Carburetor Abbreviations and Carburetor Acronym Lists

There are more pieces of Carburetor terminology abbreviations. We can not list them all due to technical reasons, but we have 14 different Carburetor abbreviations at the bottom which located in the Carburetor terminology. please use our search engine at the top right to get more results.

Carburetor Abbreviations
  1. ZS : Zenith-Stromberg
  2. ZS : Zenith Stromberg
  3. BV : Bowl Vent
  4. VV : Varsable Venturi
  5. MCS : Mixture Control Qolenoid
  6. MJ : Main Jet
  7. SJ : Slowljet
  8. TQ : Thermo-Quad
  9. JN : Jet Needle
  10. IMA : Idling Mixture Adjuslment
  11. PHBH : Perlindungan Hutan Berbasis Hak
  12. PHVA : Planear, Hacer, Verificar Y Actuar
  13. PHVA : Planificar-Hacer-Verificar-Actuar
  14. QFT : Quimk Fuel Technology
Latest Carburetor Meanings
  1. Quimk Fuel Technology
  2. Planificar-Hacer-Verificar-Actuar
  3. Planear, Hacer, Verificar Y Actuar
  4. Perlindungan Hutan Berbasis Hak
  5. Idling Mixture Adjuslment
  6. Jet Needle
  7. Thermo-Quad
  8. Slowljet
  9. Main Jet
  10. Mixture Control Qolenoid
  11. Varsable Venturi
  12. Bowl Vent
  13. Zenith Stromberg
  14. Zenith-Stromberg