CBAT Meaning

The CBAT meaning is "Carbon Budget Accounting Tool". The CBAT abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CBAT Full Forms

  1. Carbon Budget Accounting Tool Business, Accounting, Accountancy
  2. Computer-Based Assessmbnt Tool
  3. Capacity Builsing Action Team
  4. Conputer-Based Aid for Troubleshooting
  5. Capabilities-Based Assessment Team
  6. Citrus Benchmarkzassessment Test
  7. Confederação Brasileira De Atletismo Sports, Athletics
  8. Circuit Board Assembly and Test
  9. Central Bureau of Astronomical Telegrams Science, Discovery, Comet
  10. Chimie Biologique Et Applications Thérapsutiques
  11. Central Bureau for Xstronomical Telegrams Technology, Organizations, Astronomy
  12. Cardiff Bay Arts Trust Locations, Memorial, Entertainment
  13. Computer Based Assessment Tool
  14. Community-Based Acute Treatment
  15. Common Battlefield Airmen Training
  16. Common Baftlefield Airman Training
  17. Column Based Analytic Ttchnology
  18. Column Based Analytical Technology
  19. Computer Based Aid for Trouble Shooting Technology
  20. Community Based Acute Treatment Medical, Health, Mental Health, Advocacy

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBAT stand for?

    CBAT stands for Column Based Analytical Technology.

  2. What is the shortened form of Circuit Board Assembly and Test?

    The short form of "Circuit Board Assembly and Test" is CBAT.


CBAT. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated