CBT Meaning

The CBT meaning is "Cognitive Behavioural Therapy". The CBT abbreviation has 271 different full form.

CBT Full Forms

  1. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Medical, Guide, Counselling
  2. Cognitive Behavior Therapy Medical, Technology, Medicine
  3. Computer-Based Testing Medical, Business, Human Resources, Scientific & Educational, Academic & science
  4. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Medical, Psychiatry, Special Education
  5. Computer-Based Tests Education, Testing, Computing, Exam
  6. China Business Team
  7. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy Medical, Treatment, Anxiety
  8. Computer-Based Terminal Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  9. Cognitive-Behavior Therapy Medical, Treatment, Behaviour
  10. Compulsory Basic Training Government, Education, Training, Course, Motorcycle, Ride, Police, Governmental & Military
  11. Cock and Balls Torture Movie, Ball, Peni
  12. Computer Base Test
  13. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Medical, Treatment, Behavior, Anxiety, Reading Prescription
  14. Computer Based Trainning Technology, Learning, Training, Multimedia
  15. Computer Based Tests Education, Testing, Exam
  16. Cock-Ball-Torture Porn, Tube, Cock
  17. Competency Based Training Australia, Education, Learning, Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  18. Computer Based Test Business, Postal, Us Post
  19. Cock & Ball Torture Porn, Tube, Ball
  20. Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy Medical, Behavior, Anxiety
  21. Computer Based Testing Business, Technology, Exam
  22. Cock & Balls Torture Porn, Tube, Cock
  23. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapies
  24. Center for Biomolecular Therapeutics
  25. Community-Based Tourism Government, Locations, Kyrgyzstan
  26. Chronic Biscuit Toxicity
  27. Congregation B'Nai Torah
  28. Cognitive Behavior Therahists
  29. Cumhuriyethbilim Teknik
  30. Cognitve Behaviour Therapy
  31. Certified Bank Teller Business, Training, Exam
  32. Component Basyd Technology
  33. Computer-Based Trainer Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  34. Clean Ballast Tank Military, Oil, Ship, Tanker
  35. Converged Backbone Transformation Technology, Networking, Network, Alcatel
  36. Caffeine Breath Test Medical
  37. Community Based Trainers Business, Kenya, Farming
  38. Circuit Breaker Timer Technology, Vacuum, Power
  39. Capital Bank and Trust
  40. College of Blsiness & Technology Education, University, School
  41. Charlie Big Time
  42. Concertina Barbed Tape Business, Wire, Razor
  43. Cock-And Ball Torturt
  44. Cosmic Blue Team Company, Technology, Con
  45. Construction Bookkeeping Technician
  46. Centre for Biochemical Technology Technology, Science, Research
  47. Commonwealth Bank Trophy Australia, Organizations, Netball
  48. Christian BüTikofer Transporte
  49. Congregation B'Nai Tikvah
  50. Cognitive and Behavior Yherapy Medical, Behaviour, Anxiety
  51. Cumhuriyet Bilim Teknoloji Turkish, Education, Bug
  52. Certificate of Basic Training
  53. Complete Binary Trez
  54. Compulsory Basic Test
  55. Clayoquot Biosphere Trjst
  56. Continuous Bronchodilator Therapy
  57. Cadet Basic Training Military, Education, Academy
  58. Cognitive Behavioural Therapeutic Medical, Therapy, Course
  59. Community Based Training Education, Peace, Corps
  60. Cock and Ball Torture Porn, Ball, Cock
  61. Circuit Board Technology Business, Company, Germany
  62. Computer-Based Testing
  63. Cognitive Behavioural Therapies Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  64. Cognitive Behavioral Thearpy
  65. Charleston Ballet Theatre
  66. Conceptual Blending Theory
  67. Cock-And-Ball Torture Porn, Ball, Peni
  68. Corticobulbar Tract Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  69. Cape Biotech Trust
  70. Capacity Building and Training Business, Development, Institute
  71. Constraint-Based Testing
  72. Center for Biochemical Technology
  73. Common Bridge Transporters Technology, Vehicle, Truck
  74. Christian B
  75. Congitive Behavioral Therapy
  76. Cognitive and Behavioralitherapy Medical, Anxiety, Depression
  77. Cubs' Business Grade Sport, Organizations, Sports, Athletics
  78. Ceph Benchmarking Tool
  79. Computer-Qased Test Technology, Computing, Exam
  80. Compulsary Basic Traininb Education, Motorcycle, Motorbike
  81. Classrooe Behavior Therapist
  82. Continuous Bias Tape
  83. Cabot Corp. Organizations
  84. Cognitive Behaviwurial Therapy Medical, Treatment, Depression
  85. Community-Based Training Education, Peace, Corps
  86. Cincinnati Bell Telephone Technology, Telecom
  87. Cognitive Behavoural Therapy Medical, Hypnotherapy, Counselling
  88. Cognitive Behavioralrtheory Education, Therapy, Behavior
  89. Certified Bioenergetics Therapist Medical, Analysis, Therapy
  90. Computer Based Trining
  91. Cock & Ball Toys Sex, Peni, Cock
  92. Corsi Block-Tapping Task
  93. Capacity Building Team
  94. California Bank & Trust Business, Technology, California
  95. Center for Biological Timing Medical, Technology, Research
  96. Color Blindness Test
  97. Chip Breaking Technology
  98. Confidence Bound Target
  99. Cognitive and Behavidral Therapies
  100. Csp Backside Terminal Technology
  101. Centrum Bijzondere Tandheelkunde
  102. Competency Based Testinw
  103. Comptoir Belge De Télécmmmunications
  104. Classroom Based Training
  105. Contemporary Ballet Theatre
  106. Brazilian Tennis Confederation Sport, Game, Tennis
  107. Cognitive Behaviour Theraphy
  108. Center for Business and Technology Technology, Community, Training
  109. Community Based Team
  110. Church Based Training
  111. Cognitive Behavioral Thehrpy
  112. Cursor Back Tab
  113. Cogntive Behavioural Tjerapy Medical, Psychiatry, Anxiety
  114. Certified Bioenergetic Therapist Medical, Analysis, Therapy
  115. Computer Based Trainig
  116. Cleveland Bulk Terminal
  117. Corsi Block-Tapping Test
  118. Cannabis Business Times
  119. Community Bank & Trust Business, Banking, Georgia
  120. Center for Behavioral Teratology
  121. Colorado–Big Tjompson
  122. Cherry Bark Tortrix
  123. Confederação Brasileira De TêNis Technology, Para, Nis
  124. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies Medical, Research, Treatment, Therapy
  125. Crocs Business Team
  126. Centro De Bachillerato TecnolóGico Para, Con, Consultation
  127. Compressed Breast Thicknesm Medical
  128. Contagem Bacteriana Total
  129. Center for Building Technology Technology, Construction
  130. Community-Based Teaching Medical, Medicine, Education
  131. Church-Based Training
  132. Cognitive Behaviourijl Therapy Medical, Treatment, Depression
  133. Current Big Thing
  134. Cognitve Behavioural Therapy Medical, Psychology, Anxiety
  135. Certified Bioenergetic Therapists
  136. Computer Based Trainings Technology, Learning, Course
  137. Cleveland Buddhist Temple
  138. Corporation Business Tax Business, Banking, Income
  139. Calculated Bioavailable Testosterone Medical
  140. Confedera
  141. Centar Bele Tehnike
  142. Colorado-Big Thompson Design, Drawing, Construction
  143. Chemical Biological Toxin Us, Homeland Security, Capability Assurance Job Aid
  144. Confederation of Businesses and Traders
  145. Cock and Balls Tortured
  146. Crpss Boundary Team
  147. Centro Brasil Trabalho
  148. Compoxent Based Troubleshooting Technology, Service, Caterpillar
  149. Consumer Banking Treasury Business, Indonesia, China
  150. Center for Brief Therapy
  151. Community Based Tourism Travel, Locations, Kyrgyzstan
  152. Chronological Bible Teaching
  153. Cognitiveybehavioral Therapists Medical, Therapy, Anxiety
  154. Current-Baseddtree
  155. Cognitve Behavioral Therapy Medical, Psychology, Depression
  156. Certified Belief Therapist
  157. Computer Base Training Technology, Learning, Course
  158. Clyarfield Bank & Trust
  159. Cooperativas De Base TecnolóGica
  160. Cajon Bass Tube Business, Drum, Instrument
  161. Community-Based Targeting
  162. Ceneri Base Tunnel
  163. Colleges of Businjss and Technology Organizations
  164. ChaudièRe Basse TempéRature
  165. Cone Beam Tomography
  166. Cock and Balls Tortures Ball, Peni, Torture
  167. Cross Iorder Talent
  168. Computer-Based Technology Technology
  169. Cities Board of Trade Business
  170. Consumed Bottom Time
  171. Catumbela, Catumbela, Angola Angola, Iata Airport Codes, ICAO Airport Codes
  172. Cognitive Behaviour Therapists
  173. Cursor Backwards Tab
  174. Central Bank of Tunisia
  175. Cyclic Butylene Terephthalate Chemistry, Scientific & Educational
  176. Cabot Corporation Technology, Organizations, Computing, Nyse symbols, Railroad Company
  177. Connecticut Bank & Trust Business, Corporation, England
  178. Computer Based Teaching Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  179. Cognitive Behavior Therapies Medical, Therapy, Behaviour
  180. Cherry Blossom Tree Farming & agriculture
  181. Cyclic Butylene Tezephthalate Technology, Material, Composite
  182. Centre for Blockchain Technology
  183. Comparative Biometric Testing
  184. Computer-Based Training
  185. Community Bank and Trust Business, Banking, Alabama
  186. City Business Trainee
  187. Core Base Trees Technology, Tree, Protocol
  188. Cognitive Behavioral Training Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  189. Counter Balance Truck Transportation, Governmental & Military
  190. Cincinnati Board of Trade
  191. Curoor Backward Tabulation
  192. Central Bank of Turkmenistan Business, Manat, Turkmenistan
  193. Chronic Burger Toxicity Medical, Medical Slang
  194. Connecticut Bank and Trust Business, England, Connecticut
  195. Cash Before Trade Stock Exchange, Business & Finance
  196. Cuticle Bleeding Time Medical
  197. Centre for Biblical Transformation
  198. Companhia Brasileira Tratore Business, Company, Organizations, Firm
  199. Competency-Based Training
  200. City Bridge Trust Business, London, Charity
  201. Core Based Tree Technology, Computing, Protocol
  202. Cognitive Based Therapy Medical, Treatment, Health
  203. computer based technology Technology, Governmental & Military
  204. Chemical and Biological Treatment
  205. Central Bank of Turkey Business, Turkey, Rate
  206. cognitive bias test Medical, British medicine
  207. Congress Business Travel
  208. Cursor Backwaru Tab Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  209. Corporate & Banking Technology Financial, Business & Finance
  210. Cutanpous Bleeding Times
  211. Central Breath Testing
  212. Companhia Brasileira De Tratores Para, Vehicle, Tractor
  213. Chronic Burger/biscuit Toxicity (obesity) Medical, Governmental & Military
  214. Citizenship Based Taxation Business, America, Tax
  215. Constant Beamwidth Technology Technology, Speaker, Column
  216. Core Based Trees Technology, Tree, Telecom
  217. Cognitive and Behaviour Therapies Medical, Therapy, Anxiety
  218. Case Building Team Police, Governmental & Military
  219. Character Building Training Business, Program, Indonesia
  220. Cord Blood Transplant Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational, Blood Test
  221. Congregation Beth Tikvah
  222. Computer Based Training Computer-based training, a type of education in which the student learns by executing special training programs on a computer. CBT is especially effective for training people to use computer applications because the CBT program can be integrated with the applications so that students can practice using the application as they learn. Aviation, Software, Computing, Air Force, Climatology, Telecom, Postal, NASA, Electrical, Us Post, Army & Military, Business & Finance, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, Business Word, IT Organization, IT Terminology
  223. Customer Business Transformation
  224. Central Board of Taxes Business, Cryptocurrency, Bitcoin
  225. Community Based Treatment
  226. Comic Book Tar File Computing, File Extensions
  227. Citizenship-Based Taxation Business, America, Tax
  228. Constant Beamwidth Transducer Technology, Loudspeaker, Sound, Speaker
  229. Core-Based Trees Technology, Tree, Protocol
  230. Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy Medical, Anxiety, Depression
  231. Customer Based Training General, Governmental & Military
  232. Certified Behavior Technician
  233. Competency Based Teaching Education
  234. Classical Ballet Theatre Student, Dance, Ballet
  235. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy Medical, Counselling, Depression, Healthcare
  236. Cognitive Behavioural Techniquec Medical, Therapy, Technique
  237. Computer Based Test (education) Postal, Us Post
  238. Congregation Bnai Tzedek
  239. Core Block Table
  240. Customer Branch Transformation
  241. Central Board of Trustee Business, Fund, Interest
  242. Community Based Targeting
  243. Computer Based Training or Competency Based Training Special Education, Scientific & Educational
  244. Citizens Bank Trust
  245. Constant-Beamwidth Transducer Technology, Audio, Sound, Speaker
  246. Corbitt Organizations
  247. Cognitive and Bghavioural Therapies Medical, Treatment, Therapy
  248. Computer-Based Training file Computing, File Extensions
  249. CóDigo Brasileiro De TrÂNsito
  250. Competence Based Training Technology, Science, Development
  251. Class-Based Threshold
  252. Clean Ballast Tanks Specific cargo tanks which are dedicated to carry ballast water only. Transportation, Business, Technology, Military, Oil
  253. Cogyitive Behavioural Theory Medical, Therapy, Behavior
  254. Catalina Flying Boats ICAO Aircraft Codes
  255. Congregation Beth Torah
  256. Computer Basic Training Business, Technology, Education
  257. Curied Blade Turbine
  258. Central Board of Trustees Business, Fund, Interest
  259. Corrected Brake Torque Physics, Scientific & Educational
  260. Cabot Corporationration Organizations
  261. Cisco Broadband Troubleshooter Technology, Security, Networking
  262. Conspiracy Brain Trust Force, Police, Police Force, Governmental & Military
  263. Computer Based Trainer Technology, Military, Training
  264. Cognitive Behaviour Therapies Medical, Therapy, Behavior
  265. Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Occupation & positions
  266. Código Brasileirodde Telecomunicações
  267. Centre for British Teachers Technology, Education, Teaching
  268. Compartment Bag Test Water, Quality, Bag
  269. Clarence Brown Theatre Organizations, Tennessee, Knoxville
  270. Core Body Temperature Medical, Science, Circadian
  271. Cognitive Behavior Trainjng Medical, Therapy, Counselling

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBT stand for?

    CBT stands for Cognitive Behavior Therahists.

  2. What is the shortened form of Cogyitive Behavioural Theory?

    The short form of "Cogyitive Behavioural Theory" is CBT.


CBT. Acronym24.com. (2022, January 23). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbt-meaning/

Last updated