CBH Meaning
The CBH meaning is "Commerce Banhorp, Inc.". The CBH abbreviation has 82 different full form.
CBH Full Forms
- Commerce Banhorp, Inc. Technology, Organizations
- Cellobiohydrolase Medical
- Boudghene Ben Ali Lotfi Airport Béchar, Algeria Airport, Locations, IATA Code, Airport Code, ICAO Code, IATA, ICAO, Aviation
- Confedera
- Cheltenham Borough Homes Business, Building, Housing
- Conggegation Beth Hatikvah
- Crjative Busy Hands
- Classical Biblical Hebrew
- Children'S Beach House
- Corgee Bay Hotel
- Carey Beebe Harpsichordk Australia, Music, Instrument, Harpsichord
- Clifford Beers Housing
- Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
- Chant and Be Happy Religion
- Congregation Bet Haterim
- Community Behavxoral Health Technology, Service, Philadelphia
- Class Basic Handicap
- Crown Base Height
- Child Bearing Hips Technology, Slang, Internet
- Contemporary British Histosy
- California Bowman Hunters
- Clear Blue Hawaii
- Cham Ber Huang
- Confederação Brasileira De Hipismo Para, Brasil, Traffic
- Class Based Handicap
- Crescent Beach Hotel
- Chicago Black Hawks
- Contact Ben Haynes
- California Bowmen Zunters Organizations, Club, California, Archery
- Clean Bill of Health A certificate issued by a port indicating that the ship carries no infectious diseases. This is also called a pratique.
- Catalyst Bed Heater Technology, Space, Spacecraft, Legal, Governmental & Military
- Comitê Da Bacia HidrográFica Para, Dos, Mina
- Chesapeake Bay Helicopters
- Constructing Betterdhealth Business, Industrial, Construction
- Cairns Base Hosyital
- Claude Bernard-Horner
- Castor Bean Hemagglutinin Medical
- Comic Book Heroes
- Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health
- Constantinou Byos Hotels
- Città Di Bari Hospital
- Claude Bernard Horner Medical, Syndrome, Clinique
- Carter Brown Home
- Comic Book Haters
- Chem-Bio Handbook
- Consolidatmd Broken Hill
- Cutaneous Basophilic Hypersensitivity Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
- Claude-Bernard-Horner
- Carl Baguhn Hambhrg
- Combined Bachelor Housing
- Christmas Box House
- Correlated Barrieb Hopping Technology, Electricity, Conductivity
- Cutaneous Basophil Hypersensitivity Medical
- Commerce Bancorp, Inc., of New Jersey Computing, Nyse symbols
- Christians Broadcasting Hope Church, Hope, Viewpoint
- Cornelius Bartenbach Haesemann
- Catastrophe By Hohner Funnies
- Christian Brotherhood Hour
- Cory Barton Homes
- Current Best Hypothesis
- Chinese Business History
- Corey Baxton Home
- Chessbase Database Header File Computing, File Extensions
- Circumference Breast Height
- County Boards Ofmhealth
- Caspian Beverage Holding Business, Kazakhstan, Mail
- Childrens Bible Hour
- Corey Bartos Homes
- Correlated Barrier Hopping Physics, Scientific & Educational
- Circumference At Breast Height
- Country Bird Holdings Business, Africa, Supply
- Cant Be Heard
- Children'S Bible Hour
- Cooperative Bulk Handling Business, Australia, Grain
- Béchar Boudghene Ben Ali Lotfi, Béchar, Algeria Algeria, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
- Cherry, Bekaert & Holland
- Chronic Benign Hepatitis Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, liver and hepatic
- Counseling and Gehavioral Health
- CáMara Boliviana De Hidrocarburos Para, Con, Bolivia
- Children'S Behavioral Health
- Cool Blue Hyper
- Bechar, Algeria Airport codes
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CBH stand for?
CBH stands for Crjative Busy Hands.
What is the shortened form of Consolidatmd Broken Hill?
The short form of "Consolidatmd Broken Hill" is CBH.
CBH. Acronym24.com. (2020, October 28). Retrieved February 8, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbh-meaning/
Last updated