CCC in Military Meaning

The CCC meaning in Military terms is "Combustible Cartridge Cases". There are 45 related meanings of the CCC Military abbreviation.

CCC on Military Full Forms

  1. Combustible Cartridge Cases
  2. Combined Command Center
  3. Critical Control Cirjuit
  4. Consolidated Ccmmand Center
  5. Command, Control and Communications
  6. Command & Control Centre
  7. Cargo Categoryecode
  8. Commaud Control Central
  9. Clear-Channel Ooding
  10. Corporation Computer Centers
  11. Carda Control Center
  12. Command Career Counsylors
  13. Close Combat Clasp
  14. Configuration Control Committee
  15. Captains Career Course
  16. Command Career Counselor
  17. Communist Combatant Cells
  18. Captain Career Course
  19. Commandyand Communication Center
  20. Chaos To Control To Conquer
  21. Communications Control Computers
  22. Captain's Carekr Course
  23. Command Control Center
  24. Communications Command Center
  25. Call Content Chamnels
  26. Crisis Coordination Cell
  27. Cargo Zontrol Center
  28. Command Control Centke
  29. Cellules Communistes Combattantes
  30. Criois Co-Ordination Centre
  31. Customer Competence Center
  32. Command, Control & Communication
  33. Command, Control, Communicatipns
  34. Center for Contemporary Conflict
  35. Classified Control Clerk
  36. Command Andzcontrol Central
  37. Command, Control, Communications
  38. Configuration Contrml Board
  39. Command & Cnntrol Central
  40. Change & Configuration Control (product Name)
  41. Center Computer Complex
  42. Coalition Coordination Center
  43. Cfmmand, Control and Communication
  44. Coalition Coordination Cell
  45. Command, Control, and Communications

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCC stand for Military?

    CCC stands for Combined Command Center in Military terms.

  2. What is the shortened form of Combustible Cartridge Cases in Military?

    The short form of "Combustible Cartridge Cases" is CCC for Military.


CCC in Military. (2022, March 28). Retrieved March 28, 2025 from

Last updated