CC in Bioscience Meaning

The CC meaning in Bioscience terms is "Cervical Carcinoma". There are 17 related meanings of the CC Bioscience abbreviation.

CC on Bioscience Full Forms

  1. Cervical Carcinoma
  2. Carney Complex Carney complex and its subsets LAMB syndrome and NAME syndrome are autosomal dominant conditions comprising myxomas of the heart and skin, hyperpigmentation of the skin (lentiginosis), and endocrine overactivity. It is distinct from Carney's triad. Approximately 7% of all cardiac myxomas are associated with Carney complex.
  3. Classical Cytogenetic
  4. Cervical Cancer
  5. Colon Cancer
  6. Cellular Cycle
  7. congenital cataract A cataract which is present atbirthcongenital defect
  8. complete chimerism
  9. Cell Counts
  10. colorectal cancer
  11. Clomiphene Citrate
  12. Condensed chromatin
  13. Cumulus cells
  14. Colorectal Carcinoma
  15. corpus callosum
  16. Cleavable Complex
  17. Conventional Cytogenetic

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CC stand for Bioscience?

    CC stands for Colorectal Carcinoma in Bioscience terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Condensed chromatin in Bioscience?

    The short form of "Condensed chromatin" is CC for Bioscience.


CC in Bioscience. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated