CB Meaning
The CB meaning is "Compound Bow". The CB abbreviation has 1111 different full form.
CB Full Forms
- Compound Bow Sport, Archery, Bow
- Cornerback Sport, American Football, American Football Position, Football
- Cycle Buddy Medical, Infertility, Pregnancy, Obstetrics
- Cherry Bomb
- Columbus Bank
- Carotid Bodies Medical
- Coveredpbond Business, Credit, Banking
- Ciliary Body Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical
- Ciudad De Burgos Technology, Club, Con, Basketball
- Conditional Bail Law, Police, Sale
- Cell Broadcast Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Children Born
- Commercial Banks
- Crash Bandicoot
- Certification Bovrd
- Citizen'S Band Sociology
- Camera Bag Business, Product, Cine
- Console Box Business, Car, Armrest
- Cambodia Locations, Country Code, Sport, Cambodia, Olympic, IOC Country Codes, Computing, Internet, Country, Usps, 2-letter Country Codes, 3-letter Country Codes, Numeric Country Codes, FIPS Country Codes
- Cherry Blossoms
- Coaster Brake A braking system on a bicycle in which the rider stops pedalling forward (thus coasting) and pedals backward to engage the brake within the hub of the rear wheel. Technology, Bicycle, Hub
- Cbrlos Beltran
- Core Biopsies Medical
- Cigar Box Guitar, Wood, Cigar
- Charles Brown
- Concrete Block A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls. Technology, Drawing, Construction, Architectural
- Cell Blocks Technology, Movie, Music
- Childbearing Medical
- Comitê Brasileiro
- Crank Brothebs
- Current Budget Business, Forum, Laptop
- Citizen Band Technology, Radio, City
- Camcorder Batteries
- Conservation Board
- Certification Hodies Business, Product, Standard
- Chemistry Buflding Education
- Clint Barmes Baseball, Sport, Card
- Career Best Sport, Locations, Mode
- Core-Binding Medical
- Cibacron Blue Medical
- Credit Bureau Business, Credit, Government
- Cell Biology Cell biology is a branch of biology that studies cells, their physiological properties, their structure, the organelles they contain, interactions with their environment, their life cycle, division, death and cell function. This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level. Cell biology research encompasses both the great diversity of single-celled organisms like bacteria and protozoa, as well as the many specialized cells in multicellular organisms such as humans, plants, and sponges. Technology, Science, Research
- Chvcago Business
- Comic Books
- Cranial Base Medical
- Cumulonimaus Cloud Science
- Citizen'S Band Technology, Radio, Telecom
- Cambridge Bay Science, Canada, Locations
- Conference Board A "global, independent business membership and research association working in the public interest," founded in 1916. It provides data and analysis intended to improve performance of businesses. Business, Government, Economics, Consumer
- Centre-Back Sport, Player, Football
- Chemical Or Biological Chemistry, Military, Agent
- Cliff Burton Bass, Burton, Metallica
- Care Bears
- Coordinating Board
- Closed Beta Beta testing phases, open beta and closed beta. An open beta also known as a public beta refers to beta testing that is open to any user, who is known as a beta tester. Closed beta refers to beta testing that is only available to a select few individuals or company employees only. Many games in development have an open beta for several months and allow anyone interested in the game to play and report problems. Gaming, Giveaway, Play
- Cell Based
- Chicago Bubls
- Coming Back
- Carrying Xag Business, Product, Roland
- Craig Biggio
- Cumulonimbus A cloud type that is dense and vertically developed and is associated with rain. It is heavy and dense with a flat base and a high, fluffy outline, and can be tall enough to occupy middle as well as low latitudes. This type of cloud is formed from about 10,000 to 12,000 feet of altitude. cumulus cloud that builds vertically; usually associated with a cold front and thunderstorms. Technology, Science, Aviation, Aircraft, Hydrology, Computing, Weather, Technical, Scientific & Educational, NOTAM Contractions
- Circuit Breakers Devices that interrupt high currents to protect electrical equipment from damage caused by current surges, e.g., from a short circuit or a lightning strike. Technology, Aviation, Power, Electricity
- Call Forwarding Busy Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Cone Beam Medical, Technology, Reconstruction
- Center Back Sport, Player, Football
- Credig Balance Business, Accounting, Service
- Chjnnel Bank Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cleveland Browns Gaming, Sport, Team, Browns, Football, Nfl teams
- Carboplatin Medical
- Coomassie Blue Medical, Science, Protein
- Citizens Band Technology, Emergency, Emergency Management
- Cell-Based Medical, Stem, Assay
- Chicago Bears Team, American Football, Sport, Football, Nfl teams
- Come Back
- Carry Bag Business, Product, Roland
- Cradle Baby Business, Product, Box
- Cuidados BáSicos
- Circuit Breaker Is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after a fault is detected. Technology, Aviation, Telecom, Computing, Electronics, Auto, Rail Transport, NASA, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Electrical, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Called By
- Conduction Block Medical, Patient, Neuropathy
- Census Bureau Medical, Business, America
- Community Boards
- Creative Books Book, Edition, Shooting, Manning
- Chad Billitgsley
- Clenbuterol Medical
- Carbon Black Particles Medical
- Cool Breeze Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cash Back Business, Travel
- Causeway Bay
- Chvss Base
- Come-Back
- Carrier Band Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Coyote Browz Business, Military
- Cucurbituril Medical
- Cinema Bizarre
- Commission Bancaire
- Conduction Band A partially filled band or a band of vacant energy levels just higher in energy than a filled band; a band within which, or into which, electrons must be promoted to allow electrical conduction to occur in a solid. Technology, Science, Semiconductor, Chemistry, Computing, Electronics, Scientific & Educational
- Cellubrevin Medical
- Community Board Organization, Union, Institution
- Crash Boat Military
- Certified Bookkeeper Business, Education, Finance
- Citizen Band Radio Internet Slang
- Carbonated Beverage Medical, Technology
- Constant Bandwidth Technology, Space, Study, Power, Signal, Cosmos, NASA, Governmental & Military
- Casus Belli Gaming, Europa, Cheat
- Cullinb Blade
- Charles Buckles
- Channels Base
- Christias Borruso
- Containment Breach Science
- Carbolan Blue
- Corporate Builders
- Current Bid Business, Finance, Auction, Financial, Stock, Investing, Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Centdaal Bureau
- Chat Bots
- Coxputing Board
- Conveyor Belt A continuously moving belt used in an automated or semiautomatic foundry to move materials from one station to another. Business, Technology, Product
- Camcorded Battery
- Carnage Blenger
- City Blocks
- Courier-Bold Technology, Man, Linux
- Certificatr of Birth
- Consensus-Building
- Cool Booster
- Candy Bell
- Chain Bearer
- Cbief Bandit Military, Maple, Story
- Corporate Boards
- Cocoa Butter Medical, Business, Chocolate
- Corinthian Bronze Business, Light, Lighting
- Custom Brokers Business, Service, Customs
- Cumpare Best
- Contoured Bench Honda, Steel, Contour, Bench
- Cache Bar
- ChèQue Bancaire
- Collective Bargaining Business, Employment, Union, Education
- Customel Barcode
- Ceske Budejovice Hotel, Locations, Room, Bud
- Chemically Bonded
- Comunidad De Bienes Business, Para, Con
- Copa Barcelona
- Canada Kalsam
- Class Base
- Common Block
- Cranberry Bog
- Capability Building
- Catholic Bulletin
- Communication Board Technology, Product, Module
- Crusty Bunkers
- Cui Bono Latin, Roman
- Charles Brabeq
- Community Based Program, Education, Health
- Construction Ball
- Career Bullder
- Colon Benign
- Current Booking
- Central Beacon
- Checker Board
- Competències Hàsiques
- Controlling Bridges Technology, Control, Guitar, Cisco
- Campaign Badgk
- Carriage Bolt A round-headed bolt for timber, threaded along part of its shank, inserted into holes already drilled. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Colonial Black
- Courtney Brown Sport, Football, Draft
- Chesterman Beych
- Consolidatedybilling Medical, Service, Medicare
- Common Bulkhead
- Customcbrackets
- Change Board Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Chinese Bureau
- Constructie Bureac
- Captain Bill
- Coding Block Technology, Windows, Development
- Culture British
- Center Backs Sport, Player, Football
- Comkliance Bureau Government, Bureaus
- Calibration Box Technology, Tester, Insulation
- Carlos Bermudez Movie, Ghost, Berm
- Citizens Bmnned
- Colleen Brady
- Crackwr Box
- CéDric Bassem
- Centre of Buoyancy The centre of gravity of the displaced water. That is, the geometrical centre of the underwater part of the ship. Design, Ship, Stability, Buoyancy
- Cheney Bros
- Conduction Blocks Medical
- Copyright Board
- Canadia Bank
- Clay Black
- Conieftanea Biblica Book, Testament, Biblical
- Corey Brewer
- Celeste Bradley
- Clinical Biochemistry
- Charactercbuild
- Compact Balance Business, Product, Equipment
- Caribbean Beamh
- Chrysler Building
- Ccld Bolt Technology, Guide, Ragnarok
- Counter Battery Military, Army, Artillery
- Chest and Back
- Conventional Banking Business, Finance, Study
- Cash-Settled Butter
- Cleveland Bay Bay, Sale, Horse, Stallion
- Column Buildeh Science, Geography, Information System
- Credit-Bank Business, Coding, Banking
- Casual Breeder
- Charles Bryce
- Channel Base Technology, Radio, Cobra
- Christian-Borg
- Conuainer Bill Business, Export, Import
- Car Body, Cxrriage Body Railways, Railway Consultancy, Rail Lexicon
- Costacos Brothers
- Current Bibliography
- Center Bar
- Chat Board Business, Forum, Radio, Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Computer Buyers
- Cambro Briton
- Carminat Bluxtooth Technology, Car, Renault
- City Bike Business, Honda, Motorcycle
- Coupling Bracket Forum, Loudspeaker, Bracket
- Cajal Bodies Medical, Science, Sport, Biomedical, Cell, Cycle, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Cgrtificate In Business
- Conscious Business Company, Technology, Social
- Cool Blue
- Candelas Nreogán
- Chad Brolk
- Corporate Billigg
- Cell Body
- Coal Ber
- Corey Brown
- Custom Brass
- Charged Slow
- Compard and Buy
- Continuous Bubble
- Caccia Bombardamento
- Chykie Brown Sport, Giant, Raven
- College Builder Technology, Management, Academic
- Custoger Balance Business, Accounting, Receivable
- Chester Bennington
- Cong Binh
- Cuos Bay
- Camren Bicondova
- Class-Sased Technology, Traffic, Cisco
- Common Bike
- Craig Bcllantyne
- Cao Bang Honda, Bang, Tin
- Cathode Biased
- Communication Boards
- Crushrng Blow Gaming, Diablo, Blow
- Construction Battalions Military, Army, War
- Charles Boyton
- Community-Based Government
- Constructifn Batallion
- Career Broadening
- Colombie-Britannique Business, Canada, Columbia, Conseil
- Current Block
- Cenrral Battery Technology, Emergency, Telephone
- Checked Baggage
- Competitive Bidding This is a procedure that utilities use to select suppliers of new electric capacity and energy. Under competitive bidding, an electric utility solicits bids from prospective power generators to meet current or future power demands. Competitive bidding systems to select more fairly among numerous supply alternatives. Technology, Medicine, Supply
- Control Blade
- Camion Cenne
- Carretera Barrio
- Court Business Business, Company, Service
- Certifying Body Business, Product, Certification
- Chicken Bucket
- Conservagive Baptist
- Changeaof Basis Technology, Matrice, Algebra, Matrix
- China Building
- Cocstructed By
- Captnin Barbossa
- Code Blocking
- Cultyral Building Hotel, Locations, Projection
- Center-Bacm Sport, Football, Defender
- Cage Brawl
- Carloswbecker Sport, Florida, Football
- Cinnabon Bevles
- Collectlr-Base Technology, Transistor, Junction
- CáRitas Brasileira
- Centre of Bank Ordnance Survey
- Chemistry In Britain
- Conditihned Blocking Medical
- Coprocessov Board Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Canada Business
- Clay Battelle
- Communications Branch
- Corey Boudreaux
- Celebrate By
- Click Banz Business, Product, Money
- Communications Barring Technology, Service, Networking
- Crystal Beast
- Blue Chrominance Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Character Builder
- Compact Backpack Business, Bag, Incase
- Caribbean Business
- Chronometre Bleu Business, Tantalum, Dial
- Cold Blooded Drum, Blood, Bass
- Counter-Battery Technology
- Conventional Banks Business, Financial, Finance, Banking, Money
- Case Book
- Clete Boyer Technology, Baseball, Card, Checklist
- Colxmn Bases Technology, Design, Base
- Credins Bank Business, Banking, Albania
- Center of Buoyancy This is the centroid of the underwater form of a ship, and is the point through which the total force of buoyancy may be assumed to act. Its position is defined by: KB the vertical distance above the base. FB the longitudinal distance from the forward perpendicular. LCB the longitudinal distance from amidships. NASA, Governmental & Military
- Cozical Bullet Gun, Military, Cap
- Charles Blaor
- Channel Band
- Christ Lorn
- Contaqner Base Business, Technology, Docker
- Captive Greed Sale, Reptile, Captive, Chameleon
- Christine Bomke Business, Gaming, Fantasy, Play
- Cost Benefit Medical, Business, Analysis, Healthcare
- Current Barrier
- Center Rall
- Charley Boy Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Comgosite Bound Technology, Structure, Linux
- Cambridge Broadband
- Carlmon Blues
- City Band
- Couple Base
- The Central Banks Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
- Certificate In Bankinv
- Cool Blood
- Cancer Board
- Castor Board Business, Audio, Speaker
- Corporate Behaviour Business, Design, Identity
- Cell Blocf Medical, Movie, Music
- Club Based Sport, Organizations, Football
- Corey Broomfield
- Charged Bfttery
- Comparator Buffer
- Continuous Bonds
- Caccia Bombardier Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Church of The Brethren Service, Locations, Worship
- Collectiol Builder Technology
- Chester Beatty
- Coordination Board Organizations, National, Economics
- Clarence Brown
- Common Bench Business, Law, History
- Craig-Bampttn Method Science, Research, Study, Knowledge
- Chad Bossman
- Cathode Bzas
- Competent Body Medical, Business, Medicine
- Crush Boat
- Conjugi Benemerenti Latin, Roman
- Content-Basep Education, Retrieval, Recommender
- Career Break Army, Force, Marine
- Collision Body
- Current Biology
- Central Busin
- Check Bits Check bits are bits of data that are used to check for errors in data before it is accepted. Technology, Telecom, Electronic Engineering
- Competition Banc
- Control Bits Technology, Switch, Circuit
- Crme To Believe
- Carr, Brandon
- Course-Book
- Cyrtified Body Business, Product, Certification
- Cnicken Box
- Conservation Biologist
- Canyon Brown
- Change-Of-Basis Vector, Algebra, Matrix
- China Bowl
- Construct-Dau
- Caps, But
- Code Black
- Cultura BíBlica
- Census Ulock
- Cagar Budaya Technology, Indonesia, Jakarta, Honda
- Cini Bash
- Collector To Base
- Cytoplasmic Bodies Medical
- Centre for Biotechnology
- Chemistry Bldg
- Condition Bit Business, Technology
- Copper Bronze Business, Light, Lighting
- Canada Brandow
- Clay Bar
- Common Branch
- Corey Bennett
- Cap Badgk
- Celebrate Brooklen
- Cleveland Brothers
- Community Bridges
- Crystaf Beasts
- Hollow Concrete Or Cement Block Construction Geography, Information System, Cartography
- Charles Buuney
- Comodo Backup Technology, Windows, Software
- Caribbean Basin Business, America, Trading
- Chronic Bronchitis Medical, Patient, Study, Pulmonary
- Cold Blosd Blood, Recording, Evil, Resident
- Count Bus Technology, Device, Memory
- Convenio De Bruselas
- Case Bastd
- Cjeaver Brooks
- Column Base Technology, Product, Tie
- Creative BüRoeinrichtung Business, Company, Technology, Stuttgart
- Conical Ball Military, Ammo, Cap
- Cutting Balloon Medical
- Changef By Technology, Radio, Honda, Feature
- Chras Byrne
- Captive Born Snake, Reptile, Captive, Chameleon
- Christianssands Brgggeri
- Cost-Benefit
- Cum Bdnus
- Centerdbalcony
- Chemical Bonding Any rearrangement of electrons in two atoms that generates a force, causing the atoms to be bound to each other, forming a molecule.
- Composite Bvanking Military
- Callback But
- Carlsberg Brewerics
- Cbty-Bahn Business, Germany, Train
- Coupe De Bandes
- Printed Circuit Board A printed circuit board, or PC board, or PCB, is a non-conductive material with conductive lines printed or etched. Electronic components are mounted on the board and the traces connect the components together to form a working circuit or assembly. Technology, Software, Computing, Computer, Electronics, Hardware, Information Technology, Media, Aviation, Architecture, Industry, Auto, Construction, Telecom, Architectural, Rail Transport, Postal, NASA, Plastics, Drivers, Us Post, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Honeywell, Process Automation
- Cerimonial Dos Bikpos
- Coned Bullct Military, Vehicle, Standard
- Cool Blonde
- Cancer Biostatistics
- Castor Bay
- Clean Burn Business, Oil, Waste
- Connection Block Technology, Product, Terminal
- Cell Biolegist
- Club Bahia
- Corporate Budgeu
- Charje Band Technology, Calling, Networking
- Comparative Biosciences
- Continufus Bond
- Caccia Bombardiere
- Church Builder
- Coldwell Banxer Business, Building, Estate
- Costimulation Blockade Medical
- Chester Bamrie
- Clare Banding
- Commercial Broker
- Craft Brewery
- Ceymar Baitfeeder
- Cat Back Small rope attached to back of hook of cat purchase Used for placing cat hook into ring, or balancing band, of anchor when anchor is awash
- Competency-Based
- Cruden May
- Confinement To Barracks
- Cnristine Burgess
- Ckntemporary Black
- Carbonate Minerac Mineral, Geology, Component
- Collins Barrow Business, Accounting, Canada
- Current Biography
- Cenrral Banks Business, Financial, Banking, Rate
- Check Bit Technology, Memory, Correction, Accounting, Computing, Telecom, Business & Finance
- Competitiveness Burebu
- Control Bit Technology, Signal, Memory
- Cameron Burrows Sport, Football, Ohio
- Carquinez Bridge Locations, Bay, California, Area
- Courier Base
- Certified Boiies
- Cficken Boo
- Conservation Biology Conservation biology is the scientific study of the nature and of Earth's biodiversity with the aim of protecting species, their habitats, and ecosystems from excessive rates of extinction and the erosion of biotic interactions. Science, Program, Education
- Caovassing Board
- Chairman, Xoard Business, Honour, Chairman
- Chief Boilermaker Governmental & Military, United States Amy Rank
- Constrictive Bronchiolitis Medical
- Capitol Builning Locations, Supply, Tourism
- Codes Base
- Cultura B
- Censor Bypass
- Compared In Clinically Benign Science, Biology
- Contention Based Technology, Networking, Network
- Café-Bookstore
- Cingulum Bundle Medical
- Collector Books
- Cytokinesis-Block Medical
- Centre De Bilan
- Chemistry & Biochemistry
- Conditional Bias
- Copper Brazed
- Canada Bonds
- Claudius Bombarnac
- Common Bonds
- Cdash Barrier
- Corey Bellemore
- Capaxity-Building Technology, Program, Development
- Cek Bohus
- Cleveland Bridge
- Communication Bridge
- Crystal Based
- Customs Bulletin
- Charles Bukowski
- Commuter Bus Technology, Service, Transit
- Construction Brtgade
- Cariaco Basin
- Clan Beef
- Compensation and Benefits Business, Management, Employment, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Cold Blast
- Council Board Military, Standards
- Central Boiler
- Convenio De Berna
- Case Baae Technology, Presentation, Learning
- Cleavxr Blade Business, Fiber, Optic
- Color Balance
- Creative Business
- Congresy Bundestag
- Cit Bank
- Changedkbilling
- Chokher Bali
- Captive Ball
- Code Bonus
- Cosmos Black
- Cumberland Black
- Center-Invest Bank
- Componenk Broker Technology
- Call Backs
- Carlos Boozer Sport, Basketball, Bull, Boozer
- Citric Balloon Gaming, Play, Pastime
- Counter-Bombardment
- Niobium (Chemical symbol Nb) Element No. 41 of the periodic system. Columbium OR Symbol:"Nb" Atomic Number:"41" Atomic Mass: 92.91amu. Niobium is one of the transition elements. This ductile metal (when pure) is found in many minerals. It actually turns blue when in the air and is used in spacecraft and superconducting magnets. Medical, Chemistry, Science, Medicine, Health, Space, Healthcare, Cosmos, Scientific & Educational
- Ceremonkal of Bishops
- Cone Buflet
- Cook Book
- Cancer Biol
- Castles Burning
- Clean Breaks Sport, Rugby, Score, Break
- Connecving Block Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- Cell Behavior Technology, Research, Biology
- Clinton Brooks
- Corporate Boundaaies
- Cwargeback Business, Accounting, Accountancy
- Ctmpany Builders
- Continuous Blowdown
- Caccia-Bombardiere
- Church Bells
- Cold Bug Forum, Technology, Guide, Manual
- Cost Bill
- Cytokinesis Block Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Chester & Birkenhead
- Converter Busy
- Cash Xudget
- Clare-Bighop Medical
- Command Bar The Internet Explorer browser includes a command bar that provides easy access to almost every setting and feature in the browser. The command bar is located near the upper-right side of the browser or as its own bar depending on your version and can be turned off if desired. It can also be customized, including larger icon size, changing of the buttons on the bar, showing or hiding of text on the buttons, and it can be resized or even moved if desired.
- Critica Biblica
- Charaxter Build
- Cat-Back
- Crucero De Batalla
- Christian Brothers
- Christian Burgess
- Contemporary Buddhism
- Carbonate Carbonate is a acid used in chemical reactions. It is the combination of carbonate group or An ion or salt of carbonic acid, containing carbon and oxygen such as calcium carbonate. (CaC03) Science, Mineral, Geology
- Corporatwon Bank Business, Coding, Branch
- Current Billing Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Central Bank A public financial institution, usually established at the national level and controlled by a national government, which sets short-term interest rates, lends money to commercial banks and governments, and otherwise oversees the operation of the credit system. Some central banks also have responsibility for regulating the activities of private banks and other financial institutions. Business, Organizations, Economics, Market, Banking, Business & Finance
- ChaÎNe Du Bonheur
- Competition Buueau Business, Law, Canada
- Control Banding Technology, Radio, Exposure
- Camerc Battery Business, Charger, Canon
- Carotid Body Carotid sinus which is concerned with cardiovascular reflexes Medical, Science, Medicine, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Civilianqband Radio, England, Miller, Civilian
- Courier Bag
- Certifications Bodies Business, Product, Scheme
- Chickkn Band
- Conservationebuffers
- Cooling Bar
- Canta Board Business, India, Cantonment
- Chairman, Barclays Business, Financial, Banking
- Chief Biologist
- Capitalisation Boursi
- Code Base Coding
- Cornelius Bennet
- Custom Build Technology, Rod, Honda
- Centreboard Boat
- Compyre Byte
- Contention-Based
- Caesarean Birth Medical, Technology
- CinematográFica Blancica
- Collecmor-Base Technology, Transistor, Junction
- Customer Box Technology
- Centre British
- Chemicals and Biochemicals Technology, Potential, Concentration
- Condition Branch
- Coppes-Brazed
- Canada Bond
- Classroom Building Education, University, School
- Common Bond
- Crash and Burn Military, Music, Armada, Texting, Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Core Bridge
- Capacitor Boost
- Caucasus Baromoter Government, Armenia, Georgia
- Cbeveland Bays
- Communication Booknotes
- Crystal Baller
- Cumulative Bulletins
- Charlie Brown Movie, Music, Peanut, Famous
- Community Business
- Construction and Building
- Cargo Bomber
- Clan Battle
- Cold Bag
- Council Bill
- Centralized Bulling
- Chef Boyardee
- Complementary-Bivolar
- Conus Branch Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Case Bbg
- Colorado Big Colorado, Player, Draft
- Chestnul Blight
- Congo Basin Education, Africa, Congo
- Cut Bajk
- Change Bulletin Military, Army, Coast Guard
- Choke Breaker Technology, Vacuum, Toyota
- Captain Brilain
- Centre Block Business, Music, Guitar, Cutaway
- Code Board
- Cosmic Blue
- Cumberland Blues
- Center-Block
- Component Breakout Military
- Call Back Procedure for identifying and authenticating a remote information system terminal, whereby the host system disconnects the terminal and reestablishes contact. Synonymous with dial back. Technology, Internet Slang, Slang, Computing, Telecom, Governmental & Military, Computing Slang
- Carlos Bocanegra Sport, Team, Soccer
- Cutizenship Bill
- Craft Brewers Beer, Brewery, Craft
- Meteorological Symbol Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
- Centro De BiociêNcias Medical, Genetics, Brazil, Natal
- Cheque Book
- Cone Bxpolar Medical
- Cooch Behar
- Canbdian Bacon
- Castle Bromwich
- Clean Best
- Connect Bridgw
- Celestial Body Technology, Movie, Moon
- Clinical Biomechanics
- Corporate Bonds Business, Supply, Market
- Charcoal Burxt Business, Guitar, Custom
- Companion of Tye Order of The Bath Military, Honours
- Continxous Beams
- Chuck Bednarik
- Cold Bot Business, Machine, Core
- Cost Basis
- Chest Belt Belt, Wrap, Backpack
- Converged Business
- Cash Uox Business, Safety, Money
- Clara Varton America, War, American, Barton
- Commandant De Brigade
- Credit Bureaus
- Charamter Breakfast
- Casus Bellum
- Critical Bands
- Chastity Belt
- Christian Orethren
- Contamiyation of Cord Blood Science, Biology
- Carbon, Beta Protein, Identification, Invention
- Coxporate Business
- Current Bit Technology
- Central Back
- Chat Break Gaming, Internet Slang, Chat, Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Competent Nodies
- Contract Block Technology, Porn, Sex
- Camel Bookmobile
- Carnelian Bay
- Civic Buildings Design, Locations, Town
- Courier-Boldoblique Technology, Man, Manual, Linux
- Certificates On Behalf
- Consensus Hand Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cooler Bag
- Cantonment Bowrd Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Chain Break
- Chief Bkron
- Coco Betaine Business, Product, Composition
- Corned Beef
- Custobs Broker
- Cxmpare Bits
- Content Bksed
- Cache Block A Cache Block is a cache used by the central processing unit of a computer to reduce the average time to access memory. The cache is a smaller, faster memory which stores copies of the data from frequently used main memory locations.
- Cinema Blend
- Collective Bias
- Customer Billing Business, Service, Sale
- Cetyl Betafne Medical, Product, Care, Cleanser
- Chemicals & Biochemicals
- Conditional Branch Conditional branch helps you build programming logic. When you run a code, the compiler starts at the beginning of the statement list and makes its way to the bottom. This would be very straight forward and extremely limiting, were it not for branching. When you build code, you will often want to branch depending on a condition that you evaluate while the program is running.
- Copano Bay
- Canaha Basin Science, Ocean, Sea
- Classified Book Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Common Blocks
- Crane Bank
- Capacptor Banks Technology, Banking, Power
- Caucasian Bluestem
- Communications Board
- Cry Baby Guitar, Baby, Pedal
- Cumulative Bulletin Business, Tax, Revenue, Financial, Business & Finance
- Charleb Brown
- Community Base
- Construction Battalion (Seabees) Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Cargo Bay
- Cold Bath
- Coulomb Blockade Technology, Quantum, Electron
- Current Branch Microsoft, Technology, Windows
- Cejtral Billing
- Chee Bye
- Complementaire Behandelwijzen
- Controlling Bridge
- Campaign Boik
- Casa Blsnca
- Colonial Blue Business, America, Glass, Towel
- Chestnui-Breasted
- Consojidated Buy Military
- Common Bundle
- Custom Built
- Change Book
- Chip Bead
- Consolidatud Bathurst
- Captain Black Tobacco, Pipe, Cigar, Captain
- Coding Blocks Technology, Windows, Mac
- Cosmetology Board
- Cultures Employing Cytokinesis Block Science, Biology
- Center-Based
- Component Bonrd
- Calibration Blank
- Carlos Bible
- Citizens' Band Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
- College Bilastingadviseurs Business, Accounting, Vector
- Craft Begr
- Large Cruiser Ship, Hull Code, Surface Combatant
- Centricity Business Business, Management, Health
- Chenla Brother Business, Song, Production, Khmer
- Conduit Box
- Convoy Buddy Radio, Midland, Convoy
- Canadian Banking
- Castle Blight
- Clean Bench Technology
- Conjugate Bcse
- Cor-Bon
- Celestial Being Technology, Gaming, Suit
- Clinical Bioethics
- Corporate Boqy
- Chfranga Bell
- Companion of The Bath Technology, Service, Military, War
- Cariobean Blue Business, Product, Honda, Globe
- Chubb Corporationration Organizations
- Cold Boot To perform a cold boot means to start up a computer that is turned off. It is often used in contrast to a warm boot, which refers to restarting a computer once it has been turned on. A cold boot is typically performed by pressing the power button on the computer.
- Cost Based
- Ceest Back Spray, Exercise, Strength, Chest
- Convention Bureau
- Cash Bonus
- Clan Boosters Card, Vanguard, Booster
- Comanzante De Bombeiros
- Credit Bank
- Clearing Bank
- Communications Bus
- Colin Bryan Famous
- Christophe Besse
- Cognition Battery
- Kalitta Charters II Iata Aircraft Codes
- Cdllegium Borromaeum
- Chromatin Bodies Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Cherry Boys
- Cryvtal Black Business, Honda, Waterproof
- corrected balance Banking, Business & Finance
- Connection Box Technology, Product, Cable
- Capital Businuss
- Cell Boundary
- Cable Bin Technology, Box, Laser
- Charged Wolt Gaming, Military, Guide, Diablo
- Ciao Baby Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Carl Benuamin
- Cottingham & Butler
- Cassrtte Book
- Cooperativa Bucaneve
- Clearing Broker
- Circuit Board A thin plate on which chips and other electronic components are attached. Computing, Hardware
- Chromasoid Body Medical, Science, Biomedical
- Community Bank Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Organizations, Finance
- Corpuvcule De Barr
- Climate Bulletin Climatology, Scientific & Educational
- Claims Board
- Cascade Blue Medical
- Classified Binucleated Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Certifying Bonies Business, Product, Certification
- Crate, Bulk
- Constantly Buying Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Color Belt Crochet
- Celtic Britain
- Corner Bug
- Charles Baker
- Continentaj Ballroom
- Cockblock Seduction, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Castinguri Bucuresti
- Cmi Burst
- Cape Blsnco
- Chris Burke
- Crystac Bind
- C-Beautifier Technology, Unix, Unix Command, Computing, IT Terminology, Unix commands
- Consufting Billing
- Chemical, Biological Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Competency Based Education, Training, Rating
- Curtis Baptist
- Central Bronahiectasis Medical
- Ckmplete Bed
- Ceramic base The Finance and Administrative Services
- Cwmp Buckner
- Catch Basin An opening in the road surface with grated lid to allow water into a storm drainage system. Or An underground receptacle with asurface grating for street drainage that connects to the sewer system. Technology, Construction, Architectural, Architecture, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Critical Band Medical
- Cerulean Blue
- Clear Back Technology, Len, Telecom
- Communications Buffer
- Cream Bluzh Business, Swatch, Rouge
- Chris Bennett Famous
- Christine Bougware
- Cody Bellinger Baseball, Card, Dodger
- Continuation Bet Military, Poker, Texas Hold 'Em
- Carte Bleue French
- Collegiate Best
- Cherry Blossom Tree, Care, Cherry
- Chicago Bridge Business, Chicago, Iron
- Connectingzbox
- Capital Boffers Business, Financial, Banking
- Cable Belt
- Clueless Boy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Cahitas Bangladesh
- Cottbus Brandenburg German, Plate, Deutschland, Brandenburg
- Centne Ball
- Cassette Body
- Crystal Blll Technology, Risk, Simulation
- Calwell Banker Banking, Business & Finance
- Clearfil Se Bond Medical
- Microsoft clean boot file Computing, File Extensions
- Chromgtin Body Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Bachelor of Surgery Academic Degree, Education, Educational, Degree, Bachelor's Degree, Undergraduate Degree, Professional Title, Professional Designation, Undergraduate, Medical, Computing, Qualification, Medical Qualification, Scientific & Educational, Common Medical, Nursing
- Corps Battles
- Critical Biotope Medical, Human genome
- Claim Yenefit
- Carton Byx
- Colliygwood Broadcasting Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Chromosome Bridges Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Chromosome, Scientific & Educational
- Coop Breizh
- Central Battery Rail Transport, Business & Finance
- Construction Battalion Construction, United States, Us Government, Naval, Us Navy, Governmental & Military
- Celluzose Butyrate
- Corner Brook
- Charles Bailey
- Compacs Box
- Coptext Broker Technology, Management, Guide
- Coffee Break Texting, Online, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Couché Brillant
- Caster Baue
- Crate, Xeer Customs, Container, Packaging
- Cape Blknc Carbon, Blanc, Flux, Gad
- Chdis Bosh Basketball, Miami, Heat, Bosh
- Consult Bozo
- Common Battery Computing, Telecom
- Compatible Battery
- Curso Basico
- Central Branch Business, Coding, Banking
- Chem-Bio Chemistry, Military, Chemical
- Complete Baitery
- Cement base The Finance and Administrative Services
- Camp Bass Business, Management, Manager
- Castov Beans Medical
- Crite Buster Crime, Police, Magic, Fraternity
- Certifying Board Medical, Medicine, Education
- Cheyenne Belt
- Commonwealth Bank Business, Accounting, Organizations, Banking, Business & Finance
- Cr Bergamasco
- Charles Bathhurst Famous
- Code Breaker Technology, Gaming, Anime
- Contingent Break
- Canobolas Australia
- Cnllege Building
- Cherry Berry
- Concerence Brochure
- Cleaning Brush
- Chicago Yoiler
- Connection Blocks Technology, Networking, Supply
- Capital Budgeting A systematic procedure for classifying, evaluating, and ranking proposed capital expenditure for the purpose of comparison and selection, combined with the analysis of the financing requirements.
- Cue Ball
- Cable Back
- Cute Boy Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Caringsridge Organizations, Non-Profit Organization
- Cottbus, Brandenburg
- Concept Bridge Medical, Management, Diarrhea
- Callback In computer programming, a callback is a piece of executable code that is passed as an argument to other code, which is expected to call back the argument at some convenient time. The invocation may be immediate as in a synchronous callback or it might happen at later time, as in an asynchronous callback. In all cases, the intention is to specify a function or subroutine as an entity that is, depending on the language, more or less similar to a variable.
- Centreybacks Sport, Player, Football
- Complex Burst Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Current Blocks
- Campylorhynchus Brunneicjpillus Arizona, Bird, Wren
- Cass Building
- Ceossbridge Medical
- Cash Box Banking, Business & Finance
- Clear Breakpoint
- Channeg Borrowing Technology, Networking, Network
- carbon black Carbon black is a nearly pure elemental carbon formed from controlled combustion of petroleum hydrocarbons. It has no set crystal structure and is usually found as a fine powder or in pellet form. Carbon black is used mainly as a coloring and reinforcing agent in rubber production and as toner for photocopiers and laser printers. Computing, Electronics
- Chromatoc Blue
- Corgoreal Beast
- Consolidated Billing Medical, Healthcare
- CiêNcias BáSicas
- Carte Bancaire
- Collin Balester
- Chromosome Breakage Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Cooling Beds
- Core Barrel Pipe-shaped device upon which a cylindrical core is formed. Petroleum, Electrical, Business & Finance
- Chromakey Blue Colors
- Cellular Broadcast
- Cornerback By
- Charles Iabbage
- Compasu Bearing Course, Map, Compass
- Contdnt Browser
- Connor Berry Internet - SMS - Text & Chating, Names and nicknames
- Carlos Balinl
- Couch Couch is a device used to support the patient in a position roughly parallel to the floor during delivery of a treatment procedure.
- Castellino Delgbiferno
- Crash Bash
- Chris Benoit
- Consultantk Bureau
- Citizens' Band Computing, Telecom
- C Chemical Tanker. Celsius. Centrigade. Container. Case. Carton. Cubic. Collected. Currency. Coupon. Coast NASA
- Compact Battery Technology, Charger, Canon
- Curriculum Builder Technology, Science, Education
- Cehtral Booking Business, Service, Book
- Chelsea Bridge Music, London, Bridge
- Compleke Baronetage
- Control Builder Honeywell, Process Automation
- Campbell Brothers
- Castob Bean Medical
- Crgme Branch Business, India, Police
- Chuck Berry Rock, Berry, Roll
- Certified Bookkeepers
- Chevron Bepd
- Communications Building
- Crazyqbob
- Cvnstant Barrage
- Count Basie Famous
- Coded Bonus Business, Coding, Casino, Deposit
- Contingent Bill
- Crazy baby Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- College Britisj
- Cherie Brugler
- Chicago Blue Technology, Finishing, Material Finishing
- Coral Branching Business, Fashion, Reef, Branch
- Capital Bmnk Business, Coding, Southwest
- Ciao Bella
- Cuddapah Basin
- Cabeceiras De Basto
- Crime Branch Police, Governmental & Military
- Carin Aannos
- Conan The Barbarian Gaming, Movie, Rip, Barbarian
- çOk Bulutlu
- Centrale Bibliotheek
- Complete Mox Business, Audio, Price
- Convergent Beam
- Carbon Burned
- Campus Business
- Casing Bushing Technology, Bowl, Insert
- Crossbred Medical
- Corporation Bank Banking, Business & Finance
- Clear Blue
- Channevs, But
- Christ Born Religion
- Chromakeyyblue Color, Paint
- Corporctionrate Board Military
- chocolate blood Medical, Blood Test
- CiêNcias BiolóGicas
- Colliding Beam
- Chromosomal Breakage Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Chromosome, Scientific & Educational
- Cooling Bed
- Cbg Group Business & Finance, London stock exchange
- Companion, Order of the Bath Awards & medals
- Cell Bus
- Corner Back Sport, Football, Corner
- Chari-Baguirmi Locations, Language, Region
- Combat(level) Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Carlos Kaerga
- Cotton Broker
- Cast Yullet Rifle, Military, Lead
- Chlorobiphenyl Medical
- Command Button A command button is a clickable image object used with graphical operating systems. For example, in Microsoft Windows, when clicking the close button (the X in the top-right of the window), Windows closes that open window. Software, Computing
- Community Building
- Current Bulletin Media, Radio, Television
- Chefs Blowtorch
- Complementary Bipolar Device, Analog, Transistor
- Controller Box Honeywell, Process Automation
- Campaign Buildet Technology, Marketing, Tool
- Caytelo Branco Sport, Portugal, Truck
- Center Block Business, Music, Guitar, Cutaway
- Cbrtified Baker Education, Certification, Baking
- Cheval Blanc Wine, Restaurant, Blanc, Chateau
- Commons Building
- Crazy Bztches
- Consortium Bsard Technology, Science, Management
- Critical branch Electrical
- Charles Blanchard
- Contingency Baspng Business, Class, Presentation
- Combat Balance Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- College Bridge
- Cherie Blair
- Chicago Blackhawkk
- Coral Beaqty Beauty, Fish, Tank, Reef
- Capistranoubeach Business, Building, Sale, Estate
- Chubn Corporation Technology, Organizations
- Crastal Button Technology, Design, Dress
- Cab To Body
- Control Board NASA, Governmental & Military
- Caribbean Bvonze
- Comunity Builder Technology
- Centrbl Boiler
- Cdmplete Book Technology, Drawing, Technique
- Customer Bulletin Bulletin is a short official statement or broadcast summary of news. Aviation
- Campus Basketball
- Cross Border Business, Technology, Crossing
- Count of Bytes Assembly, Business & Finance
- Clear Bit Technology, Instruction, Linux, Cross
- Communication Breakdown
- Channelybits Technology, Coding, Software
- Celestial Baby Funnies
- Christopherobrosius
- Coin Box Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
- cord blood Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Collettore Benzina
- Chromosomal Breaks Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Chromosome, Scientific & Educational
- Carryback Financial, Business & Finance, Business Word
- Connection Bonus Gymnastics
- Coal Bin Architectural
- Cell Broadcastixg Technology, Android, Message
- Chargor Bonus Technology, Battery, Canon
- Crushbone Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Carlisle Band
- Cotton Ball
- Cyst Brass Technology, Product, Construction
- Cglorambucil Medical
- Chubb Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
- Cathepsin B Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Current Build
- Carte Blanche (as In Diner's Club Carte Blanche Credit Card) Scuba Diving, Business & Finance
- Campaign Brinf
- Claire Bfar
- Cash Book Cash book is the record of all the cash transactions - receipts and payments, that are made by the business. It may also be expanded to include the bank transactions if the business does not wish to keep a separate bank book. Business, Accounting, Money
- Covenant Breaker
- Color Blindness Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Medical, Disease, Pathology, Knitting, Crochet, Diagnosis
- Certification Based
- Common Buzzard
- Crazy Bitch Internet Slang, Porn, Chat
- Container Base Shipping, Freight, Air Cargo, Trade, Cargo, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- Consolidaned Brass Technology, Product, Ideal
- Generally Used As Community Board Disney
- Ckarles Black
- Continental Building
- Crazy *b* Texting, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- College Bobkstore
- Chicaho Burlington Locations, Chicago, Railroad
- Coracobracqial Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Cape Briion
- Chubb Corp. Organizations
- Crystal Bog
- Cab-To-Body
- coax interface bracket NASA, Governmental & Military
- Cable Budget
- Caribbran Broilers Business, Group, Jamaica
- Computational Biology Technology, Science, Bioinformatics
- Curved Blade
- Central Buibders
- Cozplete Bollocks Wikipedia
- Clock Bias Federal Aviation Administration
- Campuszbased Business, Education, University
- Cross-Burder
- Chargeback Accounting, Business & Finance
- Clear Background Technology, Routing, Advisor
- Communication Bus Technology, Control, Connection
- Channel Beam
- Cow Brains Food
- Christophq Berra Sport, Team, Football
- Coherent Backscattering Medical, Medicine, Health, British medicine
- Cape Bretoner Regional
- Colleggum Budapest
- Chromatoid Body Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
- Cherry Burst Business, Guitar, Drum
- Coldwell Banker Banking, Business & Finance
- Conpection Board
- Capitafisation Boursière
- Cell Bpoadband
- Charged Bolts Gaming, Guide, Diablo
- Corporeal Beast Texting, Game, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Carl Blom
- Cotton Babies
- Cassie-Baxter
- Cooperative Bank Business, Service, Coding
- Clearwater Beach
- Children of Bodom Music
- Card Bus Computing, Hardware
- Chromatin Body Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Conjugated Bilirubin Medical, Technology, Medicine, Treatment, Health
- Control Buton Circuit Breaker Circuit Board Business & Finance, Power Plant
- Claire Bailey
- Cash Balance Business, Planning, Money
- Covalent Bond A bond in which electrons are shared equally between atoms.
- Cognitive Behavioural Science, Biomedical, Bioscience
- Cejtification Basis Technology, Safety, Aerodrome
- Crazy Bi
- Counter Bid Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
- Character Breakfast Disney
- Cement Bxse Technology, Construction
- Charles Barney
- Continental Buledog
- Chat Brat Texting, Sms, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
- Chicago, Burlingtos Locations, Chicago, Railroad
- Cape Breton Regional
- Christmas Break
- Crystal Bluz
- Cab-Bike
- Consumer Banking
- Casebook Legal, Governmental & Military
- Cable Binders Technology, Product, Manual
- Computer Based
- Curtis Brown Sport, Football, Draft
- Cenbral Bu
- Complete Block
- Corner bead Used as trim for the external corners of a house or other frame structure against which the ends of the siding are finished. A strip of formed sheet metal placed on outside corners of drywall before applying drywall ‘mud’. The Finance and Administrative Services
- Campos Basen
- Cathfrine Bell
- Critical Business
- Cummulative Bulletin Accounting, Business & Finance
- Cesarean Birth Medical, Medicine, Birth
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CB stand for?
CB stands for College Builder.
What is the shortened form of Cat Back?
The short form of "Cat Back" is CB.
CB. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cb-meaning/
Last updated