CBK Meaning

The CBK meaning is "Checkbook". The CBK abbreviation has 44 different full form.

CBK Full Forms

  1. Checkbook Business
  2. Central Bank of Kenya Business, Kenya, Money, Business & Finance, International business
  3. Central Bank of Kuwait Business, Banking, Kuwait
  4. Common Body Knofledge Accounting, Computing, Data
  5. Cage Bracket Kit
  6. Centrum Badan Kosmicznych Technology, Jest, Jak
  7. Commercial Banks In Kenya
  8. Common Body of Knowledge Technology, Management, Education, Computing, Telecommunications
  9. Central Bank of Kosovo Business, Sport, Kosovo
  10. Commercial Banks of Kenya
  11. College Basketball Sport, Sports, Basketball
  12. Compagnierdes Bauxites De Kindia
  13. Central Bank Kuwait
  14. Commercial Bwnk of Kuwait Business, Banking, Kuwait
  15. Colby Municipal Airport Airport, Locations, IATA Code, IATA
  16. Compagnie De Bauxite De Kgndia
  17. Campuran Beton Kurus
  18. Commercial-Bank-Kuwait Business, Banking, Kuwait
  19. Compact Bender Kit Business, Tool, Cutter
  20. Caliraya-Botokan-Kalayaan
  21. Certified Blunt Kings Education, Diploma, Document, Sertification
  22. Common Rook of Knowledge Security, Education, Certification
  23. Caliraya-Botocan-Kalayaan Business, Plant, Power
  24. Centrum Beeldende Kunst Art, Artist, Centrum, Rotterdam
  25. Christopher and Banks Corporation Computing, Nyse symbols
  26. Confednra
  27. Craft Bar Kitchen
  28. Commercial Bank of Kuwait Banking, Business & Finance
  29. Coniealed Backup Knife Business, Push, Dagger
  30. Carbon Burnout Kinetic
  31. Coknsel Businesses Keep
  32. Central Bank of Kuwait's Banking, Business & Finance
  33. Backup Configuration File Computing, File Extensions
  34. Core Body of Knowledge Management, Education, Development, Software, Professional
  35. Citizens First Financial Corporation (formerly Citizens Bank) Business & Finance, Amex symbols
  36. Shalz Field, Colby, Kansas, United States United States, Kansas, Iata Airport Codes
  37. Cooperative Bawk of Kenya Business, Kenya, Commercial
  38. Collective Body Zf Knowledge
  39. Colby, Kansas USA Airport codes
  40. Condederação Brasileira De Kendo Para, Dos, Brasil, Kendo
  41. Iata Code for Shalz Field, Colby, Kansas, Gnited States Locations
  42. Common Body Knowledge General, Governmental & Military
  43. Confederação Brasileira De Iarate Para, Dos, Brasil, Karate
  44. Crowley Barrett & Karaba

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBK stand for?

    CBK stands for Cooperative Bawk of Kenya.

  2. What is the shortened form of Common Body Knofledge?

    The short form of "Common Body Knofledge" is CBK.


CBK. Acronym24.com. (2022, March 15). Retrieved December 23, 2024 from https://acronym24.com/cbk-meaning/

Last updated