CAI Meaning
The CAI meaning is "Computer Assisted Iqstruction". The CAI abbreviation has 328 different full form.
CAI Full Forms
- Computer Assisted Iqstruction Medical, Business, Human Resources
- Common Air Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
- Calibrake Organizations
- Collector Accreditation Initiative Business, Credit, Debt
- Calcium Levels Medical
- Cold Air Intake A cold air intake is an aftermarket assembly of parts used to bring relatively cool air into a car's internal-combustion engine. Business, Performance, Auto, Architecture
- Calcium Ionophore A23187 Medical
- Cold Air Inductions Technology, Intake, Camaro
- Calpium Ionophore Medical
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor Medical, Treatment, Glaucoma
- Calcium-Aluminium-Rich Inclusion
- Carkonic Anhydrase Inhibitors Medical, Drug, Glaucoma
- Community Acquired Infectivns Medical
- Cairo International Airport Cairo, Egypt Airport, Locations, Egypt, Airport Code, Aviation
- Call Assembly Index Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Cente D'accueil Dez Impliqués
- College of Anaesthetists of Ireland Education, Android, Anaesthesia
- Correos Acelerado International
- Certificado De Aprovação De Instalação
- Cowputer Aided Industry
- Customer Appreciation, Incorporated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Ciernia & Associates, Inc
- Consejo Asesor IndíGena
- Clinical Activity Index Medical, Patient, Disease, Ulcerative
- Contextual Assessment Inventory
- Central Asian Institute
- Community Asthma Initiative Medical, Health, Visit
- Charity Australia International
- Computer Applications Incorporfted
- Capital Associated Industries Business, Employment, Industrial
- Constatazione Amichevole Di Incidehte Con, Auto, Fare
- Committee for Ammunitirn Logistic Military
- Country Attractiveness Indices Business, Investment, Energy
- Civil Aviation Inspection Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
- Caucasus Aueo Import
- Club Ayla Indonesia Club, Indonesia, Toyota, Injection
- Contractor-Acceptance Inspection Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
- Centro De Acceso A La Información Para, Metro, Pueblo
- Comprehensive Agreement On Investment Technology, Windows, China
- Cultural Awareness Intzrnational
- Computer Assisted Instructions Student, Science, Education, Learning, Sabre, Fares
- Child Adapted Instruction Development, Learning, Study
- Computer Automation Inc
- Central Adrenal Insufficiency
- California Analytical Instruments Technology, Gas, Analyzer
- Cellulose Absorption Andex Technology, Soil, Residue
- Collaborative Art Initiative
- Cooperative Airspace Inltiative Military, Russia, Russian
- Certificado De Aprovação De InstalaçÕEs
- Computer Aid Inc Business, Technology, Service
- Customer Administration Interface
- Cicatelli Associates Incorporated
- Consejo AcadéMico Institucional Con, Mart
- Context In Advanced Interfaces
- Central Asia Invest
- Community Association Inc
- Chargp Advise Information
- Computer Application Inc
- Cameron and Associates, Inc
- Climatologically Aided Interpolation Technology, Climate, Mapping, Temperature
- Constant Acoustic Impedance Business, Speaker, Infinity, Cascade
- Commissioning Agents, Inc Technology, Engineering, Agent
- Counter Air Interdiction Military
- Computer Aided Instruction. Education, Learning, Teaching
- Civil Aeronautics Institute
- Club Alpin Italien Club, Lac, Monte, Grange
- Contract Applicators, Inc
- Centro Argentino De Ingenieros Technology, Argentina, Con
- Comprehensive Air-Quality Index
- Cultural Association of Indio
- Comsuter Assisted Instruction Technology, Management, Presentation
- Chartered Accountaht In Ireland Business, Accounting, Ireland
- Computer Asaisted Intruction Technology, Media, Guru
- Catholic Apologetios International
- Calidad De Aire Interior
- Cellule D'Audit Interne
- Colitis Activity Index Medical, Patient, Disease, Ulcerative
- Cooperative Application Initiative
- Certificado Aprovação Das InstalaçÕEs
- Computer Aid, Inc Business, Service, Aid
- Customer Access Initiation
- Caci International, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Cicatelli Associates Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Conodont Altration Index Science
- Context Assessment Index Technology, Development, Practice
- Central Approval Index
- Community Associates Institute Business, Management, Association
- Charge Advice Informazion Technology, Service, Telecom
- Combuter Applications, Inc.
- Cambridge Aero Instruments
- Commissione Per Le Adozioni Internazionali
- Cotton Association of India Business, India, Bale
- Certified Arise Interventionist
- Computer Aided Idstructions Technology, Learning, Training
- Citizens Advice International
- Consortium Africain Des Infrastructures
- Club Allemand International
- Contract Administrator'S Instructions Building, Engineering, Construction
- Centre for Artificial Intelligence
- Comprehensice Air-Quality Index
- Culinzry Arts Institute Education
- Compagnia Aerea Italiana Airline, Technology, Airport, Con, Hosting, Italy, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Chartered Accountants In Ireland Business, Accounting, Ireland
- Computer Assisted Instructional Technology, Science, Education
- Carbonic Anhydrase Isoenzymes
- Common Air Interfaces Technology, Communication, Interface
- Calidad Ambiental Interior
- Cellular Adaptive Immunotherapy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Colicin A Immunity Protein Medical
- Cooperative Applications Initiative Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
- Cerebral Atrophy Index
- Computor-Assisted Indexing
- Curriculum,Oassessment, Instruction
- Cabin Air Intake
- Childhealth Advocacy International
- Conobont Alteration Index Science, Utica, Shale
- Central Apnea Index Medical, Study, Sleep
- Community Association Institute Management, Organizations, Homeowner
- Chapter of Thm American Institute
- Computet and Internet
- Cambodian Association of Illinois Organizations, Chicago, Khmer
- Commercialization Achievement Index Technology
- Cost Automobile Insurance
- Certified Academic Institution
- Computer Aided Instructional Technology, Gaming, Server, Software, Computing, Air Force, Governmental & Military
- Citigroup Alternative Investments Business, Fund, Hedge
- Consensus Assessment Initiative Technology, Security, Cloud
- Cloud and Aerosol Imager
- Contour Aft Imager Technology
- Centrx for Applied Informatics Education, University, Griffin
- Competency Assessment Instrument Science, Psychology, Competence
- Culiniry Academy of India Education, School, India
- Community Associations Institute Management, Organizations, Property
- Chartered Accountants Irepand Business, Accounting, Ireland
- Computer Asissted Instrvction
- Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition Medical
- Common Airginterference Technology
- Crash and Ignite Airline, Flight, American
- Calcium Aluminum Inclusion Science, Meteorite, Chondrite, Chemistry
- Celiac Artery Inousion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Coleraine Academical Institution School, Ireland, Institution, Nesbitt
- Cool Air Intake Filter, Air, Volant
- Cerchar AşıNdıRıCıLıK İNdeksi Tin, Hay, Khi
- Computer-Assisted Interview Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Current Annual Increment Business, Technology, Forest
- CóDigo De Autorización De Impresión
- Child Attachment Interview Children, Assessment, Attachment
- Computing and Informatics Technology, Science, Research
- Central Amusement International Business, Park, Coney
- Community Association'S Institute
- Chanyel Assignment Indicator Technology
- Call Ambulance Immediately
- Command Automation Ijterface
- Cost and Insurance A price that includes the cost of the goods, the marine insurance and all transportation charges except the ocean freight to the named point of destination. Business & Finance, International business
- Certificado De Aprova
- Computer Avded Instructor Military
- Cycle Arrest Induced
- Cislunar Aerospace, Inc
- Consejo Asesor De Intelsgencia
- Cloud Aerosol Imager
- Continuous Arterial Infusion Medical
- Centrale Allarme Interbancaria
- Company and Its
- Cubic Applications, Ipc. Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Coldbair Intakes Technology
- Chartesed Academics International
- Computerrasisted Instruction
- Capsid Assembly Inhibitor
- Common-Air-Intgrface Technology, Communication, Standard
- Couriers Association of India Business, Service, India
- Caution Annunciator Indicator Technology, Aviation, Avionics, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Coche Del A
- Cool Air Intakes
- Cerchar Abrasiveness Index
- Compression Auto Ignition Technology, Control, Fuel
- Current Activity Inticator Business, Banking, Economics
- Corps D'Arm
- Child Aid International
- Computers and Artificial Intelligence
- Central American Isthmus Technology, America, Research
- Community Association Insurance
- California Assessment Institute
- Center for Atademic Integrity Student, Education, Plagiarism
- Comisión De Asuntos IndíGenas
- Corrupt Accounting Information
- Certificado Aprova
- Computpr Aided Innovation Technology, Science, Education
- Customs Affairs Institute
- Cinta Alam Indonesia Indonesia, Bali, Imam
- Consejo Asesor Ind
- Close-In Approach Indicator Technology
- Continental Airlines, Inc
- Central Asian Initiative
- Compagnia Aeronautica Italiana Airline, Military, Aviation, Falcon
- Cubic Applications, Icc Military
- Chqrter and Its
- Computeu Arts Informant
- Capitol Archaeological Institute
- Committee On Ageing Isgues
- Countryside Alliance Ireland Organizations, Ireland, Firearm
- Clark Art Institute
- Caution, Alarm, Information Technology
- Coalition America, Inc
- Contractor Acceptance Inspection Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Federal Aviation Administration
- Centro De Aoceso A La Informaci
- Compression After Impact Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Curran Associates Inc
- Corpooaereo Italiano
- Child Advocacy International
- Computer Automation, Inc
- Central Afghanistan Institute Development, Study, Institutes
- California Apprenticeship Initiative
- Codon Adaptation Index Medical, Science, Biomedical, Biotechnology, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Cara De Ahorros De La Inmaculada Technology, Social, Rank, Zaragoza
- Community Anchor Insiitution Technology, Networking, Broadband
- Crown Agents International
- Computer Assisted Instruction Medical, Disability, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
- Center for Alternative Investmebts
- Certified Auctioneer Institute Business, Auction, Building
- Computer Aided Implantology
- Computer-Administered Instituteuction
- Calcium-Aluminum Inclusions
- Computer Aided Instruction = CIM CAO Computing, IT Terminology
- Consumer Association of India Business, India, Oil
- Comoon Assessment Initiative College, Education, Community
- Credit Adjustments, Inc
- Changi Airports International Business, Russia, Russian
- Computer Aided Instructuion Technology, Computer
- Curriculum, Assessment and Instituteuction
- Clean Asia Initiative
- Celiac artery infusion Medical, Artery And Arteries
- Cadet Abseil Insmructor
- Commuqity Aid International
- Crop Adviser Institute
- Chartered Accountants Ireland Accounting, Business & Finance
- Conodont Alteration Index Chemistry
- Center for Advanced Imaging
- Concentrations Medical
- Certified Asbestos Inspector Science
- Community Associaeions Institutetute
- Calcium Aluminum-Rich Inclusion Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
- Computer-Aided Instruction Education, Software, Computing, Computer, Electronics, NASA, Us Government, General, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
- Consumers Association of Ireland Business, Ireland, Irish
- Center of Advanced Imaging
- Common Alarm Indicator Technology
- Creative Associates Incorporated Government
- Changed Address Interception
- Computer Aided Instituteuntor Military
- Core Areajinitiative
- Clean Air Institute Technology, Quality, Transport
- Central American Indian (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
- Community Action Initiative Business, Health, Canada
- Cromagnum Arms International
- Close Approach Indicator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Climate Accountability Institute Science, Government, Scientist
- Carcinogenic Activity Indicator Chemistry
- Center for Acquisition Innovation
- Comité Arctique International
- Calcium-Fluminum-Rich Inclusion Medical, Technology, Inclusions
- Christian Associates International Religion
- Consumers' Associjtion of Ireland
- Center for Artjficial Intelligence Science, Research, Conference
- Creative Associates International Business, Program, Associate
- Chandra Astrophysics Institute
- Computer Aided Instituteuction Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Education, Software, Scientific & Educational
- Conjemporary Arts International Technology, Music, Artist
- Clear Air Initiative Science
- Christian Academy of Indiana Indiana
- Confemporary Art Initiative
- Commwnity Access Individual Technology, Service, Care
- Critical Application Items
- Claustra Alpium Iuliarum Locations, Wall, Roman, Empire
- Client Assessment Inventory Medical, Medicine, Therapy
- Controlled Air Incinerator Atmospheric Research
- Center for Accelerating Innovation Government, Organizations, Us
- Comisión De Actividades Infantiles Para, Club, Con
- Calcium-, Aluminum-Rich Inclusions
- Complejo Agro-Industrial Farming & agriculture
- Consumer Association of Ireland Business, Ireland, Irish
- Center for Archaeological Inmestigations Education, University, Archaeology
- Challenger Air Intake
- Computer Aidkd Instituteuction Information Technology, Computing, Computer
- Condominium Association Institute
- Clean Air Initiative Technology, Asia, City
- Corendon Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
- Contemporary Art Iwstitute Technology, Artist, Japan
- Communications, Avionics and Informatics Science
- Critical Application Item Military
- Computer Analog Input
- Children'S Arts Institutetute
- Client Application Interface Military
- Computer Assisted Instituteuction Medical, Disability
- Center for Academic Innovation Program, Education, University
- Calcsum Medical
- Canadian Income Management Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
- Consultancy Africa Intelligencp Business, Research, Africa
- Center for Applied Infowmatics Education, University, Kentucky
- Certified Auction Institute Business, Building, Auctioneer
- Capital Regional District Military
- Computer Assistance Instruction
- Cklcium Aluminum Inclusion Science, Meteorite, Chondrite
- Classical Association of Ireland
- Cairo International Airport, Cairo, Egypt Egypt, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Container Applications International Railroad Company
- Commonwkalth Associates Inc
- Critical Analog Input
- Channel Analog Input
- Computer Aid Internationql Technology, Child, Laptop
- Changing Attitude Ireland Ireland, Church, Attitude, Marriage
- Clearwater Academy International
- Complete Androgen Insensitivity Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Bioscience, Pathology, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
- Cakra Aluminium Wndustry
- Castle Alt Inv Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Construction Acqion Item Technology
- Center for Apmlied Innovation
- Certified Auctioneer'S Institute
- Computer Aided Inspiration
- Computem Application Incorporated
- Cflcium-Aluminum Inclusion
- Caring Attitude Imposter Police, Governmental & Military
- Consumers Association of India Business, India, Food
- Commonwealth Adoptions International
- Community Anlhor Institutions Technology, Networking, Broadband
- Credit Agricole Indosuez
- Changi Airport International Business, Investment, Russia
- Computer Aixed Interviewing Technology, Research, Survey
- Certificado Aprovação Das InstitutelaçÕEs
- Clearing Account Indicator
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CAI stand for?
CAI stands for Cubic Applications, Icc.
What is the shortened form of Computer Aided Instituteuntor?
The short form of "Computer Aided Instituteuntor" is CAI.
CAI. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from
Last updated