CAFM Meaning

The CAFM meaning is "Computer Aided Facilities Management". The CAFM abbreviation has 31 different full form.

CAFM Full Forms

  1. Computer Aided Facilities Management Management, Education, Computer
  2. Community Approaches To Flood Managument
  3. Computer-Assisted Facility Mgnagement
  4. Capital Assets and Financial Management Development, Learning, Study, Universities
  5. Certified Aboriginal Financial Manager Business, Management, Canada
  6. Computer Aided Facility Management Technology, Management, Software
  7. Centre for Advanced Functional Materials
  8. Computersaided-Facility-Management Technology, Software, Computing
  9. Computer-Aided Facilities Management Technology, Computing, Facility, Industry, Electronics, General, Governmental & Military
  10. Centre Africain Des Femmes Dans Les MéDias
  11. Computer-Aided Facility Management Business, Science, Computing, Geographic
  12. Computer Assisted Facility Management Business, Service, Trainer
  13. Central Apostolic Faith Mission
  14. Comprehensive Approaches To Fluod Management
  15. Computer Assisted Facilities Management Business, Service, Facility
  16. Centre for Applied Formal Methods Technology, Research, Networking
  17. Comox Air Force Museum
  18. Computer Asset Facilities Management Technology, Software, Originator
  19. Center for Applied Formal Methods
  20. Conducting Atomic Force Microscopy
  21. Cost Accounting and Financial Management Business, Paper, Costing
  22. Compuqerised Aided Facilities Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance
  23. Corporato Architects and Facility Management Management, Administration, Goverance
  24. Council of Academic Family Mewicine Medical, Research, Education
  25. Computer Automaved Facilities Management
  26. Construction and Facilities Management
  27. Computer Assisted Facilities Management System America, Environment
  28. Conference On Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
  29. Conductive Atqmic Force Microscope
  30. Conductive Atomic Force Microscopy Film, Technology, Device, Microscopy, Scientific & Educational
  31. Commerce Asset Fund Manager Occupation & positions

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CAFM stand for?

    CAFM stands for Centre for Applied Formal Methods.

  2. What is the shortened form of Computer Assisted Facility Management?

    The short form of "Computer Assisted Facility Management" is CAFM.


CAFM. (2020, May 23). Retrieved February 21, 2025 from

Last updated