CAF Meaning
The CAF meaning is "Currency Adjustment Factor". The CAF abbreviation has 369 different full form.
CAF Full Forms
- Currency Adjustment Factor A freight surcharge or adjustment factor imposed by an international carrier to offset foreign currency fluctuations. In some cases an emergency currency adjustment factor (ECAF) may be applied when a charge or rate has been originally published in a currency that is experiencing sustained or rapid decline. The CAF is charged as a percentage of the freight. Transportation, Business, Government, Freight, Air Cargo, Container, Transport, Aviation, Shipping, Stock, Trade, Cargo, Chartering, Investing, Us Government, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, International business
- Common Application Form Medical, Education, University
- Carauari Airport Carauari, Amazonas,Brazil Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA, Aviation
- Construccionesy Auxiliarcde Ferrocarriles
- Canadian Armed Forces Technology, Military, Force
- Construcsiones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles
- Call Attach Facility Technology, Development, Guide
- Caisse D'Allocation Familiale
- Confederate Air Force Military, Aircraft, History
- Caisse D'Allocation Familiales Medical, Technology
- Condir Franklin Organizations
- Caffeine Caffeine is a chemical substance naturally found in tea and coffee and added to colas. It is a stimulant and diuretic. Caffeine is highly soluble in supercritical fluid carbon dioxide. Caffeine is soluble in water. Medical, Technology, Medicine, Food, British medicine, Physiology
- Cooley'S Anemia Foundation Medical, Technology, Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Centralized Authorization File Business, Tax, Taxation, Financial, Us Taxes, Business & Finance
- Cost and Freight Only applicable for sea and inland waterway transport. The seller pays for the carriage of the goods up to the named port of destination. Risk transfers to buyer when the goods have been loaded on board the ship in the country of Export. The Shipper is responsible for origin costs including export clearance and freight costs for carriage to named port. The shipper is not responsible for delivery to the final destination from the port (generally the buyer facilities), or for buying insurance. If the buyer does require the seller to obtain insurance, the Incoterm CIF should be considered. CFR should only be used for non containerized seafreight; for all other modes of transport it should be replaced with CPT. Air Cargo, Trade, Carriage, Business & Finance, Technology, Accounting, Insurance, Shipping, Freight, Chartering, Legal, Governmental & Military, Business Word, International business, Aviation, Logistics, Stock, Cargo, Investing
- Central Adjudication Facility Business, Security, Military
- Construcciones Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles Technology, Spain, Con, Traffic
- Common Assessment Framework Education, Accountancy, Therapy, Accounting, Business & Finance
- Central African Republic Locations, Fifa, Code, Countries, Country, Sport, Olympic, 3-letter Country Codes, Central African Republic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes, Atmospheric Research, Medical
- Certificate of Availability of Funds
- Computerized Application Form
- Camberley Auto Factors Business, Car, Factor
- Chinese Academy of Forestry Research, Organizations, China
- Consider All The Factors
- Cell Adhesion Factor Medical, Technology, Medicine, British medicine
- Cognos Application Firewajl Microsoft, Technology, Security
- Creats A Fighter Gaming, Military, Cheat
- Complex Ambiguity Function
- Crypto Assets Fund
- Confederations of African Rootball
- Comisión Asesora Ylfiscalizadora
- Controlled Access Folder Technology
- Chief of Air Force Australia, Military, Defence
- Connect American Fund
- Canadian Armed Forces, Now Canadian Forces Army, Force, Marine
- Cirumgia De Alta Freqüência
- Central Asian Flyway
- Centro AcadêMico De Fonoaudiologia
- Computer Aided Fishing
- Curriculum Action Form
- Cabin Air Filters
- Chilean Air Force Technology, Military, Aircraft
- Cardiac Autmnomic Function Medical
- Committee On Academic Yreedom Education, University, Study
- CoÛT, Assurance Et Fret
- Communication Assistance Foundation
- Croatian Armed Forces Military, Force, Croatia
- Child Aid Foundation Business, Canada, Children
- Confederación Africana De FÚTbol Con, Blatter
- Clean Air Furnace Technology, Water, Manual
- Contemporary Arts Festival Technology, Egypt, Cairo
- Central De Atendimento FazendáRia
- Centro Avanzydo De Fertilidad
- Computer Assisted Feedback
- Camano Area Foundation
- Chinese Australian Forum
- Consider All Factors Education, Presentation, Thinking
- Cavitation Air Flotation Technology, Treatment, Wastewater
- Codeu Allele Frequency
- Create A Famiuy Technology, Gaming, Design
- Competency Assessment File
- Crypto Asset Fund
- Confederation of Africa Football Sport, Organizations, Africa
- Comicorum Atticorum Fragmenta
- Controlled Access File Military
- Chief Architects Forum
- Connect America Fund Business, America, Broadband
- Canadian Armed Force Gaming, Military, Canada
- Circle Around Families
- Central Application Facility
- Centro AcadêMico De Filosofia
- Compressed Ascestos Fiber Business, Product, Gasket
- Current Amplification Factor
- C-Terminal Agrin Fragment
- Carcinoma-Associated Fibroblasts Medical
- Cbmmittee Acceptance Form
- Cove Adoptive Camilies
- Commorative Air Force
- Croatian Air Force Airline, Military, Airport, Organizations, Croatia, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Currency Adjusting Factor Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Child Acceptance Factor
- Confdration Africaide De Football Sport, Football, Game, Nfl
- Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Medical, Cell, Tumor
- Clean Air Funds
- Central De Abastecimento Farmac
- Centro Andaluz De FotografíA
- Computer Animation Festival Technology, Asia, Trailer
- Cael Attachment Facility Technology, Database, Connection
- Chinese-Australian Forum
- Contemporary Arts Foundation Technology, Artist, Culture
- Carmax Auto Finafce Business, Company, Car
- Code Aurora Forum Technology, Android, Kernel
- Create-A-Family
- Community Advancement Forum
- Cryomodule Assembly Facility
- Confederation African Football Sport, Africa, Football
- Clerical, Administrative and Fiscal
- Cohic Art Fans
- Controllable Atm Fabric Technology, Information, Network
- Confederation of Africaj Football Sport, Organizations, Africa
- Change Active Format
- CongrèS ArchéOlogique De France
- Cxnadian Art Foundation
- Cimarron Alliance Fwundation
- Central Applications Facility
- Centro AcadêMico Da Filosofia
- Compressed Asbestos Fibre Business, Product, Gasket
- Current Affairs Focus
- Air Assault Force Military, Aviation, Department Of Defense
- Car Audio Forum
- Commissione Di Appello Fedvrale
- Court of Appeals for The Federal
- Centro Acad
- Create-A-Fightea
- Child, Adolescent & Family
- Consejo De Administración Fiduciaria
- Cancer-Awsociated Fibroblast Medical, Cell, Tumor
- Clean Air Foundation Business, Canada, Environment
- Central De Abastecimento FarmacêUtico
- Commonwealth Aircraft Factory
- Centro Andaluz De La FotografíA
- Computers and Academiq Freedom Technology, Networking, Computing
- California Autism Foundation
- China Air Force Military, Aviation, Aircraft
- Conteiporary Arts Forum Art, Museum, Artist
- Caribbean Association Football
- Coastal Assessment Framework
- Common Asstsment Framework
- Crackecs Against Fakes Technology
- Community Adjustment Fund Business, Canada, Economics
- Crunched Article File Accounting, Computing, Data
- Confederation Africaine De Footbal
- Clerical, Administrative, and Fiscal Service Science, Us, Geology
- Combustion Aib Flow Science
- Control AutomáTico De Frecuencias
- Challenged Athlete Foundation
- Canadian Arab Foundgtion
- Ciencias Actuariales M Financieras
- Census of Agriculture and Fisheries
- Colfege of Accountancy and Finance
- Complexity Adjustment Factor
- Currency Adjustment Fee
- Currency Adjustement Factor
- Capitol Atjletic Foundation
- Commercial Asset Finance
- Cortical Activation Function Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Confederacy Confederate States of America, also called Confederacy, in the American Civil War, the government of 11 Southern states that seceded from the Union in 1860–61, carrying on all the affairs of a separate government and conducting a major war until defeated in the spring of 1865.
- Coronary Artery Fistula Medical, British medicine
- Child, Adolescent and Family
- Conseil Des Affaires Francophones
- Canasta Alimentaria Familiar
- Clean Air Facility Technology, Science, Exploration, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Centralized Authorization Files
- Commonwealth Assistawce Form Student, Education, Organizations
- Centro Andaluu De Flamenco
- Computers & Arademic Freedom
- Czechoslovakian Air Force Military, Aviation, Osprey
- Caffine
- China Aftermarket Forum Technology, China, Mogul
- Container Availability Forecwst Education, Shipping, School Of Shipping
- Caribbean Advertising Federation Business, Magazine, Award
- Coastal Dssessment Form America, Environment
- Common Access Framework
- CoÛT Assurance FrêT
- Community Action Fund
- Crude Aqueous Filtrate Chemistry, Science, Biochemistry, Substance, Scientific & Educational
- Confederation Africaine De Football Sport, Organizations, Football
- Cleared As Filed
- Combined Asvault Force Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Cbntent Aware Fill Technology, Tool, Photoshop, Feature
- Challenged Athletes Foundation Business, Sport, Athlete
- Canadian Arab Federagion Government, Group, Canada
- Chinese American Forum
- Celtic Arts Foundation
- Collaborative Application Framework
- Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency Science, Language, Complexity
- Currency Adjustment Factor for Sea Freight Rates Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance
- Contextual App Folder
- Ctpitol American Financial
- Commercial Activeties Program Military
- Corel Application Framework Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Child, Adolescent, Andifamily
- Conotruncal Anomaly Face Medical, Science, Medicine, Biomedical, Health, Healthcare, Disease, Bioscience, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
- Canadian Avalanche Fzundation
- Classic Arabian Foal Model, Horse, Arabian
- Central Authorization File
- Common Audit Framework
- Centro Azerica Fund
- Computer and Academic Freedom Technology, Networking, Computing
- Czech Armed Forces
- Cactus Air Force Military, Japan, Japanese
- China A-Share Fund Business, China, Supply
- Contact A Family Medical, Children, Parenthood
- Care of Afghan Familiek
- Common Academic Framework
- Cost Adjustment Factor
- Community Action Forum
- Cross Ambiguity Function Technology, Design, Signal
- Children'S Advocacy Foundation
- Confederação Africana De Futebol
- Clearance Application Form
- College of Aquaculture and Fisheries
- Content Accelejator Framework
- Chadian Armed Forces
- Cambridge Application Form
- Chinese Air Force Technology, Military, Aircraft, China
- Console Alarms and Fans
- Cell Antiviral Factor Medical
- Cold Useptic Filling Industrial, Food, Cleaning, Filling
- Complexity, Accuracy, and Fluency Science, Complexity, Accuracy
- Cuisses, Abdos, Fessiers
- Commercial Activities Fund
- Core Audio Format Technology, Mac, Converter
- Chief of The Air Force Technology, Military, Canada
- Connecticut Architecture Foundation
- Canadian Astromaterials Facility Technology
- Cirurgra De Alta Freq
- Central Asian-Indian Flyway
- Centro AcadêMico Da FíSica
- Computer Aided Fap
- Czech Air Force Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, Call Sign, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Cabin Air Filter Business, Forum, Replacement
- Chilean American Foundation
- Career Ambassador Foundation Business, Press, Statistics
- Committee On Administration and Finance
- CoÛTs Assurances Frets
- Communications Alerting Facility Technology
- Cross-Ambiguity Function Technology, Signal, Frequency
- Child Alero Foundation
- Confedera
- Clear All Flags
- College of Agriculture and Forestry Science, Education, University
- Contemporary Art Festival
- Central De Atendimento Fazend
- Chromatid Aberration Frequency Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, British medicine
- Chronic Atrial Fibrillation Medical, British medicine
- Common Admission Form
- Clubjalpin Français
- Children, Adults and Families Business, Service, Oregon, Family
- Common Area Factor Property, Real Estate, Business & Finance, commercial real estate
- Capitab Asset Fund
- Cloud Adoption Framework Technology, Service, Migration
- Centre for Analytical Finance Business, Education, School
- Credit Application Fopmat Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Content Application Form Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Construcciones Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles
- Cal3d Binary Animation File Computing, File Extensions
- Common Assembly Format Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Assembly, Business & Finance
- Conflict Assessment Framexork Government, Military, Financial Audit
- Compressed Air Foam Products
- Conflict Assessment Framework Governmental & Military, International Development
- Co-Array Fortran Technology, Language, Programming
- Customer Application Forms Business, Management, Service
- Cuban Artists Fund
- Cancer Associated Fibroblasts Medical, Cell, Tumor
- Muniholdings California Insured Fund Iv, Inc. Organizations
- Central Abdominal Fat Medical, British medicine
- Commoo Action Forum
- Chief Aircraft Litter
- Children, Adolescents, and Their Families Medical, Service, Family, Child
- Centrepoint Alliance Ltd (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
- Capital Accesscfinancial
- Cleveland Artists Foundation
- Centre D'Autoformation Et De Formation
- Credential Assessmeut Framework
- Content-Addressable File
- Construcci
- Core Audio File Computing, File Extensions
- Commol Area Factor Business, Property, Building
- Children of Alcoholics Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Confnict Analysis Framework Technology, Development, Banking
- Customer Activation Form Products
- Combat Air Forces (US) Army, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Cmm Appraisal Framework Military
- Cross-Application Function
- Consultoria Agro Florestal
- CáRtel De Los Arellano FéLix
- carotid arterial flow Medical, British medicine
- Common Assessment Framework. Education, Learning, Teaching
- Centro Di Assistenza Fiscale
- Children's Arts Festivao
- Convert ASCII to Farsii Assembly, Business & Finance
- Capacité D'Auto Financement
- Centre D'Auto-Formation
- Computer-Automated Fixturing
- Constant Applicative Form Technology, Program, Computing, Profiling
- Class Action Gradebook File Computing, File Extensions
- Common Application Format
- Crecy Adjustmeqt Factor
- Children Are Thepfuture
- Confiscated Assets Fund
- Cathotic Anionic Filaments Industry
- Created Auto-Fill Software, Computing
- Club Alpin Fran
- Croatianvaeronautical Federation
- Critical Absorption Frequency
- Consultative Advisory Forum
- CáMara Argentina De Feedlot Para, Argentina, Con, Feedlot
- calcium-activated factor Medical, British medicine
- Centro Assistenza Fiscale
- Children'S Angel Flight Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Component Ascii File Assembly, Business & Finance
- Capacit
- Centre D'Aide En FrançAis
- Concentrated Animal Feeding
- Cobalt Aluminum Ferrite
- Consolidated Adjudication Facility Business, Security, Service
- Compressed Asbestos Fiber Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
- Coemon Application Framework Technology, Windows, Telecom
- Creative Attributes Framework
- Centro AcadêMico De FarmáCia
- Children Adults and Families
- Confined Animal Facilsties
- CDF Analysis Farms Farming & agriculture
- Composite Application Framework Computing, SAP
- Club Alpin Francais Club, Escalade, Ski
- Critical Asset Factor Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
- Council On Alternate Fuels
- Construction Advancement Foundation Business, Industry, Indiana
- Central African Federation United Nations
- Caisse D'Allocations Familiales
- Chfldren's Aids Fund Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Credit Application Format Accounting, Business & Finance
- Candy Apple Fuzz
- Centre Anderlechtois De Formation
- Comunidad Sndina De Fomento
- Client Attachment Feature
- Consolidated Adjudications Facility Security, Military, Clearance
- citric acid fermentation Amino Acid, Scientific & Educational
- Common Analhsis Format
- Creatire Arts Festival
- Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork Education, University, Ireland, Archaeology
- Children, Adults & Families
- Conmined Animal Facility
- Cd Antiviral Factor Business & Finance, International business
- Muniholdings California Insured Fund V Computing, Nyse symbols
- Club Alpine Francais
- Crisis Augmentation Facility Military, Army, Ministry Of Defence, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Corporationraci6N Andina De Fomento
- Construcción Y Auxiliar De Ferrocarriles Para, Con, Metro
- Conductive Anodic Filaments Computing, Electronics
- Carauari Airport, Carauari, Brazil Brazil, Iata Airport Codes
- Coastal America Foundation
- Cyclophosphamide, Doxorubicin and Fluorouracil Medical
- Cancún Adaptation Frameworu Technology, Climate, National
- Centralna Agencja Fotograficzna
- Computerized Anatomical Female
- Carson Avenue Families Family, Gang, Editor
- Chronic allograft failure Medical, British medicine
- Common Amplifier Format Technology, Audio, Crown
- Created A Fighter Gaming, Coding, Fighter, Cheat
- Compact Aseptic Fillmr
- Children, Adults, and Families Service, Oregon, Children
- Confederația Africană De Fotbal Africa, Din, African
- Citizens' Accord Forum Forum, Business & Finance
- Capital Athletic Foundation
- Cloud Application Foundation Technology, Development, Server
- Centre for Analysis and Forecasting
- Credit Approval Form
- Continuous Annealing Furnace Furnace in which castings are annealed or heat treated by passing through different zones at constant temperatures.
- Construcciones Y Auxiliares De Ferrocarriles Para, Con, Metro
- Cryengine Character Animation File Computing, File Extensions
- Common Assessment Form Education, Children, Framework
- Confédération Africain De Footbanl
- Conductive Anodic Filamentation Computing, Electronics
- Cute As Fuck Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Co-Op America Foundation Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Cyclophosphamide, Adriamycin and 5-Fluorouracil Medical
- Cancer Asscciated Fibroblast Cancer, Cell, Tumor
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CAF stand for?
CAF stands for Centro AcadêMico Da Filosofia.
What is the shortened form of Confédération Africain De Footbanl?
The short form of "Confédération Africain De Footbanl" is CAF.
CAF. (2021, March 5). Retrieved February 22, 2025 from
Last updated