CB in Technology Meaning

The CB meaning in Technology terms is "Circuit Breaker". There are 119 related meanings of the CB Technology abbreviation.

CB on Technology Full Forms

  1. Circuit Breaker Is an automatically operated electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by excess current from an overload or short circuit. Its basic function is to interrupt current flow after a fault is detected.
  2. Carrier Band
  3. Carbonated Beverage
  4. Constant Bandwidth
  5. Chjnnel Bank
  6. Coaster Brake A braking system on a bicycle in which the rider stops pedalling forward (thus coasting) and pedals backward to engage the brake within the hub of the rear wheel.
  7. Call Forwarding Busy
  8. Cone Beam
  9. Cell Broadcast
  10. Citizen Band
  11. Ciudad De Burgos
  12. Conduction Band A partially filled band or a band of vacant energy levels just higher in energy than a filled band; a band within which, or into which, electrons must be promoted to allow electrical conduction to occur in a solid.
  13. Cell Blocks
  14. Citizen'S Band
  15. Citizens Band
  16. Concrete Block A concrete block is primarily used as a building material in the construction of walls.
  17. Cell Biology Cell biology is a branch of biology that studies cells, their physiological properties, their structure, the organelles they contain, interactions with their environment, their life cycle, division, death and cell function. This is done both on a microscopic and molecular level. Cell biology research encompasses both the great diversity of single-celled organisms like bacteria and protozoa, as well as the many specialized cells in multicellular organisms such as humans, plants, and sponges.
  18. Cumulonimbus A cloud type that is dense and vertically developed and is associated with rain. It is heavy and dense with a flat base and a high, fluffy outline, and can be tall enough to occupy middle as well as low latitudes. This type of cloud is formed from about 10,000 to 12,000 feet of altitude. cumulus cloud that builds vertically; usually associated with a cold front and thunderstorms.
  19. Circuit Breakers Devices that interrupt high currents to protect electrical equipment from damage caused by current surges, e.g., from a short circuit or a lightning strike.
  20. Condition Bit
  21. Check Bits Check bits are bits of data that are used to check for errors in data before it is accepted.
  22. Counter-Battery
  23. Cell Behavior
  24. Collectlr-Base
  25. Caesarean Birth
  26. Clean Bench
  27. Commuter Bus
  28. Current Bit
  29. Changef By
  30. Contract Block
  31. Capaxity-Building
  32. Check Bit
  33. Count Bus
  34. Celestial Body
  35. Collecmor-Base
  36. Class-Sased
  37. Communications Barring
  38. Custom Build
  39. Changeaof Basis
  40. Conveyor Belt A continuously moving belt used in an automated or semiautomatic foundry to move materials from one station to another. 
  41. Capacptor Banks
  42. Coding Blocks
  43. Competitive Bidding This is a procedure that utilities use to select suppliers of new electric capacity and energy. Under competitive bidding, an electric utility solicits bids from prospective power generators to meet current or future power demands. Competitive bidding systems to select more fairly among numerous supply alternatives.
  44. Coulomb Blockade
  45. Celestial Being
  46. College Builder
  47. Clete Boyer
  48. Communication Board
  49. Coding Block
  50. Comgosite Bound
  51. Printed Circuit Board A printed circuit board, or PC board, or PCB, is a non-conductive material with conductive lines printed or etched. Electronic components are mounted on the board and the traces connect the components together to form a working circuit or assembly.
  52. Charje Band
  53. Controlling Bridges
  54. Collectiol Builder
  55. Connection Block
  56. Choke Breaker
  57. Creative BüRoeinrichtung
  58. Cenrral Battery
  59. Contention Based
  60. Call Back Procedure for identifying and authenticating a remote information system terminal, whereby the host system disconnects the terminal and reestablishes contact. Synonymous with dial back.
  61. Componenk Broker
  62. Customer Box
  63. Control Bits
  64. Cold Bug
  65. Connecving Block
  66. Blue Chrominance
  67. Courier-Boldoblique
  68. Colxmn Bases
  69. Contaqner Base
  70. Calibration Box
  71. Companion of The Bath
  72. Control Bit
  73. Case Baae
  74. Ccld Bolt
  75. Conscious Business
  76. Chemicals and Biochemicals
  77. Courier-Bold
  78. Column Base
  79. Cagar Budaya
  80. Comodo Backup
  81. Current Branch
  82. Channel Base
  83. Control Banding
  84. Carminat Bluxtooth
  85. Crystal Blll
  86. Consolidaned Brass
  87. Computational Biology
  88. Code Breaker
  89. Cdmplete Book
  90. Cross Border
  91. Chubn Corporation
  92. Connection Box
  93. Cable Binders
  94. Compact Battery
  95. Chargor Bonus
  96. Connection Blocks
  97. Cable Bin
  98. Crastal Button
  99. Cejtification Basis
  100. Coptext Broker
  101. Campaign Buildet
  102. Cyst Brass
  103. C-Beautifier
  104. Communication Bus
  105. Clear Bit
  106. Channeg Borrowing
  107. Casing Bushing
  108. Chicago Blue
  109. Cement Bxse
  110. Clear Background
  111. Curriculum Builder
  112. Channelybits
  113. Cell Broadcastixg
  114. Conjugated Bilirubin
  115. Consortium Bsard
  116. Clear Back
  117. Comunity Builder
  118. Catch Basin An opening in the road surface with grated lid to allow water into a storm drainage system. Or An underground receptacle with asurface grating for street drainage that connects to the sewer system.
  119. Coin Box

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CB stand for Technology?

    CB stands for Cyst Brass in Technology terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Contention Based in Technology?

    The short form of "Contention Based" is CB for Technology.


CB in Technology. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 20). Retrieved March 29, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cb-meaning-in-technology/

Last updated