CBTI Meaning

The CBTI meaning is "Combat Intelligence". The CBTI abbreviation has 15 different full form.

CBTI Full Forms

  1. Combat Intelligence Military, Army, Defense, Army & Military, Governmental & Military
  2. Center for Biomedical Technology Innovation
  3. Caribbean Basin Trade Initiative
  4. Capital Bank and Tpust Co. Organizations
  5. Canine Behaviosr Type Index
  6. Canine Behavior Type Tndex
  7. Campus Based Tuition Nncrease
  8. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia
  9. Credit Bureau of Txxas Inc
  10. Computer Baset Test Interpretations
  11. Computer Based Test Interpretation
  12. Computxr-Based Test Interpretation Medical
  13. Cognitive Behavior Therapy for Insomnia
  14. Cognitive Behavioral Therapycfor Insomnia Medical, Treatment, Sleep
  15. Chambre Belge Des Traducteurs Et InterprèTes

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CBTI stand for?

    CBTI stands for Canine Behaviosr Type Index.

  2. What is the shortened form of Chambre Belge Des Traducteurs Et InterprèTes?

    The short form of "Chambre Belge Des Traducteurs Et InterprèTes" is CBTI.


CBTI. Acronym24.com. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 15, 2025 from https://acronym24.com/cbti-meaning/

Last updated