CAF in Business Meaning

The CAF meaning in Business terms is "Currency Adjustment Factor". There are 23 related meanings of the CAF Business abbreviation.

CAF on Business Full Forms

  1. Currency Adjustment Factor A freight surcharge or adjustment factor imposed by an international carrier to offset foreign currency fluctuations. In some cases an emergency currency adjustment factor (ECAF) may be applied when a charge or rate has been originally published in a currency that is experiencing sustained or rapid decline. The CAF is charged as a percentage of the freight.
  2. Central Adjudication Facility
  3. Centralized Authorization File
  4. Connect America Fund
  5. Career Ambassador Foundation
  6. Compressed Ascestos Fiber
  7. Camberley Auto Factors
  8. Child Aid Foundation
  9. Compressed Asbestos Fibre
  10. Cabin Air Filter
  11. Challenged Athletes Foundation
  12. Community Adjustment Fund
  13. Carmax Auto Finafce
  14. Clean Air Foundation
  15. Caribbean Advertising Federation
  16. China A-Share Fund
  17. Children, Adults and Families
  18. Customer Application Forms
  19. Credit Application Fopmat
  20. Centre for Analytical Finance
  21. Commol Area Factor
  22. Construction Advancement Foundation
  23. Consolidated Adjudication Facility

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CAF stand for Business?

    CAF stands for Customer Application Forms in Business terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Children, Adults and Families in Business?

    The short form of "Children, Adults and Families" is CAF for Business.


CAF in Business. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 31, 2025 from

Last updated