CC in Business & Finance Meaning

The CC meaning in Business & Finance terms is "Credit Card". There are 33 related meanings of the CC Business & Finance abbreviation.

CC on Business & Finance Full Forms

  1. Credit Card
  2. Carbon Copy
  3. Caribbean Community The Caribbean Community and Common Market was formed among four Caribbean countries in 1973 and had 15 members as of August 2012. Its purpose is the promotion of economic integration among the member countries and coordination of foreign policies.
  4. Chamber of Commerce A group of business owners in a town or city who form a network to promote local business.
  5. Capacity The maximum rated load (in tons) which a cranes designed to handle. Or Normal ability to produce steel in a given period. This rating should include maintenance requirements, but because such service is scheduled to match the machinerys needs (not the calendars, a mill might run at more than 100% of capacity one month and then fall well below rated capacity as maintenance is performed. Engineered capacity.
  6. Macair Airlines
  7. Control Code
  8. Clear the Command
  9. Charactevistic Curve
  10. Copy To
  11. Clinton Card
  12. Carry Clear
  13. Closing Coil
  14. Capital Contribution Capital contribution is the cash and assets a corporation acquires through shareholder money.
  15. Commercial Certificate
  16. Condition Code
  17. Combined Cycle Combines the gas turbine cycle together with a heat recovery steam cycle that extracts heat from the gas turbine exhaust flow to produce steam.
  18. Code of Conduct
  19. Crime Control
  20. Cash Commodity
  21. Command Code
  22. Certified Cheque
  23. Cubic Capacity The inside measurement of a tanker's cargo compartments or tanks, usually expressed in barrels or cubic feet/meters.
  24. Card Cash
  25. CardCaptors
  26. Chief Cashier
  27. Chief Counsel (KSC Directorate)
  28. Cost Center A cost center of an organization is one that does not directly add value to the product, but are indirect costs. For instance, sales and marketing costs are cost centers.
  29. Chicago Central and Pacific Railroad Company
  30. Cash Credit
  31. Air Atlanta Icelandic
  32. Cross Cutting
  33. Civil Code

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CC stand for Business & Finance?

    CC stands for Chamber of Commerce in Business & Finance terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Charactevistic Curve in Business & Finance?

    The short form of "Charactevistic Curve" is CC for Business & Finance.


CC in Business & Finance. (2022, March 16). Retrieved March 23, 2025 from

Last updated