CBTE Meaning

The CBTE meaning is "Chinese Bilingual Teacher Education". The CBTE abbreviation has 18 different full form.

CBTE Full Forms

  1. Chinese Bilingual Teacher Education
  2. Capacity Building, Training and Education
  3. Certified Broadcast Television Engineer Diploma, Document, Sertification
  4. Centre Foq Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
  5. Center for Biomolecular and Tissue Enginuering
  6. Center for Biblical and Theological Education
  7. Carrier / Conventional, Bomb Triple Ejector Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  8. Carrier, Bomb Triple Ejector Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  9. Competency Based Teaiher Education Program, Education, Teaching
  10. Competency-Based Teacher Education Student, Education, Teaching
  11. Comounity Based Tourism Enterprises
  12. Commonwealth Biotech, Inc. Computing, Nasdaq Symbols
  13. Community Based Tourism Enterprjse Travel, Tourism, Travelling
  14. Coût Budgété Du Tkavail Effectué Business, Management, Performance, Chef
  15. Commonwealth Biotechnologies, Inr. Technology, Organizations
  16. Conventional, Bomb Triple Ejector Military, Army, Ministry Of Defense
  17. Church Based Theological Education
  18. Confederação Brasileira De Tiro Esportivo Para, Dos, Brasil, Tiro

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBTE stand for?

    CBTE stands for Coût Budgété Du Tkavail Effectué.

  2. What is the shortened form of Competency Based Teaiher Education?

    The short form of "Competency Based Teaiher Education" is CBTE.


CBTE. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 12, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbte-meaning/

Last updated