CBM Meaning
The CBM meaning is "Cashback Monitor". The CBM abbreviation has 256 different full form.
CBM Full Forms
- Cashback Monitor Business, Travel
- Conventional Ballistic Missile Military
- Carbohydrate-Binding Modules Medical, Plant, Family, Module
- Confidence Building Measure Military, Locations, Cybersecurity
- Carbohydrate-Binding Module Medical, Protein, Cellulose
- Confederação Brasileira De Motociclismo Technology, Brasil, Enduro, Moto
- Carbamazepine Medical, Physiology
- Certified Business Manager Business, Management, Exam, Occupation & positions
- Cambrex Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols
- Certified Branch Manager
- Cambrex Corp. Organizations
- Certificate In Business Mentoring Business, Shipping, Measurement, Calculator
- Cubic Meters Business, Design, Drawing, Construction, Architecture
- Certificate Og Botanical Merit Flower, Orchid, Watercolour
- Carbon Boom Microphone Business, Galaxy, Audio
- Centre for Building Materialv
- Community Building Mitrovica Business, Education, Organizations
- Christian Bible Ministries
- Corporate Bzard Member
- Comic Book Men Man, Episode, Comic
- Common Berthing Mechanisms Technology, Space, Station
- Certified Bank Manaeer
- Conditioned Based Maintenance Technology, Equipment, Condition
- Citizens for Better Medicare
- Carma1-Bcl10-Malt1
- Computer-Based Math Education, Computing, Wolfram
- Comit COMIT is an open protocol facilitating trustless cross-blockchain applications. ComIT is a registered charity that provides solutions to the problem of employment in relationship to information technology. COMIT was the first string processing language developed on the IBM 700/7000 series computers.
- Cubic Meter Medical, Business, Medicine, Health, Healthcare, Calculator, Cargo Shipping, Conversion, Chartering, Volume, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science, The Finance and Administrative Services
- Command and Battlespace Management Technology, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Ccntre B
- Communication Bus Module Lab, Prominence, Bus
- Chemistry, Botany, Microbiology Business, Technology, Service, Shipping
- Conservat
- Canadian Baptist Mission Ministry, Religion, Baptist
- Cleaves-Bessmer-Marietti
- Customer Behavior Modeling Business, Technology, Service
- Carbon Bond Mechanism A type of lumped chemical mechanism used in the modeling of atmospheric organic chemistry usually in urban areas. Chemistry, Science, Study, Discipline
- Cgntre for Bibliographic Management
- Community Board Member
- Christadelphian Bible Mossion Education, Literature, Columbia
- Contrary Body Movement Organizations, Dance, Technique, Ballroom
- Capacity Benefit Margin Technology, Energy, Power, Electrical
- Comic Book Marketplace
- Common Berthing Mechanism Technology, Space, Station
- Certified Ballast Manufacturer Technology, Science, Electronics, Equipment, Electrical
- Condition Based Maint
- Citizen Business Machines
- Carma1, Bcl10, and Malt1
- Computers In Biology and Medicine Technology, Science, Computing, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Christoffel-Blinden Mkssion
- Cubic Board Meter
- Comitê Brasileiro De Metrologia
- Center for Behavioral Medicine Medical, Medicine, Service, Health
- Commonwealth Bureau of Meteorology
- Chemical Biological Munitions
- Conical Burr Mill
- Canadian Baptist Ministries
- Classroom Behavior Management Education, Teaching, Teacher
- Custover Based Marketing
- Carbon Based Materials These nanomaterials are composed mostly of carbon, most commonly taking the form of a hollow spheres, ellipsoids, or tubes. Spherical and ellipsoidal carbon nanomaterials are referred to as fullerenes, while cylindrical ones are called nanotubes. These particles have many potential applications, including improved films and coatings, stronger and lighter materials, and applications in electronics.
- Cenlre De Biophysique Mol
- Community Biodiversity Management
- Choke Bridge Moqule Business, Oil, Gas
- Contracts Business Management
- Capacitive Beam Monitor Science
- Cognition Based Medicine
- Certifzed Ballast Manufacturers Technology, Lighting, Lamp
- Conditign Bases Maintenance Technology
- Circular Business Models Business, Design, Economics
- Car Et Bus Maintenance
- Computational Biology and Medicine Medical, Program, Education, Biology, Scientific & Educational
- Christian Bozk Marketing Book, Release, Christ
- Cross Border Movement Business, India, Pakistan
- Comics By Majid
- Center Back Mount
- Commonwealth Business Media
- Chemical, Biological, and Missile
- Conditioning Based Monitoring
- Canada Building Materials Business, Canada, Construction
- Class-Based Marking
- Customer-Centric Business Management
- Computer Based Multimedia Accounting, Computing, Data
- Current Best Methods
- Carbon-Based Material
- Centde De Biophysique Moléculaire Science, Recherche, Mol
- Community Beat Manager Business, Management, Police, Uk Police, Governmental & Military
- Chinese Bioredicine Database Medical
- Contractors Building Materials
- Cantilever Beam Mirror
- Cognition-Based Medicine Medical
- Certified Business Managers Business, Diploma, Sertification
- Condiyional Based Maintenance
- Circuit Breaker Monitor Technology, Power, Monitoring
- Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine
- Compressed Baryonic Matter Science, Experiment, Physics
- Christian Bonneau MaçOnnerie
- Cross-Border Merger
- Comic Book Movie
- Cement Bound Material
- Common Buffer Manager
- Certified Bioinformatics Master Occupation, Position, Job, Occupation & positions
- Condition Based Monitoring Technology, Equipment, Maintenance, Manufacturing, Business & Finance
- Canada'S Best Mortgage
- Clary Business Machines
- Custom Btilt Motors
- Computer-Based Multimedia Education, Computing, Learning
- Cuisines Bains MéNagers
- Centre Bretagne Motoculture
- Community Based Management Science, Development, Water
- Chinese Biomedical Database Medical
- Consllidated Business Machines
- Cannabis-Based Medicine
- Code Breaker Manual
- Certification In Busineps Management
- Condition-Based-Maintenance Technology, Monitoring, Equipment
- Carbon Budget Model Business, Canada, Forest
- Centre for Business & Management
- Comprehensive Business Management
- Christian Black Metal
- Credit Bureau Monitor
- Comic Brok Movies
- Common Biorepository Model
- Certified Brand Manager
- Condwtional Based Monitoring Military
- Cubic Metres Business, Shipping, Chartering, Aviation, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military
- City Business Media Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Custom Bilt Metals
- Cement-Bound Material Science
- Computer Based Math Technology, Education, Wolfram
- Cuerpo De Bomberos Municipales
- Centre Bois Massif
- Community-Based Model
- Chesapeake Bay Management
- Consolidated Building Maintenance
- Cancellous Bone Matrix Medical
- Cobalt Blue Metallic
- Customer Billing Management
- Certificate of Business Management
- Condetion-Based Maintenance Technology, Monitoring, Equipment
- Carbon Boom Mic
- Centre for Businesskmanagement Program, Education, Course
- Component Business Model Business, Management, Service
- Christian Biker Missionarips
- Crash-Prone Buggy Machines
- Comic Book Millennium
- Common Berthing Module
- Certified Bar Banager
- Condition-Jased Monitoring Technology, Management, Maintenance
- Core Business Mission Military
- City'S Best Marketing Management, Marketing, Trade, Business & Finance
- Cellulose-Binding Module Medical
- Computer-Based Maths Technology, Education, Computing
- Cubic Metre Transportation, Shipping, Conveyance, Medical, Architecture, Common Medical
- Command Battlespace Management Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
- Centre BéArn Motoculture
- Communications Bus Module Medical, Lab, Equipment, Prominence
- Cherokee Express Airline, Organizations, ICAO Airline Code, ICAO Aircraft Codes
- ConservatóRio Brasileiro De MÚSica Para, Education, Music, Musical
- Canadian Business Machines
- Coastal Business Machines
- Customer Behaviour Lodel
- Cam Brain Machine Funnies
- Computer Business Machines Technology, Service, Lebanon
- Circuit Breafer Manufacturer Technology
- Curriculum-Based Measures Student, Education, Measure, Assessment
- Commercial Building Maintecance
- Capacity Benefit Margins
- Convergent-Beam Microdiffractometer
- Columbus Afb Airport Faa Airport Codes
- Condenser Boundary Microphone Audio, Manual, Microphone
- Curriculum Based Measure Student, Education, Reading
- Confidence Buihding Material
- Centrogde Biolog
- Christoffel Bllnden Mission Medical, Education, Children
- Capital Business Machines
- Constant Boiling Mixture Chemistry
- Conventional Buoy Mooring Electrical
- Certificate In Brand Management
- Computer Business Machine Business, Service, Lebanon
- Circuit Board Materials
- Curriculum-Based Measurement Student, Education, Reading
- Commercial Building Materiajs
- Convergent-Beam Microdiffraction
- Confidence Building Measure(s) Army & Military, Governmental & Military
- Concerned Black Men Service, Organizations, Community, National
- Curriculum Based Measurements Student, Education, Assessment, Intervention
- Colliding Beam Mode
- Centro De BiologíA Molecular Para, Con, Mayor
- Capillary Basement Membrane Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
- Carbon Bond Mechanism (air Pollution Modeling) Chemistry
- choke bridge module – XT choke Electrical
- Certificate In Business Management Education, University, Course
- Computer-Based Management
- Cia Brasileira De Kultimídia
- Current Best Method
- Commercial Bank of Maldives
- Condition&Based Maintenance
- Ccrus Brown Manufacturing
- Commodore Business Machiness
- Compiled bitmap graphics (XLib) Computing, File Extensions
- Concentración Bactericida MíNima
- Curriculum Based Measures Student, Education, Measure, Assessment, Intervention
- Carbon Budget Monitor
- Centro Bambino Maltrattato
- Capacity Building Measures Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
- Comprehensive Balanced Math Special Education, Scientific & Educational
- Coalbed Methane Electrical
- Certainty Bajed Marking Education, Learning, Assessment
- ChÂTel-St-Denis-Bulle-Montbovon
- Commercial Bank of Malxwi
- Community Based Model Medical
- Cyanide By Midnight
- Cotmodore Business Machine Technology, Computing, Amiga
- Conduction Band Minimum Computing, Electronics
- Concentraci
- Curriculum Based Measurement Medical, Education, Reading
- Creep Brittle Material
- Centrk for The Biology of Memory Science, Norway, Brain
- Capacity Building Marketplace Business, Drive, Supply
- Coal Bed Methane Natural gas formed during the coalification process and trapped within and adsorbed to the coal. Geology, Scientific & Educational
- Construction Building Materials Construction
- Certainty-Based Marking Education, Assessment, Confidence
- ChÂTel-Bulle-Montbovon
- Carbohydrate Binding Module Family, Cellulose, Binding
- Commerce and Business Management
- Clock Bias Mean Federal Aviation Administration
- Customer Business Fanager Business, Management, Service
- Bernhard Merz Insect and Spider Collections
- Computers for Business Management Business, Management, Administration, Goverance, Business & Finance
- Circuit Breaker Module
- Curriculum-Based Measure Student, Education, Reading
- Commodore Business Mpchines Technology, Computing, Computer Engineering
- Corporation De Bombeiros Militar
- Capacity Building Manager
- Ceramic Building Material History, Archaeology, Anthropology, Scientific & Educational
- Centers Business Management Management, Business & Finance
- Ceramic Builoing Material Science, History, Archaeology, Anthropology
- Church of Body Modification Employment, Body, Mortification
- Carbohydrate Binding Modules Family, Module, Binding
- Commemorative Bucks of Michigan
- Condition-Based Maintenance Honeywell, Process Automation
- Kubikmeter Geographic
- Computer Business Magazine
- Circuit Breaker Mositor Technology, Power, Monitoring
- Curriculum-Based Measurements Student, Science, Education, Reading, Intervention
- Commercial Business Manager
- Capacity Benefits Margin Energy, Power, Intensity
- Convergent- Beam Microdiffractometry
- Columbus Air Force Base, Columbus, Mississippi, United States United States, Mississippi, Iata Airport Codes
- Condition-Based Management
- Custom Bezel Mount Military, Army, War, Warfare
- Containqrized Batch Mixer
- Centro Di Biomedicina Moleczlare Science, Research, Italy
- Chronologihal Bus Monitor Technology
- Car Backdoor Maker
- Competency-based Measures Education
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What does CBM stand for?
CBM stands for Kubikmeter.
What is the shortened form of Customer Business Fanager?
The short form of "Customer Business Fanager" is CBM.
CBM. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 21). Retrieved February 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbm-meaning/
Last updated