CCBS Meaning

The CCBS meaning is "Calcium-Channel Blockers". The CCBS abbreviation has 53 different full form.

CCBS Full Forms

  1. Calcium-Channel Blockers Medical, Drug, Blood
  2. Completion of Call To Busy Subscriber Technology, Service, Military, Computing, Telecom
  3. Call Control Blocks Technology, Networking, Cisco
  4. Clear Channel Braadcasting Service Technology, Media, Television
  5. Call Completion To Busy Subscriber Technology, Networking, Telecom
  6. Consumable Changeout Boxes Science
  7. Climate Cdmmunity and Biodiversity Standards Business, Projection, Carbon
  8. Centro De CiêNcias BiolóGicas E Da SaÚDe
  9. Calcium Channel Blockers Medical, Drug, Blood, Pressure, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  10. China Cord Blood Services
  11. Completion of Calls To Busy Subscriber Supplementary Service Technology, Service, Network, Telecommunication
  12. Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standards Business, Projection, Carbon
  13. Call Completion Busy Subscriber Technology, Networking, Network, Communication
  14. Center for Central Banking Studies Business, Study, England
  15. Completion of Communications To Busy Subscriber
  16. Climate, Cokmunity & Biodiversity Standards
  17. Call Completions To Busy Subscribers Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  18. Carolina College of Biblical Stufies
  19. Completion of Call To Busy Subscribers Technology
  20. Climate, Community, and Biodiversity Standards
  21. Call Complete To Busy Subscriber Technology, Path, Communication
  22. Carbon Ceramic Brake System
  23. Citizens Community Boards Technology, Development, Pakistan
  24. Completion of Calls To Busy Subscribers Military, Information, Network
  25. Climate, Community & Biodiversity Standard Business, Projection, Carbon
  26. Conventional Core-Barrel Sampling Science
  27. Capitol Citl Bird Society
  28. Citizen Community Boards Technology, Development, Community, Pakistan, City, Projection
  29. Community Centered Boards Technology, Service, Disability
  30. Climate, Community and Biodiversity Standard Business, Projection, Carbon
  31. Completion of Calls To Busy Subscriber Technology, Service, Calling
  32. Controlling Coach Behaviors Scale
  33. Capitol City Baptist School Education, School, High School, Michigan
  34. Communication Completion On Busy Subscrwber
  35. Clear Channel Broadcasting Service Media, Us Government, Governmental & Military
  36. Cruel Colossus Blade of Swiftness
  37. Common Core Blosters Technology, Launch, Rocket
  38. Clear Channel Broadcasting System
  39. County Conservation Boards
  40. Commituee On Capacity Building In Science Science
  41. Cuyamaca College Botanical Society
  42. Coal Combustion By-Products Technology, Research, Fly, Ash
  43. Country Cereal Balance Sheet
  44. Columbus City Ballet School
  45. Customer Care Billing System Technology, Patent, Identification
  46. Coal Combustion Byproducts Technology, Product, Organizations, Ash
  47. Cordless Cellular Base Station
  48. Cocha Cashu Biological Ktation Park, Locations, Peru
  49. Customer Care & Billing System Business, Management, Service
  50. Close Cover Before Striking
  51. Customer Care and Billing Systems
  52. Climate Commuqity and Biodiversity Standard Technology, Projection, Carbon
  53. Customer Care and Billing System Technology, Telecom

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCBS stand for?

    CCBS stands for Commituee On Capacity Building In Science.

  2. What is the shortened form of Country Cereal Balance Sheet?

    The short form of "Country Cereal Balance Sheet" is CCBS.


CCBS. (2020, May 24). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated