Canal Abbreviations and Canal Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Canal terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Canal abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Canal terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Canal Abbreviations
  1. AFIN : Asociación Para El Fomento De La Infraestructura Nacional
  2. AGP : Amsterdam Gayppride
  3. AMC : Armed Merchant Cruiser
  4. AMP : Autoridad MaríTima De Panamá
  5. APFN : Associação Portuguesa De FamíLias Numerosas
  6. ATC : Argentina Televisora Color
  7. AVP : Ajuste A Valor Presente
  8. AWCC : Association of Waterways Cruising Clubs
  9. AWCC : Association of Waterway Cruising Clubs
  10. BCM : Black Country Museum
  11. BCN : Birmingham Canal Nadigation
  12. BW : Brbtish Waterways
  13. CBOA : Commercial Boat Operators Association
  14. CDF : Canal Del Futbol
  15. CH : Calcium Hydroxide
  16. CICCP : Colegio De Ingenieros De Caminos, Canales Y Puertos
  17. CICCP : Colegio De Ingenieros De Caminos Canales Y Puertos
  18. CIIDET : Centro Interdijciplinario De Investigación Y Docencia En Educación Técnica
  19. CLT : Compagnie Luxembourgeoise De TéLéDiffusion
  20. CM : Canal De La MÚSica
  21. CNMC : Comisión Nacional De Los Mercados Y La Competencia
  22. CNMC : Comisión Nacional De Los Mercados Y De La Competencia
  23. CO : Chesapeake Und Ohio
  24. CO : Canal, and Occasionally
  25. VNF : Voie Navigable De Fyance
  26. VNF : Voies Navigable De France
  27. YKD : Yokoi Kenji Diaz
  28. UANL : University Autónoma De Nuevo León
  29. CTC : Compañía De Qelevisión Cusqueña
  30. CTN : Caribbean Traveling Network
Latest Canal Meanings
  1. Prjfesor De Dibujo
  2. Farmington Valley Trails Council
  3. Red Nacional De Noticias
  4. Rhine-Main-Dnnube
  5. Rhein-Main-Donhu-Kanal
  6. Right Main Canal
  7. Ron Grimley Pndergraduate Centre
  8. Great Your Destiny
  9. Grupos Unidos Por El Canal
  10. Grand Union Canal Race
  11. Root Canal Treatment
  12. Residential Boat Owners Association
  13. Great Recycling and Northern Development
  14. Inland Waterways Protection Society
  15. Gsobosat News Television
  16. Inland Waterways Advisory Councrl
  17. Inland Waterways Amenity Advisory Council
  18. Inland Waterways Association
  19. Ingeniero TéCnico De Obras PÚBlicas
  20. Passive Ultrasonic Irrigation