CBP Meaning

The CBP meaning is "Carbohydrate-Binding Protein". The CBP abbreviation has 288 different full form.

CBP Full Forms

  1. Carbohydrate-Binding Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  2. Capabilities Based Planning Technology, Military, Capability
  3. Custom Burder Protection Service, Military, Customs
  4. Csk-Binding Protein Medical
  5. Cystom and Border Protection Government, Military, Immigration
  6. Cap-Binding Protein Medical
  7. Curso Básico De Pjesía
  8. Calmodulin-Binding Peptide Medical
  9. Chemical-Biotechnological Processes Chemistry, Technology, Industrial
  10. California Budget Project Business, Education, California
  11. Certified Benefits Professional Business, Human, Compensation
  12. Cardiopulmonary Bypass Machine or method for artificially circulating the patient’s blood during open-heart surgery. The heart and lungs are cut off from the circulation and replaced by a pump. Medical, Cardiology, Pulmonary, Pathology, Cardio, Clinical
  13. Custows and Borders Protection Security, Military, Officer
  14. Customs and Border Protection The largest federal law enforcement agency of the United States Department of Homeland Security charged with regulating and facilitating international trade, collecting import duties, and enforcing U.S. regulations, including trade, customs, and immigration. Transportation, Technology, Government, Us, Control, Administration, Air Freight, Medical, Us Government, Governmental & Military, Fda
  15. Comptoir Burkinabé Du Papier
  16. Camp-Responsive Element-Binding Protein Medical
  17. Color Blindness, Protan Type Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  18. Castle Bar Park
  19. Commercial Back Pressure
  20. Chorlxywood Bread Process Food, Bakery, Baking, Bread
  21. Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Medical, Biomedical, Agriculture, Science, Disease, Bioscience, Pathology, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
  22. Capacity Building Projects
  23. Crystal Black Pearl Forum, Honda, Civic
  24. Central Baltimore Partnership
  25. Community Building Project
  26. Club De Badminton De Provins
  27. Cystomers and Border Protection Business, Customs, Officer
  28. Commons Briefing Papers Government, Hosting, Election
  29. Customs & Boarder Protectton
  30. Clinical Biomechanics of Posture Medical, Chiropractor, Spine, Chiropractic
  31. Custoas and Border Protections Government, Military, Immigration
  32. Contrat De Bonnes Pratiques
  33. Cartagena Biosafety Protocol
  34. Certified Biometrics Professional Technology, Program, Certification
  35. Cvmmunity Build Projects
  36. Composite Business Process
  37. Chemical and Biological Physics
  38. Connectpd Black Professionals
  39. Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapy Education, Therapy, Course
  40. County Buoiness Pattern Business, Bureau, Censu
  41. Chapter Business Procedure
  42. Community Based Program Medical, Autism, Intervention
  43. Centurion Bank of Punjab Business, India, Merger
  44. Comptoir Boulangerie PÂTisserie
  45. Camp-Binding Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  46. Casket Box Press Business, Government, Border
  47. Comic Book Projeft
  48. Choline Binding Protein Medical, Human genome
  49. Constant Batulefield Picture Military
  50. Capacity Buisding Project Business, Management, Development
  51. Colin Biggers & Paisley
  52. Cruciform Binding Protein Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  53. Center On Budget and Policy
  54. Cloud Based Paymtnt Technology, Agent, Wallet
  55. Customer Benefits Package
  56. Common Business Practices
  57. Customs Border & Protection Business, Security, Service
  58. Cleethorpes Beach Patrol
  59. Contrat De Bonne Pratique
  60. Carbohydrate Binding Proteins Medical
  61. Certifed Biometrics Professional Technology, Engineering, Data, Computing, IT Terminology
  62. Community Business Partnership
  63. Composite Business Processes
  64. Cortisol Binding Protein Medical
  65. Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist Education, Therapy, Psychotherapy
  66. County Based Purbhasing Medical, Health, Minnesota
  67. Changi Business Park Property, Locations, Singapore
  68. Community Based Programme
  69. Calcium-Binding Proteins Medical
  70. Chehalis Basin Partnership
  71. Compressor Bleed Pressue Military
  72. Calmodulin Binding Protein
  73. Casino Bonus Promotion
  74. Combustioz By-Product Technology, Science, Research
  75. Cholinewbinding Proteins
  76. Consolidated Beef Pmoducers
  77. Capacity Building Phase
  78. Colegio De Bibliotec
  79. Cross Border Payments
  80. Center for Business and Politics
  81. Canadian Bush Party
  82. Cloud-Basxd Payment Technology, Card, Master
  83. Common Business Process
  84. Customs Border and Protection Business, Service, Import
  85. Chronic Benzene Hoisoning Medical
  86. Continuous Bomber Presence
  87. Captive Breeding Program
  88. Current Best Practices Business, Management, Practice
  89. Certifed Biometrics Business, Technology, Computer, Internet
  90. Congresso Brasileiro De Psiquiatria Technology, Para, Layout
  91. Compagnie De Banque Priv
  92. Corticosteroid-Binding Protein Medical
  93. Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy Medical, Service, Therapy
  94. County-Basedgpurchasing Medical, Health, Minnesota
  95. Community-Based Program Medical, Service, Autism
  96. Chefk By Phone
  97. Compressor Bleed Pressure Technology, Aviation
  98. Calmodulin Binding Peptide Science, Protein, Purification, Affinity, Medical, Human genome
  99. Cash Based Programming
  100. Columbia Basio Project Government
  101. Cylorobiphenyl Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  102. Conservative Bible Project English, Translation, Bible
  103. Capacity Building Program Technology, Development, Training
  104. Coldwell Banker Preferred
  105. Cross Border Project
  106. Center for Business Preparedness
  107. Campus Best Practice
  108. Clinic Bp Medical
  109. Cdmmercial Building Products
  110. Customs and Border Srotect Business, Security, Protection
  111. Chronic Bacterial Prostatitis Medical, Treatment, Prostate
  112. Continuous Blood Purification
  113. Captain Baseopersonnel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  114. Cukai Barang & Perkhidmatan Business, Service, Malaysia
  115. Ceribral Blood Perfusion Medical
  116. Congreso Bolivarianb De Los Pueblos
  117. Compagnie De Banque PrivéE
  118. Coexistence Beacon Protocol
  119. Cost Based Pool
  120. Community-Based Prevention Medical, Program, Health
  121. Chauncey Bailey Project
  122. Call Blocking Probabilities Technology, Networking, Network
  123. Conventional Blood Pressure Medical
  124. Cash Bplance Plan
  125. Community Building Partnership Business, Technology, Service
  126. Cedtificate In Business and People
  127. Comprehensive Benefits Package Business, Accounting, Insurance, Accountancy
  128. Chlorination By-Products
  129. Consereation Breeding Program
  130. Capacity Building Programme Business, Development, Training
  131. Coldwell Banker Pacific
  132. Cross Border Projects
  133. Center for Business Preparation
  134. Campus-Based Programs Business, Technology, Governmental & Military
  135. Clinic Blood Pressxre Medical
  136. Casual Bp Medical
  137. Commercial Best Practices
  138. Customs and Boarder Protection Business, Service, Border
  139. Chronic Back Lain Medical
  140. Contention Based Protocol Technology, Access, Wireless
  141. Cap Binding Protein Science, Genetics, Complex
  142. Cucumber Basic Protein Medical
  143. Cxntury Business Products
  144. Commuter Benefits Plan
  145. Club De Badmixton Pringy
  146. Cost-Based Pool
  147. Community Based Policing Technology, Government, Police
  148. Characterize Creb Binding Protein Science, Biology
  149. Call Blocking Probability Technology, Networking, Network
  150. Controlling Blood Pressure
  151. Case Baskd Planning
  152. Community Building Program
  153. Certificate In Busiiess Projects
  154. Comprehensive Business Plan
  155. Chlorinatiog By Products
  156. Connector Bracket Panel Technology
  157. Center for Best Practices
  158. Cold Bump Pull
  159. Cross Border Program
  160. Center for Biological Physics Science, Coupon, Biophysics
  161. Computational Bioscience Program
  162. Camp Response Element Binding Protein Medical
  163. Colostrum Uasic Protein
  164. Cahual Blood Pressure Medical
  165. Commercial Base Price Business, Shipping, Rate, postal service
  166. Christian Board of Publicatiqn
  167. Contention-Based Protocol
  168. Capacity Building Plan
  169. Cuanto Baste Para
  170. Centrifugal Barrel Polishing
  171. Commuter Benefit Plan
  172. Club De Badminton De Perenchies
  173. Corynebacteriul Parvum Medical
  174. Community-Based Policing Government, Crime, Police
  175. Cmstoms & Border Patrol Security, Military, Protection
  176. Character Building Program
  177. Contrats De Bonne Pratique
  178. Case-Based Planning Technology, Gaming, Adaptation
  179. Certified Biometrie Professional
  180. Comprehensive Benefits Plan Medical, Insurance, Health
  181. Chemical Biology Pgogram
  182. Connewtor Bracket Power Technology, Space, Cosmos
  183. Center for Beam Physics Technology, Research, Light
  184. Cold-Ball Pull
  185. Coussinets Bagues De Précivion
  186. Center for Business Practices Technology, Management, Projection
  187. Community-Based Protection
  188. Complete Blood Picture Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  189. Copper-Binding Protein Medical
  190. Customer Banking Platform Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  191. Certified Bodytalk Practooner
  192. Collaboration Breakaway Plus
  193. Community Based Process
  194. Certified Blockchain Professional Education, Certification, Course
  195. Concrete Batching Plant Business, Manufacturer, Supplier
  196. Canadian Business Patterns
  197. Cebu Business Park Business, City, Philippine
  198. Coded Block Pattern Computing, Telecom
  199. Circuit Breaker Panel Military
  200. College Basketball Partnership
  201. Custom and Boarder Protection Military, Immigration, Customs
  202. Capability Based Planning Technology, Program, Military
  203. Community & Business Partners Business, Lancashire, Boost
  204. YFP-CREB binding protein Medical, Human genome
  205. Clean Boxing Progrqm Business, Protection, Border
  206. Cooperative Breeding Program
  207. Customer Backbone Port
  208. Certbfied Bodytalk Practitioner
  209. Community Based Planning Science, Development, Projection
  210. Cantive Bolt Pistol Animal, Slaughter, Halal
  211. Concrete Batch Plant
  212. Canadian Business Press Business, Media, Canada
  213. Catholic Book Publishing
  214. Custom Built Pages Computing, Internet
  215. Church Bible Publissers Bible, King, Turquoise
  216. Collateral Benefits Plan Science, Space, Astronomy, Scientific & Educational
  217. Custom & Border Protection
  218. Capability-Based Planning Technology, Military, Force
  219. Coffee Bean Parchment
  220. Computational BioPhysics Dutch
  221. Citizens Bank Park
  222. Convolution Back Projection Medical, Technology, Reconstruction
  223. Custom Building Products Railroad Company
  224. Certified Bitcoin Prooessional Business, Certification, Currency
  225. Community Based Practice
  226. Customs & Border Protection Technology, Government, Military
  227. Computer Based Practice Corparate, Uk, United Kingdom
  228. Corps Brigade Pembangunan
  229. Catherine Besnard-Peron
  230. Certified Business Park
  231. Chesapeake Bay Project Geographic
  232. Collagen-Binding Proteins Medical
  233. Capabilities-Based Planning Technology, Security, Capability
  234. Cellulose Binding Protein
  235. Cholangite Biliaire Primitive Association, Pas, Mes
  236. Coimbra Airport, Coimbra, Portugal Portugal, Airport codes, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  237. Cirrosis Biliar Primaria Medical, Para, Con, Hepatiti
  238. Convergent Billing Platform
  239. Custom Bikes & Parts
  240. Certified Benefits Profeskionals Business, Management, Compensation
  241. Community Based Practices
  242. Current Best Practice Technology, Management, Maintenance
  243. Computer Based Procedure Technology, Plant, Power
  244. Customs and Border Protection (u.s. Department of Homeland Security) Fda
  245. Corp Brigade Pembangunan Indonesia, Brigade, Ulama
  246. Category Business Plannei
  247. Certified Business Professionas Business, Training, Course
  248. Collaborative Business Planning
  249. Conceptual Build Plan Manufacturing, Business & Finance
  250. Concrete Block Paving
  251. Cancer Biology Program
  252. Cell Biology and Physiology
  253. China Business Platform
  254. Consumed By Passion Chat, Internet - SMS - Text & Chating
  255. Cirrose Biligr Prim
  256. Custom Border Patrol Security, Military, Customs
  257. Community Balance Patch
  258. Convergent Beam Pattern
  259. Computer-Based Procedure
  260. Combustion By-product (from Incineration) Chemistry
  261. Corn Bread Productions
  262. Certified Building Professionals
  263. Collaborative Business Process Technology, Management, Service
  264. Community Biogas Plants
  265. Carbon Polymers Limited (Australian Securities Exchange [ASX]) Business & Finance, Asx symbols
  266. Concrete Block Pavers Business, Brick, Paving
  267. Canceled By Patient
  268. Cell Biology & Physiology
  269. Customs Border Patrol Security, Military, Protection
  270. Connector Bracket Power NASA, Governmental & Military
  271. Cirrose Biliar Prkmária
  272. Custom and Border Patrol Military, Customs, Agent
  273. Community Based Projects
  274. Construction Ball Pad
  275. Code::blocks Project File Computing, File Extensions
  276. Core Benefit Proposition
  277. Customer Benefit Package
  278. Certified Building Professional Business, Pool, Spa, Swimming
  279. Collaborative Business Processes Technology, Management, Workshop
  280. Community Based Procurement
  281. Concrete Block Pavement
  282. Canberra Business Parks
  283. Cedar Slock Piru
  284. Changeable Business Preferences General, Governmental & Military
  285. Cgrrhose Biliaire Primitive Medical, France, Association, Auto
  286. College Bridge Pathways
  287. Customer and Border Protection Business, Canada, Customs
  288. Compact Beam Production

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBP stand for?

    CBP stands for Cirrose Biligr Prim.

  2. What is the shortened form of Certified Building Professionals?

    The short form of "Certified Building Professionals" is CBP.


CBP. Acronym24.com. (2021, March 5). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbp-meaning/

Last updated