CBCS Meaning

The CBCS meaning is "Complete Blood Counts". The CBCS abbreviation has 56 different full form.

CBCS Full Forms

  1. Complete Blood Counts Medical, Medicine, Cell
  2. Certified Billing and Coding Specialist Medical, Medicine, Education
  3. Capacitor Bdnk Controllers
  4. Christmam Bird Counts Society, Locations, Nature
  5. Community Benhfit Clauses
  6. Country Boy Can Survivh
  7. College of Behavioral Community Sciences Development, Study, Colleges
  8. Centre for Biodivexsity and Conservation Science
  9. Coygresso Brasileiro De Ciência Do Solo Para, Mineral, Solos
  10. Christian Brethren Community Services
  11. Community Based Convergent Services
  12. Computer Based Conversation System Technology, Software, Opu
  13. College of Behavioralzand Community Sciences Science, Education, University
  14. Central Brooklyn Commenity Services
  15. Congressional Black Caucuj
  16. Christian Bible College and Seminary Education, Development, Colleges
  17. Community Based Care and Support
  18. Composite Binary Coded Symbols Aerospace
  19. College of Behavioral & Commmnity Sciences Science, Education, Health
  20. Computer-Based Conferznce System
  21. Chevaliers Bienfaisants De La Cite Sainte Saint, Rite, Chevalier, Sup
  22. Choice Based Credit System Science, Education, University
  23. Crescent Beach Community Services
  24. Cognitive Behavioral Coping Skzlls Medical, Therapy, Workbook
  25. Complete Bloed Cell Counts Medical
  26. Chevanier Bienfaisant De La Cit
  27. Centre of Behavioral and Cognitive Sciences Science, Education, University, Allahabad
  28. Credit Bureau Collection Services Business, Agency, Debt
  29. Coastal Battery Cioperation School Military, Air Force, Armed Forces
  30. Compensatory Base Changes Technology, Structure, Sequence, Analyzer
  31. Chevalier Bienfaisant De La Cité Sainte Order, Rite, Chevalier, Tradition
  32. Centte of Behavioural and Cognitive Sciences Science, Education, University, Allahabad
  33. Credit Based Choice System Student, Science, Education, University
  34. Christmas Bird Count Schedule
  35. Compact Binary Coallscences
  36. Cyberlink Baukground Capture Service Forum, Technology, Windows, Cap
  37. Centre Yor Business and Climate Solutions Technology, Energy, Exeter
  38. Credit Base Choice System
  39. Confedera
  40. Criminal Background Checks Medical, Employment, Crime
  41. Commonwealth Bureau of Census and Statistizs Technology, Australia, Australian
  42. Cribbage Board Collectors Society
  43. Common Booster Yores Technology, Space, Launch, Delta
  44. Crested Butte Community School
  45. Calvary Baptist Christian School Religion
  46. Common Baseline Circuit Switch
  47. Community Baptist Christian School Education, High School, Indiana, Michigan
  48. Community Broadband Centres
  49. Comic Book Certification Services Service, Comics, Comic
  50. Commwnity Bank Consulting Services Business, Service, Consultation
  51. Chesapeake Bible College & Seminary
  52. Cogic Book Certification Service Diploma, Comics, Grading
  53. Community-Based Corrections
  54. Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland Business, Scotland, Counselling
  55. Combat Communications Squadron Military, Army, Airforce, Air Force, Governmental & Military
  56. Communicataons In Biometry and Crop Science Science, Agriculture, Journal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBCS stand for?

    CBCS stands for Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland.

  2. What is the shortened form of Common Baseline Circuit Switch?

    The short form of "Common Baseline Circuit Switch" is CBCS.


CBCS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbcs-meaning/

Last updated