CCD Meaning

The CCD meaning is "Charge-Couple Device". The CCD abbreviation has 378 different full form.

CCD Full Forms

  1. Charge-Couple Device Science, Research, Atmosphere, Environment, Atmospheric Research
  2. Charge-Coupled Device Technology, Science, Information Technology, Astronomy, Computer, Electronics, Scientific & Educational, NASA
  3. Convention To Combat Desertification Science, Environment, Climatology, Meterology, Convention, Unesco, Scientific & Educational
  4. Charge-Coupled Devices Medical, Technology, Device, Camera, Sensor
  5. Charged-Couple Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  6. Convention Centre Dublin Ireland, Locations, Dublin
  7. Cabin Crew Data Aerospace
  8. Contract Completion Date The date established in the contract for completion of all or specified portions of the work. This date may be expressed as a calendar date or as a number of days after the date for commencement of the contract time is issued. Technology, Military, Construction
  9. Charged Coupled Device Technology, Computer, Computer Hardware, Computing, Physics, Scientific & Educational
  10. Considerable Conduct Disorder Medical, Disorder, Syndrome
  11. Civil Censorship Detachment Technology, Military, Japan
  12. Colony Collapse Disorder Science, Organizations, Bee, Honey
  13. Chemical Control Division Science
  14. Charged-Coupled Device Technology, Climatology, Meterology
  15. Charged Coupling Device Technology, Science, Camera
  16. Charge Coupled Device Is a device for the movement of electrical charge, usually from within the device to an area where the charge can be manipulated, such as conversion into a digital value. Technology, Astronomical Instrument, Astronomical, Aviation
  17. Charged Coupled Devices Technology, Science, Military, Device
  18. Community Capacities for Denelopment
  19. Cross Collection Discovery
  20. Canine Cognitive Disorder Medical, Dog, Pet
  21. Chartered Creative Director
  22. Constructionecompletion Date
  23. Center for Care and Discovery Medical, University, Chicago
  24. Cockpit Command Disablement Science
  25. Corporate Cash Disbursement
  26. Centros Comunitarios Digitales
  27. California College Democrats Government, California, Superintendent
  28. Cyber Camo Dudes
  29. Case of Central Core Disease Science, Biology
  30. Closed Cycle Diesel Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  31. Course Control Document
  32. Chargeacoupled-Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  33. Complementary Coded Decimal Technology
  34. Cuban Committee for Democracy America, Government, Cuba
  35. Capability Development Document Army, Force, Marine
  36. Choke, Cough and Die
  37. Continuously Controlled Damping Technology, Car, Ford
  38. Centers for Career Development
  39. Color-Color Diagram Science, Astronomy, Astrophysics, Scientific & Educational
  40. Council On Children With Disabilities Medical, Pediatrics, Disability
  41. Community Companion Dog Club, Training, Dog, Obedience
  42. Compulsory Convqrtible Debentures Business, Financial, Debenture
  43. Cozy Crush Dynamite
  44. Caltech Center for Diversity
  45. Charged Couple Dewices Technology, Device, Camera, Sensor
  46. Computer Crimes Divisilnsion Science
  47. Catalytic Combustion Detector Technology, Analysis, Gas, Chromatography
  48. Coastal Cleanup Day Locations, Bay, California
  49. Cooled Charge Couple Device Science, Biology
  50. Centre for Collective Develocment
  51. Charged-Coupled Devices Technology, Device, Camera, Sensor
  52. Closed-Captioned Decoddng Technology
  53. Command Case Directive Military
  54. County Community Development
  55. Community Capacity Development
  56. Cross-Reactive Carbohydrate Determinant Food, Allergy, Cross
  57. Canine Cognitive Dysfunction Medical, Dog, Dementia
  58. Chazger for Canon Digital
  59. Congress Centre DüSseldorf Technology, Conference, Messe
  60. Center City District Park, Locations, Philadelphia
  61. Cocker Club Deutschland
  62. Corporate and Community Development
  63. Centre for Culture and Develdpment India, Culture, Seminar
  64. Califopnia Car Duster
  65. Closed-Cycle Diesel Military
  66. Compared Tf The Canon Digital
  67. Cuadros De Clasificación Documental
  68. Capability Concept Demonstration
  69. Chinese Concept Dictionary
  70. Continuous Controlled Damping
  71. Center for Cyber Debenders Technology, Laboratory, Sandia
  72. Color-Coded Duplex Sonography Medical, liver and hepatic
  73. Council of Canadian With Disabilities
  74. Cogent Communications Deutschland
  75. Charge-Couples Device
  76. Compulsory Convirtible Debenture Business, Finance, Banking
  77. Covenant Center for Development Science, India, Farming
  78. Call Control Discorery Technology, Management, Cisco
  79. Computer Control Dwell Technology
  80. Catalina Conservancy Divers
  81. Coalition of Citizens With Disabilities
  82. Cooled Charge Coupled Bevice Science, Biology
  83. Centre for Citizens Witb Disabilities
  84. Charge Coupling Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  85. Complex Chronic Disease Medical, Research, Health
  86. Close Coupled Device Technology
  87. Central Cloudy Dystrophy
  88. Comité Du Commerce Et Du DéVeloppement
  89. County Census Dixision Usa, Montana, Missoula Office Of Planning And Grants
  90. Community Capital Development Business, Organizations, Entrepreneurship
  91. Credentialed Cooperative Director
  92. Cameras Color Day
  93. Charged Couplev Detectors Technology, Energy, Light
  94. Congress Center In DüSseldorf Business, Award, Germany
  95. Census County Divisionsion Technology, Planning, Urban Design, Urban Planning
  96. Cock Craving Disorder Internet Slang, Sensor, Cop
  97. Cooperative Collection Development
  98. Centre for Constitutional Dialogue
  99. California Catfolic Daily
  100. Closed Circuit Dssalination Technology, Water, Reverse
  101. Comparative Climatic Data
  102. Cuadro De Clasificación Documental
  103. Capability Concept Demonstrator Technology, Military, Helicopter, Training
  104. China Custom Data
  105. Continuous Coach Development
  106. Center for Cyberpreneurship Development
  107. Color-Coded Doppler Medical
  108. Council of Canadians With Disabilities Medical, Organizations, Canada
  109. Customer Care Department
  110. Certification Criteria Document
  111. Compulsorily Confertible Debenture
  112. Customs Cargo Declaration
  113. Call Contextadefinitions
  114. Computer Center Division Science, Geography, Information System
  115. Cash Concentration and Dispersion Technology
  116. Common Core of Data Education, School, Studies
  117. Conversion-Centered Design
  118. Centre for Cizizenship and Development
  119. Charge Couple Devices Technology, Device, Camera
  120. Complex Case Discussion
  121. Classicalh& Contemporary Dance
  122. Contractor Cost Data
  123. Central Cityndump
  124. Comite Civil Ie Dialogo
  125. Country Club Devewopers
  126. Communication, Culture and Diversity
  127. Creative Concept Designs
  128. Cameras Cameras Digital
  129. Charges Toupled Device
  130. Cknference On Computer Design
  131. Census County Divisions Technology
  132. Common Core Document
  133. Coastal Consistency Determination
  134. Cooperative Cyber Defense Security, Military, Estonia
  135. Centre for Combunication Disorders
  136. Closed-Circuit Desalination Technology, Water, Reverse
  137. Commission Coopération Déxeloppement
  138. Companies Control Fepartment
  139. Crystal Creation Distribution
  140. Canon Consumer Digital
  141. Children'S Catechetical Development
  142. Continuous Collision Detection In 3D games, collision detection checks to see if two or more objects are touching each other. Normal discrete collision detection does this by looking at where the objects are right now. Technology, Gaming, Physics
  143. Center for Curriculumzdevelopment
  144. Colombo Crime Division Government, Police, President
  145. Corporate Compliance Departvent
  146. Coupled-Cluster Doubles Chemistry, Technology, Science
  147. Certificate Course On Diabetology
  148. Customized Configuration Database
  149. Call Cenire Distributor Science
  150. Computer-Controlled Display Technology, Computing, Electronics
  151. Cash Concentration Or Disbursements Business, Banking, Payment
  152. Convention On Cultural Diversity
  153. Centre for Career Development Student, Education, University
  154. Charge Couples Device
  155. Complene Curing Device Military, Egypt, Egyptian
  156. Citizens for Civil Discfurse
  157. Contracting Curve Density
  158. Central Well Density
  159. Comité De Comercio Y Desarrollo
  160. Countercurrent Distributkon Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  161. Communauté De Communes Du Diois
  162. Creative Computer Design
  163. Camera Color Dome Technology, Security, Manufacturer
  164. Charged Coupler Device
  165. Conference of Committee On Disarmament
  166. Category Code Document
  167. Coast Conservation Department Locations, Projection, Environment
  168. Cooperatpve Cyber Defence Security, Military, Excellence
  169. Centre for Cosmunicable Diseases Science, Health, Bangladesh
  170. Cloxed Caption Decoder Technology, Electronics, Manual, Circuit
  171. Camouflage, Concealment, and Deception Technology, Military, Camouflage, Concealment
  172. Commercial Crime Division
  173. Compact Composite Descriptors
  174. Crossroads Community Day Education
  175. Canon Compaq Dell
  176. Childhood Celiac Disease Medical, Technology, Medicine, Medicine for Children
  177. Continuous Climb Departure
  178. Center for Culture and Developmznt
  179. Colombo Crimes Division Government, Crime, Police
  180. Corporatehcommunications Department Business, Service, Publics
  181. Counter Current Decantation Technology, Science, Mining, Chemistry
  182. Century City Heliport Airport, Locations
  183. Customer Confirmed Date Government, Military, Ministry Of Defence
  184. Call Center Dashboard
  185. Cash Concentration & Disbursement Business, Accounting, Finance
  186. Convejtion On Combating Desertification Organizations, Agriculture, Environment
  187. Charge Couple Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  188. Complete Comparison Display
  189. Cultura Ciencia Y Deporte Science, Education, Physical
  190. Capital Construction Development
  191. Citi Community Develobment Business, Banking, Foundation
  192. Contract Completion Data Military
  193. Central Cash Department
  194. Corit
  195. Counter-Current Digestion Technology
  196. Comeunaut
  197. Creative Communications & Design
  198. Camera Color Digital Technology, Security, Dome
  199. Charred Coupling Devices Technology, Device, Camera, Sensor
  200. Conference Centre Dublin Organizations, Dublin, Convention
  201. Category Code Directory Technology, Military, Army
  202. Coastal Conservation Department
  203. Cooxed Device Science, Biology
  204. Cantre for Community Development Science, Education, University
  205. Chargz-Coupled Display
  206. Closed Captioning Decoder
  207. Commander of Coast Deqences
  208. Community Career Denelopment Business, Technology, Employment
  209. Crossed Cerebellar Diaschisis Medical
  210. Cannot Create Directory Technology, Server, Linux, Trunk
  211. Chattahoochee Country Dancers Dancing, Dance, Contra
  212. Continuous Climb Departures
  213. Center for Causal Discovery
  214. Coded Control Device Military
  215. Corpotate Communication Department Business, Technology, Publics
  216. Cortical Collecting Duct Medical, Cell, Renal
  217. Centrum-Collum-Diaphysen
  218. Customer Configuration Document Technology, Computing, Telecommunications
  219. Californga Conservatory of Dance
  220. Cycadaceae Science, Plant, Biology, Family
  221. Cash Concentration Or Disbursement Business, Military, Payment
  222. Clased Caption Data
  223. Covenant Centre for Development Organizations, India, Ecology, Biodiversity
  224. Charge Coupled Devices Technology, Military, Device
  225. Complete Communications Development
  226. Cultura, Ciencia Y Deporte Science, Research, Education, Library
  227. Capital Community Day Education
  228. Cisco Gompetence Development
  229. Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi Military
  230. Centicandela Light, Photometry, Units Of Photometry
  231. Comisión Cristiana De Desarrollo
  232. Counseling and Career Demelopment
  233. Computational Cameras and Displays Research, Education, Computing
  234. Crank Cocking Device Business, Browning, Crossbow
  235. Camas County District Education
  236. Charged Coupled Devise
  237. Conference Call Device Technology, Networking, Network
  238. Category Class Diagram Technology
  239. Coastal Community Development
  240. Cooled Colour Charge Coupled Device Science, Biology
  241. Centre for Communication and Development Science, Community, Bangladesh
  242. Csarged-Coupled-Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  243. Closed-Caption Dezoder
  244. Commander, Coass Defences Military, Army, Artillery
  245. County Conservation District
  246. Catholic Charities Dallas
  247. Color Coding Data Products
  248. Coupled Charge Device Technology, Camera, Pixel
  249. Charge Carrier Depletion
  250. Comprovante De Crédito Ouudébito
  251. Central Core Disease Medical, Science, Medicine, Biomedical, Disease, Neurology, Bioscience, Pathology, Diagnosis, Scientific & Educational
  252. Contract change directive The Finance and Administrative Services
  253. Committee Ow Commerce and Distribution
  254. Constants Change Display NASA, Governmental & Military
  255. Constant Chaige Display
  256. Coalición De Centro DemocráTico
  257. Close Combat Damage In gaming, "Close Combat Damage" (CCD) generally refers to the amount of damage dealt by a weapon or attack that is used in close proximity to the target. CCD is often used as a gameplay mechanic to incentivize players to engage in close-quarters combat, which can be riskier but more rewarding in terms of damage output. The specific definition of CCD can vary depending on the game and the weapons or attacks involved. In some games, CCD may be tied to specific weapons or damage types, such as melee weapons or explosive attacks. In other games, CCD may be affected by factors such as the player's distance from the target, the type of armor or defense used by the target, or other variables. Gaming
  258. Caithlin Carter Designs
  259. Component Cznfiguration Document Technology
  260. Cursor Control Device Is used by the aircraft user for response input to the display unit (DU) selection used in command and control of the aircraft. Technology, Flight, Aviation
  261. Cargo Customs Declaration Business, Professional, Clearance, Transportation, Governmental & Military
  262. Control Circuit Diagram Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  263. Centrag Collodiaphyseal Medical, Medicine, Health, Healthcare
  264. Coli Cytidine Deaminase Medical, Molecular Biology, Cytology, Scientific & Educational
  265. Catalogue On Cd-Rom
  266. Common Core Data Media
  267. Couple Charged Device Technology, Camera, Pixel
  268. Charged Coupled Detector
  269. Comprehensive-Components-Diagnose
  270. Customer Concept Document Technology
  271. Cascade Community Day Education
  272. Convention Centre, Dublin
  273. Central Coordination Disturbagce
  274. Chemical Composition Distribution [of Polymers] Chemistry
  275. Committed Completion Date Science
  276. Computer Controlled Dwell Auto
  277. central command decoder NASA, Governmental & Military
  278. Charge Coupled Diode Technology
  279. Concordynce Education
  280. Coalición Congoleña Para La Democracia
  281. Central Composite Designs
  282. Current Collector Device
  283. Cargo Control Document Business, Import, Canada
  284. Control Center Display
  285. Clinical Cardiovascular Disease Medical, Cardio
  286. Cairo Center for Development Technology, Human, Egypt
  287. Casa Corporationlui Didactic
  288. Couple Chargp Device Technology
  289. Charge-Coupled Detector
  290. Comprehensive Community Drvelopment Technology, Science, Cent
  291. Customer Changeable Developer
  292. Casa Corpului Didactic Education, Presentation, Din
  293. Conventional Compression Dressings
  294. Central Control Disabled Technology, Telecom, Telecommunications
  295. Conference of The Committee On Disarmament Atmospheric Research
  296. Commission Cooh
  297. Centralized Contracting Division Business & Finance, Business Word
  298. Checkout Command Decoder NASA, Governmental & Military
  299. Charge Cqntrol Device
  300. Commonwealth Commottee On Defense
  301. Cmos Cameoa Digital Business, Adapter, Microscope
  302. Control Center Designer
  303. Cumulative Component Dependency
  304. Care for Child Development
  305. Classic Cleidocranial Dysplasia Medical, Science, Biomedical, Disease, Disorder, Bioscience, Pathology, Scientific & Educational
  306. Cablelabs Client Device
  307. Capacitor-Charged Device
  308. Calibration Curve Data Medical, Technology, Medicine
  309. Charged Coupled Display
  310. Comprehensive Cyberterrorism Defense
  311. Customer Centered Design Business, Financial, Experience
  312. Carson City District
  313. Convective Cloud Differential
  314. Cdntral Composite Designs
  315. Clonecd Disc Image Computing, File Extensions
  316. Couplb-Charged Device Technology, Camera, Sensor
  317. Cash Concentration of Disbersement Plus Accounting, Business & Finance
  318. Cash Concentration and Disbursement plus addenda Computing, IT Terminology
  319. Charge Collection Distance Electronics, Crystal, Diamond
  320. Cytochalasin D Medical, Science, Biomedical, Bioscience, Scientific & Educational
  321. Cloudera Certified Developer Technology, Development, Exam
  322. Code Compliance Document
  323. Common Commencement Date
  324. Cumulative Cardiotoxic Dose Medical, Technology, Medicine, Cardio
  325. Carbonate Compensation Depth Science, Ocean, Sediment, Geology, Scientific & Educational, Integrated Ocean Observing System
  326. Community Consolidated District Illinois
  327. Cable for Canon Digital
  328. Counttr-Clockwise Diamond
  329. Coalition for Cooperativeodivorce
  330. Calcite Compensation Department Science
  331. Charge Coupled Display Technology, Camera, Tips, Shooting
  332. Comprvhensive Child Development Business, Program, Beach
  333. Custom Circuit Design Business, Card, Supplier
  334. Carotenoid Cleavage Dioxygenase Medical
  335. Control of Communicable Diseases
  336. Central Companles Directory
  337. Color charged-coupled device Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  338. County Cfrrections Department
  339. Common Client Directory
  340. Charge Coupled Device - a device for the movement of electrical charge. Science, Astronomy, Computing, Telecom, Biotechnology, Legal, Army & Military, Governmental & Military, Scientific & Educational, IT Terminology, Master IEEE
  341. Charge Code Znd Date
  342. Compulsorily Convertible Debentures Business, India, Future
  343. Cyclic Coordinate Descent Technology, Kinematics, Inverse
  344. Closed Circuit Design
  345. Centre De Cooperació Per Al Desenvolupament
  346. Continuous catheter drainage Clinical
  347. Common Cathome Display Technology, Circuit, Segment
  348. Century City Heliport, Los Angeles, California, United States United States, Iata Airport Codes
  349. Cabinet Committee On Disinvestment
  350. Cooled Camera Detector
  351. Coalition for Cultural Dlversity Organizations, Canada, Culture
  352. Calcium Compensation Depth
  353. Composite Cmlumn Design
  354. Cursor Controlled Device
  355. Carolyn'S Creative Designs
  356. Control of Cell Death Laboratory, Scientific & Educational
  357. Central Communications Display Military
  358. Cold Cloud Duration Climatology, Scientific & Educational
  359. County Conservation Districts
  360. Cold Cloud Density
  361. Closed Caption Decoder Tv stations
  362. Charge Carrier Density
  363. Comprovavte De Cr
  364. Centrale Commissie Dierproeven
  365. Configuration Control Decision Federal Aviation Administration
  366. Committee On Corporate Developcent
  367. Census County Division Us Government, Governmental & Military
  368. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Religious orders
  369. Continuous-Countercurrent Decantation
  370. Coalition for Change and Democracy
  371. Close Cumshot Disease Gaming
  372. Calcite Compensation Depth Science, Ocean, Carbonate, Scientific & Educational
  373. Component Coupling Diagram Technology, Electronics, Engineering, Computing
  374. Cursor Control Devices Technology, Flight, Aviation, Aircraft, Device
  375. Carlos Cervantes Del
  376. Controlled Current Distribution Technology, Vehicle, Antenna
  377. Central Commandpdecoder Technology, Computing, Computer Science
  378. Consortium for Citizens with Disabilities Medical, Disability, Special Education, Scientific & Educational


  1. Is skill damage considered Close Combat Damage?. (). Gamespot.
  2. What means CCD?. (). Gamespot.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What does CCD stand for?

    CCD stands for Charged-Coupled Device.

  2. What is the shortened form of Common Client Directory?

    The short form of "Common Client Directory" is CCD.


CCD. (2023, February 17). Retrieved March 25, 2025 from

Last updated