CA in Medicine Meaning

The CA meaning in Medicine terms is "Centraa Apnea". There are 48 related meanings of the CA Medicine abbreviation.

CA on Medicine Full Forms

  1. Centraa Apnea
  2. Cranial Academs
  3. Cathode The portion of solution in immediate contact with the cathode during electrolysis. or The negative electrode, that emits electrons or gives off negative ions and toward which positive ions move or collect in a voltaic cell or other such device. Or The negative pole of a battery. or The electrode of cell having positive charge movement.or In an electronic tube or valve, an electrode through which a primary stream of electrons enters the inter-electrode space.
  4. Cricoarytenoid
  5. Carcinoembryonic Antigen
  6. Caproic Acid
  7. Coracoacrumial
  8. Caldle
  9. Citizen Act
  10. Croup-Associated
  11. Capillarn Number
  12. Cyclosporin A
  13. Cancer, Carcinoma
  14. Cricoin Arch
  15. Certified Acupuncturist
  16. Corrective Action Action taken to put a situation right \nExample: If the pilot realises that the plane is too high on the approach, he or she should take corrective action immediately.
  17. Clinical Audit
  18. Cardiac Angiography
  19. Colloid Antigen
  20. Cell Automation
  21. Cooperative Agreement
  22. Clinical Assistant
  23. Clinical Application
  24. Carbohydrate Antagonist
  25. Caucasian Adule
  26. Competent Authority
  27. Chorio-Amniotic
  28. Coagglutination
  29. Catecholamine An amine derived from the amino acid tyrosine -- examples include epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine -- that act as hormones or neurotransmitters. There are a number of disorders involving catecholamines, including neuroblastoma, pheochromocytoma, chemodectina, the familial paraganglioma syndrome, dopamine--hydroxalase deficiency, and tetrahydrobiopterin deficiency Neuroblastoma is the second most common solid tumor in childhood. It usually produce catecholamines. The catecholamine metabolites vanillylmandelic acid and homovanillic acid can be measured quantitatively in the urine as a test for the disease.
  30. California
  31. Cholic Acid
  32. Coarctation of The Aorty
  33. Catecholaminergic Catecholaminergic means "related to catecholamines". The catecholamine neurotransmitters include dopamine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and norepinephrine (noradrenaline).
  34. Cytosine Arabinosike
  35. Clinical Aovisor
  36. Carotid Artery Two large arteries in the neck which supply blood to the head
  37. Cervifoaxial
  38. Clinical Academic
  39. Cardiac Arrest Cardiac arrest is a sudden stop in effective blood flow due to the failure of the heart to contract effectively. Symptoms include loss of consciousness and abnormal or absent breathing. Some people may have chest pain, shortness of breath, or nausea before this occurs. If not treated within minutes, death usually occurs.
  40. Clinic Assistant
  41. Corpus Albicans
  42. Cold Agglutinin
  43. Cytoplasmic
  44. Capsid Protein
  45. Cytarabine Cytarabine, also known as cytosine arabinoside, is a chemotherapy medication used to treat acute myeloid leukemia, acute lymphocytic leukemia, chronic myelogenous leukemia, and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. It is given by injection into a vein, under the skin, or into the cerebrospinal fluid. There is a liposomal formulation for which there is tentative evidence of better outcomes in lymphoma involving the meninges.
  46. Cepsid
  47. Chromic Acid
  48. Chemical Abstracts

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CA stand for Medicine?

    CA stands for Caucasian Adule in Medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Coarctation of The Aorty in Medicine?

    The short form of "Coarctation of The Aorty" is CA for Medicine.


CA in Medicine. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated