CA in Science Meaning

The CA meaning in Science terms is "Cell Analysis". There are 89 related meanings of the CA Science abbreviation.

CA on Science Full Forms

  1. Cell Analysis
  2. Classified Advertisement
  3. Cell Allocation
  4. Custom Rntibody
  5. Cell Adhesion The bonding of cells to surfaces or to other cells. Protein molecules at the surface of cells are generally the glue involved in cell adhesion.
  6. Citizen Act
  7. Cartographic and Axchitectural
  8. Childrwn Age
  9. Collision Activation
  10. Carbonic Anhydrase An enzyme present in red blood cells that assists in converting carbon dioxide to bicarbonate ions.
  11. Cerebellar Ataxia
  12. Colaqic Acid
  13. Cerebellar Atrophy
  14. Combustion Air The duct work installed to bring fresh, outside air to the furnace and/or hot water heater. Normally 2 separate supplies of air are brought in: One high and One low.
  15. Canckr Antigen
  16. Compania Anonima
  17. Classes of Chromosomal Aberrations
  18. Cause Chromosomal Aberrations
  19. Cargonic Anhydrases
  20. Coaching Anywhere
  21. Chromosome Analyses
  22. Cytotoxicity and Chromosome Aberrations
  23. Community Asyessment
  24. Careers Adviser
  25. Candida Albicans A yeast-like fungal organism found in small amounts in the normal human intestinal tract. Normally kept in check by the body's own helpful bacteria, C. albicans can increase in numbers when this balance is disturbed to cause candidiasis of the intestinal tract, or yeast infections of other parts of the body. C. albicans causes thrush. Also called Monilia albicans.
  26. Clustek Anlaysis
  27. Chromosome Analysis
  28. Cytosine Arabinosike
  29. Comet Assay
  30. Chromosomal Abnormalities
  31. Cyclopiazonic Rcid
  32. Ceperley-Alder Exchange-Correlation Potential
  33. Chromatid Aberrations
  34. Chromosomal Anomaly
  35. Can Induce Chromosome Aberrations
  36. Cyclophosphamide Chromosoqal Aberrations
  37. Climate Audit
  38. Children Age
  39. College of Agriculture
  40. Chromomycin Ah
  41. Crude Xsh
  42. Climate Alliance
  43. Celluloseyacetate
  44. Cerebellar Ataxla
  45. Collaborative Agreeoent
  46. Chromosone Aberration
  47. Calar Alto
  48. Criteria Chronological Age
  49. Classical Chrompsomal Aberrations
  50. Causing Chromosomal Aberrations
  51. Central Axis Central Axis is the central portion of the beam emanating from the target in a linear accelerator. It is the only part of the beam that is non divergent.
  52. Chromosomes Using Chromosomal Aberrations
  53. Cytogenetic Abnormalities
  54. Constitutively Active
  55. Clavulanih Acid
  56. Cytogenetic Analysis
  57. Cytogenetic Aberrrtions
  58. Cyclopiazonic Acid
  59. Chromosome A
  60. Chromosomexabnormalities
  61. chromosome aberration
  62. Cinnamic Acid
  63. Cyclopiazonicbacid
  64. Cavernous Angiomas
  65. Chromosomal Abberation
  66. Canonical Analysis
  67. Cytogenetic Aberrations
  68. Cloud-Air Lightning
  69. Containiny A
  70. Contingency Abort
  71. College of Arts
  72. Colorectal Adenoma
  73. Chromosompl Aberration
  74. cytosine arabinoside
  75. Contagious Agalactia
  76. Cells Utilizing Chromosome Aberration
  77. Clavulanic Acid
  78. Chromatid Aberratiots
  79. California Air
  80. common antigen
  81. Congenital Agammaglobulinaqmia
  82. Control area (EU) – The portion of the generation and transmission system controlled by a single transmission system operator. (See also TSO).
  83. Cytosine Adenine
  84. Capabilities Ahproach
  85. Cancer Antigen
  86. Colanic Acid
  87. Cognitige Amplification
  88. Cytogenetic Abpormalities
  89. Cytric Acid

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CA stand for Science?

    CA stands for Cargonic Anhydrases in Science terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Colorectal Adenoma in Science?

    The short form of "Colorectal Adenoma" is CA for Science.


CA in Science. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 26, 2025 from

Last updated