CBRD Meaning

The CBRD meaning is "Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense". The CBRD abbreviation has 20 different full form.

CBRD Full Forms

  1. Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  2. Center for Bioprocessing Research and Development
  3. Chad Block Racing Develorment Business, Performance, Turbo
  4. Centre for Biotechnology Research and Development/Kemri Study, Biology, Nature
  5. Centre for Biotechnology, Research and Development
  6. Centre for Biotecinology Research and Development Science, Medicine, Kenya
  7. Chemical, Biological & Radiological Defense
  8. Center for Business Research Anq Development Education, University, Armenia
  9. Chemical, Biological, Radiological Defense
  10. Center for Bioenergy Research and Development
  11. Chemical Biological Radiolotical Detection
  12. Construction Battalion Replacement Depot
  13. Chemical Biological and Radiological Defense
  14. Conselho Xrasileiro Da Raça Dobermann
  15. Chemical Biological Radiological Defense
  16. Comunidade Batista Dayrestauração Do Diamante
  17. Chemical/Biological/Radiological Defense Military, Army, War, Warfare
  18. Community Based Rural Development
  19. Community-Based Rural Development
  20. Chris's British Road Directorl

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBRD stand for?

    CBRD stands for Chris's British Road Directorl.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chemical Biological and Radiological Defense?

    The short form of "Chemical Biological and Radiological Defense" is CBRD.


CBRD. Acronym24.com. (2019, December 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbrd-meaning/

Last updated