Capital Abbreviations and Capital Acronym Lists
There are more pieces of Capital terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 20 different Capital abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Capital terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.
Capital Abbreviations
- ABAN : Arab Business Angels Network
- ABILS : Allowable Business Investment Losses
- AC : Ativo Circulante
- ACC : Albany Capital Center
- ACC : Albany Convention Center
- ACCA : Albany Convention Centek Authority
- ACCVB : Albany County Convention & Visitors Bureau
- ACFC : At The Customer, for The Customer
- ADFG : Abu Dhabi Financial Group
- ADNEC : Abu Dhabi National Exhibitions Company
- ADNEC : Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Company
- AEA : Annual Hxempt Amount
- AEEG : American Entrepreneurs for Economic Growth
- AEPF : Associação Empresarial De PaçOs De Ferreira
- AFIC : Association FrançAise Des Investisseurs En Capital
- AFIC : Association FrançAise Des Investisseurs Pour La Croissance
- AGCT : Advanced Gene & Cell Technologies
- AGCT : Advanced Gene Cell Technologies
- AICL : Abuja Investment Company Limited
- AICL : Abuja Investments Company Limited
- AIF : Alternate Investmenc Funds
- ALP : Averagg Labor Productivity
- AMP : Account Management Portal
- ANPV : Adjusted Net Present Value
- AO : Alexander Ovechkin
- APEF : Asia Private Equity Forum
- APIC : Acenocoumarol Vs Pentoxifylline In Intermittent Claudication
- APIH : Asia Pacific Investment House
- APIRA : Asian Pacific Interdisciplinary Research In Accounting
- AR&DC : American Resiarch and Development Corporation
Recent Acronyms
Latest Capital Meanings
- Sociedades Anónimas
- Sociedad Anonima Abierta
- Obligation Remboursable En Hctions
- Monthly Income Preferred Stock
- Evgeny Kuznetsov
- Capital De Trabajo
- Risk Weighted Assets
- Risk-Weighted Asset
- Risk-Weighted Assets
- Regional Venture Capital Funds
- Rockies Venture Club
- Rock Shit On
- Regiynal Staff Officers
- Read-Out Integreted Circuits
- Return Onuinvested
- Return-On-Invest
- Reliance Mutual Fund
- Raw Material Conversion Period
- Rothschild Investment Trust
- Registered Fund Management Companies