CA in Accounting Meaning

The CA meaning in Accounting terms is "Capital Account". There are 30 related meanings of the CA Accounting abbreviation.

CA on Accounting Full Forms

  1. Capital Account Capital account is the account where all the details regarding the transactions related to the paid-up capital are given.
  2. Current Accounts
  3. Call Account A bank account, which usually pays a higher rate of interest, from which investors can make instant withdrawals.
  4. Cost Accountancy
  5. Chartered Accountancy
  6. Cost Accountant
  7. Chartered Accoubtants
  8. Christopher Adams
  9. Cash Application
  10. Certified Accountant
  11. Chatteredraccountant
  12. Cagar Alam
  13. Central Account
  14. Charted Accounted
  15. Charted Acchuntancy
  16. Charted Accountnnts
  17. Chartek Accountant
  18. Closing Assist
  19. Cash Assistance
  20. Certified Amount
  21. Contract Accounting
  22. Certificate In Accountancy
  23. Cyclically Adjusted
  24. Cash Awards
  25. Cash Advance
  26. Current Assets Also called Liquid Assets. A company's cash or assets which can be converted into cash usually within one year, including shares, inventory, etc.
  27. Cash Accounts
  28. Chartered Accountant
  29. Cash Cash refers to the liquid money available with the business in the form of notes and coins for the purpose of payment.
  30. Contract Account

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CA stand for Accounting?

    CA stands for Current Accounts in Accounting terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chartered Accoubtants in Accounting?

    The short form of "Chartered Accoubtants" is CA for Accounting.


CA in Accounting. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from

Last updated