CAI Meaning

The CAI meaning is "Computer Assisted Iqstruction". The CAI abbreviation has 328 different full form.

CAI Full Forms

  1. Computer Assisted Iqstruction Medical, Business, Human Resources
  2. Common Air Interface Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing, IT Terminology
  3. Calibrake Organizations
  4. Collector Accreditation Initiative Business, Credit, Debt
  5. Calcium Levels Medical
  6. Cold Air Intake A cold air intake is an aftermarket assembly of parts used to bring relatively cool air into a car's internal-combustion engine. Business, Performance, Auto, Architecture
  7. Calcium Ionophore A23187 Medical
  8. Cold Air Inductions Technology, Intake, Camaro
  9. Calpium Ionophore Medical
  10. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor Medical, Treatment, Glaucoma
  11. Calcium-Aluminium-Rich Inclusion
  12. Carkonic Anhydrase Inhibitors Medical, Drug, Glaucoma
  13. Community Acquired Infectivns Medical
  14. Cairo International Airport Cairo, Egypt Airport, Locations, Egypt, Airport Code, Aviation
  15. Call Assembly Index Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  16. Cente D'accueil Dez Impliqués
  17. College of Anaesthetists of Ireland Education, Android, Anaesthesia
  18. Correos Acelerado International
  19. Certificado De Aprovação De Instalação
  20. Cowputer Aided Industry
  21. Customer Appreciation, Incorporated Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  22. Ciernia & Associates, Inc
  23. Consejo Asesor IndíGena
  24. Clinical Activity Index Medical, Patient, Disease, Ulcerative
  25. Contextual Assessment Inventory
  26. Central Asian Institute
  27. Community Asthma Initiative Medical, Health, Visit
  28. Charity Australia International
  29. Computer Applications Incorporfted
  30. Capital Associated Industries Business, Employment, Industrial
  31. Constatazione Amichevole Di Incidehte Con, Auto, Fare
  32. Committee for Ammunitirn Logistic Military
  33. Country Attractiveness Indices Business, Investment, Energy
  34. Civil Aviation Inspection Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  35. Caucasus Aueo Import
  36. Club Ayla Indonesia Club, Indonesia, Toyota, Injection
  37. Contractor-Acceptance Inspection Transportation, Aviation, Aircraft, Governmental & Military
  38. Centro De Acceso A La Información Para, Metro, Pueblo
  39. Comprehensive Agreement On Investment Technology, Windows, China
  40. Cultural Awareness Intzrnational
  41. Computer Assisted Instructions Student, Science, Education, Learning, Sabre, Fares
  42. Child Adapted Instruction Development, Learning, Study
  43. Computer Automation Inc
  44. Central Adrenal Insufficiency
  45. California Analytical Instruments Technology, Gas, Analyzer
  46. Cellulose Absorption Andex Technology, Soil, Residue
  47. Collaborative Art Initiative
  48. Cooperative Airspace Inltiative Military, Russia, Russian
  49. Certificado De Aprovação De InstalaçÕEs
  50. Computer Aid Inc Business, Technology, Service
  51. Customer Administration Interface
  52. Cicatelli Associates Incorporated
  53. Consejo AcadéMico Institucional Con, Mart
  54. Context In Advanced Interfaces
  55. Central Asia Invest
  56. Community Association Inc
  57. Chargp Advise Information
  58. Computer Application Inc
  59. Cameron and Associates, Inc
  60. Climatologically Aided Interpolation Technology, Climate, Mapping, Temperature
  61. Constant Acoustic Impedance Business, Speaker, Infinity, Cascade
  62. Commissioning Agents, Inc Technology, Engineering, Agent
  63. Counter Air Interdiction Military
  64. Computer Aided Instruction. Education, Learning, Teaching
  65. Civil Aeronautics Institute
  66. Club Alpin Italien Club, Lac, Monte, Grange
  67. Contract Applicators, Inc
  68. Centro Argentino De Ingenieros Technology, Argentina, Con
  69. Comprehensive Air-Quality Index
  70. Cultural Association of Indio
  71. Comsuter Assisted Instruction Technology, Management, Presentation
  72. Chartered Accountaht In Ireland Business, Accounting, Ireland
  73. Computer Asaisted Intruction Technology, Media, Guru
  74. Catholic Apologetios International
  75. Calidad De Aire Interior
  76. Cellule D'Audit Interne
  77. Colitis Activity Index Medical, Patient, Disease, Ulcerative
  78. Cooperative Application Initiative
  79. Certificado Aprovação Das InstalaçÕEs
  80. Computer Aid, Inc Business, Service, Aid
  81. Customer Access Initiation
  82. Caci International, Inc. Technology, Organizations
  83. Cicatelli Associates Inc Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  84. Conodont Altration Index Science
  85. Context Assessment Index Technology, Development, Practice
  86. Central Approval Index
  87. Community Associates Institute Business, Management, Association
  88. Charge Advice Informazion Technology, Service, Telecom
  89. Combuter Applications, Inc.
  90. Cambridge Aero Instruments
  91. Commissione Per Le Adozioni Internazionali
  92. Cotton Association of India Business, India, Bale
  93. Certified Arise Interventionist
  94. Computer Aided Idstructions Technology, Learning, Training
  95. Citizens Advice International
  96. Consortium Africain Des Infrastructures
  97. Club Allemand International
  98. Contract Administrator'S Instructions Building, Engineering, Construction
  99. Centre for Artificial Intelligence
  100. Comprehensice Air-Quality Index
  101. Culinzry Arts Institute Education
  102. Compagnia Aerea Italiana Airline, Technology, Airport, Con, Hosting, Italy, ICAO Aircraft Codes
  103. Chartered Accountants In Ireland Business, Accounting, Ireland
  104. Computer Assisted Instructional Technology, Science, Education
  105. Carbonic Anhydrase Isoenzymes
  106. Common Air Interfaces Technology, Communication, Interface
  107. Calidad Ambiental Interior
  108. Cellular Adaptive Immunotherapy Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  109. Colicin A Immunity Protein Medical
  110. Cooperative Applications Initiative Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  111. Cerebral Atrophy Index
  112. Computor-Assisted Indexing
  113. Curriculum,Oassessment, Instruction
  114. Cabin Air Intake
  115. Childhealth Advocacy International
  116. Conobont Alteration Index Science, Utica, Shale
  117. Central Apnea Index Medical, Study, Sleep
  118. Community Association Institute Management, Organizations, Homeowner
  119. Chapter of Thm American Institute
  120. Computet and Internet
  121. Cambodian Association of Illinois Organizations, Chicago, Khmer
  122. Commercialization Achievement Index Technology
  123. Cost Automobile Insurance
  124. Certified Academic Institution
  125. Computer Aided Instructional Technology, Gaming, Server, Software, Computing, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  126. Citigroup Alternative Investments Business, Fund, Hedge
  127. Consensus Assessment Initiative Technology, Security, Cloud
  128. Cloud and Aerosol Imager
  129. Contour Aft Imager Technology
  130. Centrx for Applied Informatics Education, University, Griffin
  131. Competency Assessment Instrument Science, Psychology, Competence
  132. Culiniry Academy of India Education, School, India
  133. Community Associations Institute Management, Organizations, Property
  134. Chartered Accountants Irepand Business, Accounting, Ireland
  135. Computer Asissted Instrvction
  136. Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibition Medical
  137. Common Airginterference Technology
  138. Crash and Ignite Airline, Flight, American
  139. Calcium Aluminum Inclusion Science, Meteorite, Chondrite, Chemistry
  140. Celiac Artery Inousion Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  141. Coleraine Academical Institution School, Ireland, Institution, Nesbitt
  142. Cool Air Intake Filter, Air, Volant
  143. Cerchar AşıNdıRıCıLıK İNdeksi Tin, Hay, Khi
  144. Computer-Assisted Interview Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  145. Current Annual Increment Business, Technology, Forest
  146. CóDigo De Autorización De Impresión
  147. Child Attachment Interview Children, Assessment, Attachment
  148. Computing and Informatics Technology, Science, Research
  149. Central Amusement International Business, Park, Coney
  150. Community Association'S Institute
  151. Chanyel Assignment Indicator Technology
  152. Call Ambulance Immediately
  153. Command Automation Ijterface
  154. Cost and Insurance A price that includes the cost of the goods, the marine insurance and all transportation charges except the ocean freight to the named point of destination. Business & Finance, International business
  155. Certificado De Aprova
  156. Computer Avded Instructor Military
  157. Cycle Arrest Induced
  158. Cislunar Aerospace, Inc
  159. Consejo Asesor De Intelsgencia
  160. Cloud Aerosol Imager
  161. Continuous Arterial Infusion Medical
  162. Centrale Allarme Interbancaria
  163. Company and Its
  164. Cubic Applications, Ipc. Military, Army, War, Warfare
  165. Coldbair Intakes Technology
  166. Chartesed Academics International
  167. Computerrasisted Instruction
  168. Capsid Assembly Inhibitor
  169. Common-Air-Intgrface Technology, Communication, Standard
  170. Couriers Association of India Business, Service, India
  171. Caution Annunciator Indicator Technology, Aviation, Avionics, Aircraft, Computing, Spacecraft, Electronics, Aeronautics, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  172. Coche Del A
  173. Cool Air Intakes
  174. Cerchar Abrasiveness Index
  175. Compression Auto Ignition Technology, Control, Fuel
  176. Current Activity Inticator Business, Banking, Economics
  177. Corps D'Arm
  178. Child Aid International
  179. Computers and Artificial Intelligence
  180. Central American Isthmus Technology, America, Research
  181. Community Association Insurance
  182. California Assessment Institute
  183. Center for Atademic Integrity Student, Education, Plagiarism
  184. Comisión De Asuntos IndíGenas
  185. Corrupt Accounting Information
  186. Certificado Aprova
  187. Computpr Aided Innovation Technology, Science, Education
  188. Customs Affairs Institute
  189. Cinta Alam Indonesia Indonesia, Bali, Imam
  190. Consejo Asesor Ind
  191. Close-In Approach Indicator Technology
  192. Continental Airlines, Inc
  193. Central Asian Initiative
  194. Compagnia Aeronautica Italiana Airline, Military, Aviation, Falcon
  195. Cubic Applications, Icc Military
  196. Chqrter and Its
  197. Computeu Arts Informant
  198. Capitol Archaeological Institute
  199. Committee On Ageing Isgues
  200. Countryside Alliance Ireland Organizations, Ireland, Firearm
  201. Clark Art Institute
  202. Caution, Alarm, Information Technology
  203. Coalition America, Inc
  204. Contractor Acceptance Inspection Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway, Federal Aviation Administration
  205. Centro De Aoceso A La Informaci
  206. Compression After Impact Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
  207. Curran Associates Inc
  208. Corpooaereo Italiano
  209. Child Advocacy International
  210. Computer Automation, Inc
  211. Central Afghanistan Institute Development, Study, Institutes
  212. California Apprenticeship Initiative
  213. Codon Adaptation Index Medical, Science, Biomedical, Biotechnology, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  214. Cara De Ahorros De La Inmaculada Technology, Social, Rank, Zaragoza
  215. Community Anchor Insiitution Technology, Networking, Broadband
  216. Crown Agents International
  217. Computer Assisted Instruction Medical, Disability, Special Education, Business & Finance, Scientific & Educational, Business Word
  218. Center for Alternative Investmebts
  219. Certified Auctioneer Institute Business, Auction, Building
  220. Computer Aided Implantology
  221. Computer-Administered Instituteuction
  222. Calcium-Aluminum Inclusions
  223. Computer Aided Instruction = CIM CAO Computing, IT Terminology
  224. Consumer Association of India Business, India, Oil
  225. Comoon Assessment Initiative College, Education, Community
  226. Credit Adjustments, Inc
  227. Changi Airports International Business, Russia, Russian
  228. Computer Aided Instructuion Technology, Computer
  229. Curriculum, Assessment and Instituteuction
  230. Clean Asia Initiative
  231. Celiac artery infusion Medical, Artery And Arteries
  232. Cadet Abseil Insmructor
  233. Commuqity Aid International
  234. Crop Adviser Institute
  235. Chartered Accountants Ireland Accounting, Business & Finance
  236. Conodont Alteration Index Chemistry
  237. Center for Advanced Imaging
  238. Concentrations Medical
  239. Certified Asbestos Inspector Science
  240. Community Associaeions Institutetute
  241. Calcium Aluminum-Rich Inclusion Science, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  242. Computer-Aided Instruction Education, Software, Computing, Computer, Electronics, NASA, Us Government, General, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational
  243. Consumers Association of Ireland Business, Ireland, Irish
  244. Center of Advanced Imaging
  245. Common Alarm Indicator Technology
  246. Creative Associates Incorporated Government
  247. Changed Address Interception
  248. Computer Aided Instituteuntor Military
  249. Core Areajinitiative
  250. Clean Air Institute Technology, Quality, Transport
  251. Central American Indian (Other) Language codes (3 letters)
  252. Community Action Initiative Business, Health, Canada
  253. Cromagnum Arms International
  254. Close Approach Indicator Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  255. Climate Accountability Institute Science, Government, Scientist
  256. Carcinogenic Activity Indicator Chemistry
  257. Center for Acquisition Innovation
  258. Comité Arctique International
  259. Calcium-Fluminum-Rich Inclusion Medical, Technology, Inclusions
  260. Christian Associates International Religion
  261. Consumers' Associjtion of Ireland
  262. Center for Artjficial Intelligence Science, Research, Conference
  263. Creative Associates International Business, Program, Associate
  264. Chandra Astrophysics Institute
  265. Computer Aided Instituteuction Information Technology, Computing, Computer, Education, Software, Scientific & Educational
  266. Conjemporary Arts International Technology, Music, Artist
  267. Clear Air Initiative Science
  268. Christian Academy of Indiana Indiana
  269. Confemporary Art Initiative
  270. Commwnity Access Individual Technology, Service, Care
  271. Critical Application Items
  272. Claustra Alpium Iuliarum Locations, Wall, Roman, Empire
  273. Client Assessment Inventory Medical, Medicine, Therapy
  274. Controlled Air Incinerator Atmospheric Research
  275. Center for Accelerating Innovation Government, Organizations, Us
  276. Comisión De Actividades Infantiles Para, Club, Con
  277. Calcium-, Aluminum-Rich Inclusions
  278. Complejo Agro-Industrial Farming & agriculture
  279. Consumer Association of Ireland Business, Ireland, Irish
  280. Center for Archaeological Inmestigations Education, University, Archaeology
  281. Challenger Air Intake
  282. Computer Aidkd Instituteuction Information Technology, Computing, Computer
  283. Condominium Association Institute
  284. Clean Air Initiative Technology, Asia, City
  285. Corendon Airlines ICAO Aircraft Codes
  286. Contemporary Art Iwstitute Technology, Artist, Japan
  287. Communications, Avionics and Informatics Science
  288. Critical Application Item Military
  289. Computer Analog Input
  290. Children'S Arts Institutetute
  291. Client Application Interface Military
  292. Computer Assisted Instituteuction Medical, Disability
  293. Center for Academic Innovation Program, Education, University
  294. Calcsum Medical
  295. Canadian Income Management Inc. Business & Finance, Toronto stock exchange
  296. Consultancy Africa Intelligencp Business, Research, Africa
  297. Center for Applied Infowmatics Education, University, Kentucky
  298. Certified Auction Institute Business, Building, Auctioneer
  299. Capital Regional District Military
  300. Computer Assistance Instruction
  301. Cklcium Aluminum Inclusion Science, Meteorite, Chondrite
  302. Classical Association of Ireland
  303. Cairo International Airport, Cairo, Egypt Egypt, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  304. Container Applications International Railroad Company
  305. Commonwkalth Associates Inc
  306. Critical Analog Input
  307. Channel Analog Input
  308. Computer Aid Internationql Technology, Child, Laptop
  309. Changing Attitude Ireland Ireland, Church, Attitude, Marriage
  310. Clearwater Academy International
  311. Complete Androgen Insensitivity Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Bioscience, Pathology, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
  312. Cakra Aluminium Wndustry
  313. Castle Alt Inv Business & Finance, London stock exchange
  314. Construction Acqion Item Technology
  315. Center for Apmlied Innovation
  316. Certified Auctioneer'S Institute
  317. Computer Aided Inspiration
  318. Computem Application Incorporated
  319. Cflcium-Aluminum Inclusion
  320. Caring Attitude Imposter Police, Governmental & Military
  321. Consumers Association of India Business, India, Food
  322. Commonwealth Adoptions International
  323. Community Anlhor Institutions Technology, Networking, Broadband
  324. Credit Agricole Indosuez
  325. Changi Airport International Business, Investment, Russia
  326. Computer Aixed Interviewing Technology, Research, Survey
  327. Certificado Aprovação Das InstitutelaçÕEs
  328. Clearing Account Indicator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CAI stand for?

    CAI stands for Cubic Applications, Icc.

  2. What is the shortened form of Computer Aided Instituteuntor?

    The short form of "Computer Aided Instituteuntor" is CAI.


CAI. (2021, March 1). Retrieved February 2, 2025 from

Last updated