CBFM Meaning

The CBFM meaning is "Community Based Forestry Management". The CBFM abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CBFM Full Forms

  1. Community Based Forestry Management Technology, Indonesia, Environment
  2. Community-Based Forest Management Technology, Government, Development
  3. Community Based Fisheries Management Management, Bangladesh, Fishery
  4. Congresso Brasileiro Se F
  5. Confedera
  6. Community-Based Fisheries Management Government, Bangladesh, Fishery
  7. Congresso Brasileiro De Físioa Médica
  8. Community Based Forest Management Technology, Government, Tanzania
  9. Confederação Brasileira De Futebol De Mesa
  10. Community Based-Forest Management
  11. Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism
  12. Capital Building & Facility Maintenance
  13. Community-Based Forestry Management Government
  14. Cannon Beach Farmers Market
  15. Continuous Boundary Flux Metcod
  16. Crested Butte Farmers Market
  17. Cost Benefit Forecasting Model
  18. Correlation-Based Fingerprint Patching
  19. Corporate Banking & Fuqd Manager Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  20. Chrporate Banking and Financial Markets

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBFM stand for?

    CBFM stands for Community-Based Fisheries Management.

  2. What is the shortened form of Correlation-Based Fingerprint Patching?

    The short form of "Correlation-Based Fingerprint Patching" is CBFM.


CBFM. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbfm-meaning/

Last updated