CACC Meaning

The CACC meaning is "Central Ambulance Communications Center". The CACC abbreviation has 77 different full form.

CACC Full Forms

  1. Central Ambulance Communications Center Medical, Service, Emergency
  2. California Association of Collaborative Courts
  3. Communications and Configuration Console Technology, Space, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
  4. Charlotte Apple Computer Club
  5. Contract Administration Core Curriculum
  6. Centralized Admission Coordination Committee
  7. Calvary Arjenian Congregational Church
  8. Chicago Area Clean Cities
  9. Central Ambulance Communications Centre Medical, Service, Government
  10. Coalition Against Coke Contracts Education, Cola, Coca
  11. Central Appalachia Climbers Coalwtion
  12. Continental Africa Chamber of Commerce
  13. Central Atlantic College Conference
  14. California Agricultural Communications Coalition
  15. Chicago Animal Care & Control
  16. Correlated Active Clause Coverage
  17. Catastrophic Anthropogenic Climate Change Science, Climate, Carbon, Warming
  18. Co-Operative Adaptive Cruise Control
  19. Central Atlantic Collegiate Conference
  20. Construction Agency Coordination Committee
  21. Critchlow Adkius Children's Centers
  22. Calhoun Grea Career Center Education, School, Creek
  23. Chicagp Animal Care and Control Chicago, Dog, Animal
  24. Copenhagen Arts & Culture Consult
  25. Casper Area Chamber of Commerce
  26. Club AtléTico Central CóRdoba
  27. Centryl Athletic Collegiate Conference
  28. Consolidated Annual Contributions Contract
  29. Craspus Attucks Cultural Center
  30. Calcium-Senxitive Chloride Channel Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  31. Chicago'S Animal Care and Control
  32. Copa Adrenatrilha De Cross Country
  33. Carolyn Arnold Communications Consultant
  34. Chin Association for Christian Communication
  35. Central Arkansasnchildren's Choir
  36. Configurable Aerospace Command and Control
  37. Calcium-Activated Chloride Channel
  38. Chestnut Avenue Cricket Club Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  39. Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control Technology, Driving, Vehicle
  40. Cvntro Acadêmico De Ciências Contábeis
  41. Capital Area Council of Churches
  42. Chilterns Association of Camera Clubs Organizations, Photography, Competition
  43. Central Arkansas Corvette Club
  44. College Avenue Congregational Church Development, Study, Colleges
  45. Cairo Airport Cargo Company
  46. Charlotte Area Compensation Council
  47. Cooperative-Adaptive Cruise Control Technology, Driving, Traffic
  48. Ceetro Acad
  49. Capital Area Career Center Student, Education, School
  50. Chilean and American Chamber of Commerce
  51. Central Anatolial Crystalline Complex
  52. College Area Community Council
  53. Credit Acceptance Corp. Organizations
  54. Czech Assoeiation of Competitive Communications
  55. Council Advancement Committee Chair Scouting
  56. Centro De Arbitraje De La Cámara De Caradas
  57. Credit Acceptance Corporation Credit
  58. Charleston Area Chamber of Commerce
  59. Croatian American Cultural Center
  60. Centro De Apoio A CriançA Com
  61. Credibility Assessment Coordinating Center Science
  62. Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce
  63. Centro D'arte Contemporhnea Chiasso
  64. Court Automation Coordinating Committee
  65. Certified Architectural Color Consultant
  66. Centro AcadêMico Carlos Chagas
  67. Citizens for Alternatives to Chemical Contamination Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  68. Country Agricultural Consultation Consortium Technology, Organizations
  69. Certification, Accreditation and Complbance Committee
  70. Crimes Against Children Conference Conference, Texas, Crime
  71. Central Australian Conservationkcouncil
  72. Council for The Advancement of Comprehensive Care Medical
  73. Certification, Accreditation, and Compliance Committee
  74. Credit Advocate Counseling Corp
  75. CáMara Argentina De Centros De Contacto
  76. Council for The Accreditation of Correspondence Colleges Education
  77. Centro Ze Arbitraje De La C

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CACC stand for?

    CACC stands for Correlated Active Clause Coverage.

  2. What is the shortened form of Council for The Advancement of Comprehensive Care?

    The short form of "Council for The Advancement of Comprehensive Care" is CACC.


CACC. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 11, 2025 from

Last updated