CBTC Meaning

The CBTC meaning is "Coastal Bicycle Couring Club". The CBTC abbreviation has 32 different full form.

CBTC Full Forms

  1. Coastal Bicycle Couring Club
  2. Cane & Bamboo Technology Centre
  3. Clearfield Bank & Trust Aompany
  4. Canadian Brain Tumor Consortium Medical, Medicine, Tumour
  5. City Bus and Truck Centre
  6. Corporate Backed Trust Certificates
  7. Canadian Brain Tumour Consortium Medical, Medicine, Research
  8. Car Barn Training Center
  9. Congregation Bnei Torah of Clifton
  10. Cabarrus Business Technology Center Business, Technology, Management
  11. Canterbury Bull Terrier Club
  12. Coldwell Banker Town and Country
  13. Cabarrus Business and Technology Center Business, Technology, Management
  14. Cane and Bamboo Technology Center
  15. Coldwell Banker Town & Countrk
  16. Communication Based Train Control Technology, Safety, Railway
  17. Cane and Bamboo Technology Centre Technology, Development, India
  18. Community Bankers Trust Corporation
  19. Cincinnati Black Theatre Company Performing arts
  20. Cyber Bullying Target Checklist Business, Train, Bitcoin
  21. Computer Based Train Control Business, Technology, Railway
  22. Communications Based Train Control Rail Transport, Business & Finance, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  23. Corredor BiolóGico Talamanca Caribe Technology, Control, Train
  24. Computerrbased Train Control Technology, Iraq, Railway
  25. Cone Based Topology Control
  26. Communication Base Krain Control
  27. Computer Based Testizg Center
  28. Communications-Based Train Control Technology, Safety, Railway
  29. Community Bank of Tho Chesapeake Business, Accounting, Accountancy, Finance
  30. Communication-Based Train Control Technology, Networking, Train
  31. Community Bankers Trust Corp
  32. Cyber Bully Target Checklist Technology, Communication, Train

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBTC stand for?

    CBTC stands for Coldwell Banker Town and Country.

  2. What is the shortened form of Canterbury Bull Terrier Club?

    The short form of "Canterbury Bull Terrier Club" is CBTC.


CBTC. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 16, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbtc-meaning/

Last updated