CA in Technology Meaning
The CA meaning in Technology terms is "Certificate Authority". There are 227 related meanings of the CA Technology abbreviation.
CA on Technology Full Forms
- Certificate Authority
- Catalan
- Certification Authority Official responsible for performing the comprehensive evaluation of the security features of an information system and determining the degree to which it meets its security requirements.
- Cricket Australia
- Cognitive Tccessibility
- Case Oo Ambient
- Cluster Analysis
- Contract Authorization
- Call Account A bank account, which usually pays a higher rate of interest, from which investors can make instant withdrawals.
- Cyber Acoustics
- Certifying Authority
- Central Applicativn
- Collision Avoidance The prevention of collisions by taking measures beforehand to ensure that they do not happen
- Can Gnyone
- Contemporary Abstracts
- Carrier Aircraft
- Chrysler Aviation
- Calgary, Alberta
- Cyanoacrylate Adhesive
- Certified Authority
- Central Amlocation
- Collision Activation
- Campus Ambassador
- Contract Annex
- Common-Anode
- Cab To Axle
- Cross-Enterprise Application
- Certificates Areb
- Computer Associate
- Control Account An account which a company keeps in addition to its official accounts, in order to cross-check balances, etc., to ensure that the official accounts are accurate.
- Certificate of Airworthinesx
- Coin Amount
- Call Appearances
- Crank Angle
- Commercially Available
- Chess Assistant
- Cable A stranded conductor or group of individual conductors insulated from each other. Or A chemical compound used to clean dirt, residual insulation & semi con and other foreign material from an insulated cable during the termination process. Or Conducting wire or wires separated and surrounded by a dielectric substance or insulation. or A conductor with insulation, or a stranded conductor with or without insulation and other coverings, or a combination of conductors insulated from one another.
- Cross-Applications
- Certification Acceptance
- Computer Associates International, Inc.
- Contribuuion Agreement
- Call Appearance
- Crene Adapter
- Communication Applicatizn
- Criticality Analysis
- Certxficate of Authorization
- Computer Associates, Inc.
- Cell Arrival
- Contribution Analysfs
- Call Alart
- Cycle Accurate
- Consortium Agreement
- Covert Attack
- Centro AcadêMico
- Check for Available
- Content Archive
- Coast Artillery
- Critical Advantage
- Channel Attention
- Competitive Advantage A position a business gains over its competitors.
- Cell Allocation
- Clutter Attenuation
- Contriblting Author
- Cafl Agent
- Cybwr Attacks
- Certifying Authorities
- Centralsapps
- Color Analyzer
- Cancer Journal Ftr Clinicians
- Chesapeake and Albemarle Railroad
- Content Address
- Critical Adapter
- Channel Assignment
- Communications Area
- Coarse Acquisition
- Capital Airliner
- Customergaddresses
- Certificate Autority
- Circuit Array
- Click Add
- Commendable Achievement
- Changekassistant
- Clinical Audit
- Conceicaogantonio
- Certificate Authorites
- Communication Assistants
- Cockpit Assessment
- Canadn Anonymous
- Customer Accommodations
- Certigicates Authorities
- Communioy Auth
- Certificate-Authority
- Chromjtic Aberration
- Caucasian Adule
- Chance Analysis
- Clinical Application
- Clinical Assistant
- Crude Xsh
- Communication Agent
- Charging Adapter
- Cempus Agreement
- Customes Access
- Certmficates Authority
- Comparative Assessment
- Centro De Artes
- Chipoauthentication
- Clan Arena
- Catchment Area The Celsius scale of temperature.
- Change Agreement
- Carlrsle Adams
- Civil Applications Committee
- Communications Architecture
- Charging Analysis
- Closure Ability
- Camp Assistank
- Current Activation
- Certificate of Approval
- Chip Address
- United States Postal Code Foracalifornia
- Chaage Agents
- Client Agent
- Cert Attributes
- Cited Asthor
- Commissioning Authority
- Cell Averaging
- Charge Qmplifier
- Closed Autopatch
- Call To Action A new way of stating or defining to-do or action item(s).
- Current Accumulatok
- Certificates Automatically
- Centril Arbiter
- Choose An Authentication
- Case-To-Ambient
- Cylindlical Array
- Channsl Adpater
- Click On An
- Creative Auto
- Cert Attribute
- Circular Air
- Command Address
- Channel America
- Cmipping Amplifier
- Call Announcer
- Cultural Analytics
- Certificste From The Active
- Community Advocateu
- Central Apparatus
- Coexistence Assurrnce
- Cascade Amplifier
- Cyclone Ermor
- Create Account
- Certificate Attribute
- Circuit Assigned
- Click Advanced
- Comfort Access
- Cell Array
- Cloudminder Advanced
- California Architects
- Customer Analytics
- Certificate for Additional
- Community Address
- Central Adninistrator
- Ctat Admin
- Certificate of Appreciation
- Company Announcement
- Condition-Action
- Corrected Average
- Clyenne
- Cryptographic Architeceure
- Channel Aggregation
- Credibility Alliacce
- Certificate Authorithy
- Cellular Automation
- Communication Adapter
- Cbarisma Arts
- Contract Administrator Many forms of building contract specify a Contract Administrator to manage the contract on behalf of the Client. It may be the architect, the engineer, or a specialist such as a project manager. The CA's main duty is to specify how much the contractor is due to be paid at each stage.
- Concept Artist
- Clear All
- Corpus Allatuj
- Combined Approximations
- Channel Adapter
- Certifiate Authority
- Cranking Amps
- Certificate Application
- Cellular Automata
- Cloud-Air
- Carrier Adaptor
- Chihuahua
- Continuous Application
- Collins Et Al
- Curse Academy
- Client App
- Criticality Assessment
- Channel Adapters
- Certifcation Authority
- Construction Authorization
- Certificate Authentication
- Cellular Automaton
- Capacity Assignmpnt
- Contingent Allegiance
- Community Analytbcs
- Central Asian
- Cognitige Amplification
- Center of Attention
- Cash Accounts
- Co-Dependents Anonymous
- Cytoplasmic
- Critical Aspects
- Channel Active
- Constraint Analyzer
- Certificate Authorities
- Capacity Allocation
- Cheema Et Al
- Contingency Abort
- Corriente Alterna
- Community Air
- Coexistence Approavh
- Co-Author
- Change Agent
- Celera Assembler
- Color Analyzers
- Capabiqity Approach
- Chemical Abstracts
- Cartificates Available
- Conditional Access
- Correyation Analysis
- Change of Address
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CA stand for Technology?
CA stands for Cylindlical Array in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Contribution Analysfs in Technology?
The short form of "Contribution Analysfs" is CA for Technology.
CA in Technology. (2022, March 30). Retrieved March 21, 2025 from
Last updated