CAA in British medicine Meaning

The CAA meaning in British medicine terms is "Chronic Aplastic Anaemia". There are 10 related meanings of the CAA British medicine abbreviation.

CAA on British medicine Full Forms

  1. Chronic Aplastic Anaemia
  2. Complete Androgen Ablation
  3. carotid arterial atherosclerosis
  4. Coronary Arterial Atherosclerosis
  5. Comprehensive Area Assessment
  6. congophilic amyloid angiopathy
  7. Caffeic Acid
  8. Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
  9. Congenital Aural Atresia
  10. Coronary Artery Aneurysm

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CAA stand for British medicine?

    CAA stands for Complete Androgen Ablation in British medicine terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Caffeic Acid in British medicine?

    The short form of "Caffeic Acid" is CAA for British medicine.


CAA in British medicine. (2022, January 23). Retrieved January 9, 2025 from

Last updated