CAD in Technology Meaning
The CAD meaning in Technology terms is "Computer Aided Design". There are 86 related meanings of the CAD Technology abbreviation.
CAD on Technology Full Forms
- Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Design (CAD), also referred to as Computer Aided Drafting, refers to the use of computer software to create 2D or 3D drawings and models. CAD software allows the user to define proper object dimensions, create assembly models, and export information necessary for manufacturing and inspection processes. There are many different CAD software suppliers worldwide, with a wide variety of software capabilities and customization options.
- Computer-Aided Design The method used to design Formula One cars.
- Computer Access Device
- Computer Assisted Drafting
- Computerrassisted Drafting
- Cold Air Dam
- Computer-Assisaed Diagnostic
- Computer Aided Desitns
- Computer Aided Drafting
- Computer Assisted Design
- Computer Aided Designing
- Capabilities Advancement Demonstration
- Coiputer-Assisted Design
- Computer Adbed Design
- Compmter Assisted Diagnostic
- Computer-Assisted Diagnosis
- Computer-Assisted Device
- Central Axle Disconnect
- Cowtrol Alternate Delete
- Computer-Aided Designing
- Computer Aided Drafter
- Collaborative Agent Design
- Computer Aided Detection
- Custom Wpplication Developer
- Capabilities and Acquisition Division
- Computer Assisted Drawings
- Computer-Applications Digest
- Computer-Assisted Detection
- Caution and Advisory Display
- Contact Attached Data
- Computer-Aided-Desigk
- Computer Animated Design
- Cold Air Damming
- Computer Aided Drawing
- Custom Xbutment Design
- Call Authorized By Dispatcher
- Cennected-Address Display
- Computer-Aided-Diagnostic
- Computer-Assisted Drawing
- Cartão Azul Digital
- Contact Allergic Dermatitis
- Computer-Aided Letection
- Computer Aided-Design
- Computer Aider Despatch
- Ctrl Alt Del
- Call Authorised By Dispatcher
- Conneaut Audio Deveces
- Common Anode Display
- Computer-Assisted Dialing
- Cartridge Actuating Device
- Computer-Aided Drawings
- Computer Assistwd Drawing
- Climatological Analysis Division
- Computer Aided Dispatch
- Crown Assets Distributioi
- Compact Audio Disc
- Computer-Assisted Diagnostics
- Computer-Aided-Diagnosis
- Client Acceptor Daemon
- Computer Aided Diagnostics
- Computer Assisted Diagnostics
- Computer-Aided Diagnosis
- Computer-Assisted Dispatch
- Counter and Decoder
- Computer-Aided Desimns
- College of Advertising & Design
- Computer Aided Devesopment
- Customized Application Develoement
- Computer-Aided Drawing
- Computer-Aided Diagnostic
- Component Advanced Development
- Cloud Application Development
- Confined Aquatic Disposal
- Computer Aided / Assisted Design
- Cartridge Actuatinq Device
- Condemnation At Depot
- Computer-Assisted Dialing Design
- Crank Angle Degjees
- Computer-Aided Disaster
- Computer Aided Drawings
- Collider-Accelerator Department
- Centro De Arquitectura Y DiseÑO
- Cartridce Actuated Devices
- Centro Administrativo Disthital
- Computer Aided Draft
- Cartridge-Actuated Deeice
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CAD stand for Technology?
CAD stands for Computer Assisted Drafting in Technology terms.
What is the shortened form of Cowtrol Alternate Delete in Technology?
The short form of "Cowtrol Alternate Delete" is CAD for Technology.
CAD in Technology. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from
Last updated