CADI Meaning

The CADI meaning is "Centre Annexe De Directions Des Interceptions". The CADI abbreviation has 30 different full form.

CADI Full Forms

  1. Centre Annexe De Directions Des Interceptions
  2. Center for Alternative Development Initiatives Organizations, Networking, Philippine
  3. Comitato Antirazzista Durban Italia
  4. Community Alternatives for Disabled Individuals Medical, Service, Care
  5. Career and Academic Development Institute
  6. Comissão De Avaliação E Desenvolvimento Institucional
  7. Cadillac Internet Slang, Organizations, Texting, Chat, Vehicle Makes
  8. Cardiff Acne Disability Index Medical, Patient, Quality
  9. Combined Analyses of Different Individuals
  10. Comiss
  11. Cardiac Auscultation Diagnosis Instruction
  12. College Association At Delhi Inc Development, Study, Colleges
  13. Community Alternative for Disabled Individuals Medical, Service, Care
  14. Carbidic Austempered Ductile Iron Technology, Steel, Cast, Products
  15. Centro Aragonés De DiseÑO Industrial
  16. Community Access for Disability Inclusion Business, Service, Care
  17. Canadian Advanced Digital Ionosonde Technology, Ionospheric, Ionosphere
  18. Centre for Alternative Development Initiatives Technology, Philippine, Initiative
  19. Comite D'Action Pour Le Developpement Integral
  20. Computer Assisted Data Input
  21. Computer-Aided Diagnostic Information
  22. Computer Access Device Input
  23. Coronary Artery Disease Index Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Artery And Arteries
  24. Computer-Assisted Diagnostics Interventions
  25. Coronary Artery Disease In Indians
  26. Comprehensive Appraisal for District Improvement
  27. Cornwall Aerospace and Defence Initiative
  28. Cornwall Aerospace Defence Initiative
  29. Consejo Para La Acreditaci
  30. Computer-Aided Dimensional Inspection

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CADI stand for?

    CADI stands for Cornwall Aerospace and Defence Initiative.

  2. What is the shortened form of Center for Alternative Development Initiatives?

    The short form of "Center for Alternative Development Initiatives" is CADI.


CADI. (2020, August 29). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from

Last updated