CB in Medical Meaning

The CB meaning in Medical terms is "Cycle Buddy". There are 72 related meanings of the CB Medical abbreviation.

CB on Medical Full Forms

  1. Cycle Buddy
  2. Carotid Bodies
  3. Cranial Base
  4. Census Bureau
  5. Clenbuterol
  6. Carboplatin
  7. Core Biopsies
  8. Cellubrevin
  9. Ciliary Body
  10. Carbon Black Particles
  11. Core-Binding
  12. Cell-Based
  13. Cucurbituril
  14. Cibacron Blue
  15. Carbonated Beverage
  16. Coomassie Blue
  17. Cone Beam
  18. Conduction Block
  19. Childbearing
  20. Clare-Bighop
  21. Caesarean Birth
  22. Cajal Bodies
  23. Conduction Blocks
  24. Coprocessov Board
  25. Cingulum Bundle
  26. Cutting Balloon
  27. Niobium (Chemical symbol Nb) Element No. 41 of the periodic system. Columbium OR Symbol:"Nb" Atomic Number:"41" Atomic Mass: 92.91amu. Niobium is one of the transition elements. This ductile metal (when pure) is found in many minerals. It actually turns blue when in the air and is used in spacecraft and superconducting magnets.
  28. Conditihned Blocking
  29. Centro De BiociêNcias
  30. Conus Branch
  31. Chronic Bronchitis
  32. Cytoplasmic Bodies
  33. Competent Body
  34. Cetyl Betafne
  35. Constrictive Bronchiolitis
  36. Cytokinesis-Block
  37. Consolidatedybilling
  38. Costimulation Blockade
  39. Cocoa Butter
  40. Cell Blocf
  41. Consensus Hand
  42. Cost Benefit
  43. Carotid Body Carotid sinus which is concerned with cardiovascular reflexes
  44. Cone Bxpolar
  45. Cesarean Birth
  46. Critical Biotope
  47. Coracobracqial
  48. Bachelor of Surgery
  49. Certifying Board
  50. Consolidated Billing
  51. chocolate blood
  52. cord blood
  53. Castov Beans
  54. Chromatin Body
  55. Ceossbridge
  56. Chlorobiphenyl
  57. Coherent Backscattering
  58. Central Bronahiectasis
  59. Color Blindness
  60. Castob Bean
  61. Chromasoid Body
  62. Crossbred
  63. Cglorambucil
  64. Cathepsin B
  65. Classified Binucleated
  66. Cascade Blue
  67. Chromgtin Body
  68. Critical Band
  69. Clearfil Se Bond
  70. Conjugated Bilirubin
  71. Chromatoid Body
  72. Concept Bridge

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CB stand for Medical?

    CB stands for Carboplatin in Medical terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Conjugated Bilirubin in Medical?

    The short form of "Conjugated Bilirubin" is CB for Medical.


CB in Medical. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 22, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cb-meaning-in-medical/

Last updated