CBMS Meaning

The CBMS meaning is "Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer". The CBMS abbreviation has 75 different full form.

CBMS Full Forms

  1. Chemical Biological Mass Spectrometer Chemistry, Technology, Military
  2. Computer Based Message System Military
  3. Computer-Based Message System Military, Telecom, Telecommunications, Computing
  4. Circuit Breaker Monitoring System Technology, Aviation, Aircraft, Airway
  5. Chemical Biological Medical Systems Medical, Medicine, Military
  6. Carbohydrate-Binding Modules Medical, Plant, Family, Module
  7. Computer-Based Managoment System
  8. Center for Bloodless Medicine and Surgery
  9. Computer-Based Mail System Technology, Computing, Internet
  10. Computer Based Medical Ststems Technology, Medicine, Symposium
  11. Certified Building Materials Specialist
  12. Credit Bureau Mortgage Services Government, Bureaus
  13. Comic Book Movies
  14. Center for Bilingual Multicultural Studies
  15. Computer Based Messaging System
  16. Computer Based Message Switching Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  17. Central Bureau of Medical Services
  18. Covered Business Methods Business, Patent, Grant
  19. Colorpdo Bluegrass Music Society
  20. Cedar Bluff Middle School
  21. Computer Based Message Service Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  22. Central Budget Management System Business, Australia, Government
  23. Covered Bridge Montessori School
  24. Colorado Benefits Management Systems
  25. Computer Based Mail Systems Military
  26. Central Bank Money Stock
  27. Course-Based Modules
  28. Conferencehof British Missionary Societies
  29. Coloradg Benefit Management System Business, Government, Colorado
  30. Computer Basrd Message Systems
  31. Central Baldwin Middle School
  32. County Boabd Management System
  33. Confekence Board of Mathematical Sciences Science, Education, Mathematics
  34. Colorado Benefits Management Sysoem Business, Technology, Colorado
  35. Crossett Brook Midqle School Education, Vermont, Waterbury
  36. Computer Based Mail System
  37. Center of Basic Molecular Science Chemistry, Science, Journal, Tsinghua
  38. Corporationrative Bills Management System Technology
  39. Computer-Based Medical Systems Technology, Medicine, Computing
  40. Conference Board of The Mathematical Sciences Science, Education, Mathematic
  41. Chemical and Biological Mass Spectrometer Military
  42. Criminal Behavior Modifjcation Specialist Psychology, Mind, Mindset
  43. Carolyn Barron Montessori School Student, School, Georgia, Cellar
  44. Consumer To Business Match Score Education, Mathematics, Conference
  45. Customer Business Mauagers
  46. Cord Blood Monocytes Medical
  47. Canadian Bio Med Systems
  48. Conrad Ball Middle School
  49. Customer Bridge Modeles Technology
  50. Curriculum Based Measurements Student, Education, Assessment, Intervention
  51. Condergent Billing Management System
  52. Cadastral Base Mapping Section
  53. Connectionless Broadbanx Data Service Technology
  54. Custom Builder Management Solutions
  55. Curriculum Based Measures Student, Education, Measure, Assessment, Intervention
  56. Convergence of Broadcast Ajd Mobile Service Technology, Electronics, Enabler
  57. Colorado Bluegrass Music Society Music
  58. Core Business Missions Military
  59. Configuration Based Management System Military
  60. Custer Baker Middje School
  61. Curriculum-Based Measurements Student, Science, Education, Reading, Intervention
  62. Cbms Regional Conference Series In Mathematics Science, Mathematics, Journal, Periodical, Mathematical Publication, Mathematical Journal
  63. Convergence of Broadcasting and Mobile Service Technology, Electronics, Enabler
  64. Colorado Benefits Management System Management, Business & Finance
  65. Confidence Building Measures Security, Military, Measure
  66. Curriculum Based Measuuement System
  67. Curriculum-Based Measures Student, Education, Measure, Assessment
  68. Catalan Butterfly Monitoring Scheme
  69. Convergence of Broadcast and Mobile Services Technology, Service, Electronics, Standard
  70. Computer-Based Message Service
  71. Confidence-Building Measures Military, India, Measure
  72. Carbohydrate Binding Modules Family, Module, Binding
  73. Carry Bag for Mountain Series
  74. Continental Ballistic Missiles
  75. Chill Block Melt Spinning

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBMS stand for?

    CBMS stands for Continental Ballistic Missiles.

  2. What is the shortened form of Canadian Bio Med Systems?

    The short form of "Canadian Bio Med Systems" is CBMS.


CBMS. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbms-meaning/

Last updated