philosophy that puts related processes together to make a finished component in a continuous flow, as opposed to a series of batch operations. Or Pertaining to a thermometric scale at which water boils at 100 degrees and freezes at 0 degrees in standard atmospheric pressure. or Degrees celsius is an international thermometric scale on which the interval between the triple point of water and the boiling point of water is divided into 99.99 degrees with 0.01 representing the triple point and 100the boiling point.
  3. Channel Narrow arm of sea between two land areas. Deepest part of a body of water, and through which main current flows. Longitudinal hollow or cavity. Flat projection from side of a ship to give spread to rigging (usually called 'chains'). Standard rolled steel section in form of three sides of a rectangle
  4. Century A bicycle ride of 100 miles (160.9 km).
  5. Covered
  6. Centigrade Celsius, historically known as centigrade, is a scale and unit of measurement for temperature. It is named after the Swedish astronomer Anders Celsius (1701–1744), who developed a similar temperature scale. The degree Celsius (°C) can refer to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale as well as a unit to indicate a temperature interval, a difference between two temperatures or an uncertainty.
  7. Ascorbic Acid Ascorbic acid is a naturally occurring organic compound with antioxidant properties. It is a white solid, but impure samples can appear yellowish. It dissolves well in water to give mildly acidic solutions. Ascorbic acid is one form ("vitamer") of vitamin C. It was originally called L-hexuronic acid.
  8. Cytidine A pyrimidine nucleoside found in DNA and RNA.
  9. Command An instruction that causes a program or computer to perform a function A command may be given by means of a special keystroke, or the command may be chosen from a menu.
  10. Cousin
  11. Circle Plane figure bounded by a line that, at all points, is equidistant from a point termed the 'Center' Can be considered as the section of a sphere by a plane Word is frequently applied to its circumference, as in 'position circle'

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does C stand for Science?

    C stands for Covered in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cytidine in Science?

    The short form of "Cytidine" is C for Science.


C in Science. Acronym24.com. (2021, December 14). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/c-meaning-in-science/

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